Name: Period: /36
Borgmann, America in History 3
Chapter 18 Lesson 3 (426-429) Questions, Latino Americans Organize
Directions: Read the Lesson. Answer the following objectives by answering the questions. Use the page numbers and the requested amount of answers. Bulleted answers are preferred in phrases/sentences. Include evidence such as names/programs and descriptions
Objectives: Analyze and describe where Latinos were from and where they settled.
Describe forms of discrimination used against Latinos and what strategies the borrowed from the African American Civil Rights Movement to help the Latino Movement
1. How did Latinos challenge discrimination? (426-1)
2. Why and how many Mexicans immigrated to the United States? (426-3)
3. Where and how many Mexicans would settle in the United States? (426-4)
4. What is a barrio and what were the barrio living conditions? (426-3)
5. Mexicans faced what kinds of discrimination? (427-3)
6. How did WWII impact Latinos? (427-6)
7. Where would other Latinos come from and where would they settle in the United States?
8. What Latino Organizations would form and what was their purpose? (428-6)
9. How did Latinos improve their economic situation and end discrimination? (428/429-6)