Curriculum Vitae


Obai Younis Taha Elamin


Contact Number: +249 127 990033


Personal data:

Gender: Male.

Place and Date of birth: Paris-France 26/12/1974

Citizenship: Sudanese.

Marital status: Married (have 3 sons and 1 daugther) .


·  Universitat Rvira I Virgili (URV), (Spain) 2009.

Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering.

·  Universitat Rvira I Virgili (URV), (Spain) 2006.

DEA (Diploma of advanced studies) in Mechanical Engineering.

·  Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), (Sweden) 2004.

M.Sc in computational and experimental turbulence.

·  University of Petroleum Beijing (UPB), (China) 2002.

Higher diploma in Mechanical engineering.

·  University of Khartoum (U of K), (Sudan) 1998.

B.Sc. Honours in Mechanical Engineering – second class division one.


Arabic: mother tongue.

English: Fluent.

Chinese: very good.

Spanish: intermediate.

Research experiences and scientific short stay:

·  B.Sc graduation project: ‘design and manufacturing of sesame mill’, (Sudan-1998).

·  ‘Simulation of two phase flow inside cyclone separator using FLUENT & CFX’, (China-2002).

·  M.Sc thesis, ‘Formulation, implementation, and testing of k-omega-v2-f model in

asymmetric plane diffuser ’, (Sweden-2004).

·  DEA thesis, ‘Numerical simulation of laminar natural convection cooling of high

Prandtl number fluid in cubical cavity’, (Spain-2006).

·  Five months short stay at the Natural convection Lab. of the James Cook

University (JCU), Townsville, Australia.

Awards and prizes:

·  Universitat Rovira I virgili (URV) research assistantship 2004-2005.

·  AGAUR research assistantship 2006-2009.

·  AGAUR fellowship for carrying short stay outside Catalonia (5 months).

·  Prize of URV doctoral student’s day for the best posters (April 2009).

·  Bronze Medal in Malaysian Technology Expo, MTE 2011, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

·  Three Bronze Medals in Malaysian Technology Expo, MTE 2012, PTWC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Professional Experience & adminstartive positions:

·  Teaching assistant, University of Khartoum, Sudan 1998 to 1999.

·  Research and teaching assistant, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain 2004 to 2009.

·  Lecturer, Taylor’s University, Malaysia FEB 2010 to JUL 2011.

·  Senior Lecturer, Taylor’s University, Malaysia JUL 2011 to FEB 2012.

·  Assistant Professor, University of Khartoum, FEB 2012 to present (full time).

·  Assistant Professor, International University of Africa, FEB 2012 to present (partlial contract).

·  External examiner, Mechanical Engineering program, Red Sea University, Portsudan, Sudan 2014.

·  First year program coordinator, faculty of Engineering, University of Khartoum SEPT 2012 to SEPT 2013.

·  Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Khartoum SEPT 2013 – SEPT 2014.

·  Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Elshaikh Abdullah Elbadri University, (on basis of deputaion) from OCT 2014 up to now.

·  External examiner, Mechanical Engineering program, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan 2015.

Teaching Experience:

University of Khartoum – Sudan (1998-1999)

·  Engineering Drawing.

·  Thermo dynamics

·  Fluid mechanics Lab

·  Machinery Lab

Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Spain (2004-2009)

·  CFD

·  Numerical methods

Taylor’s University – Malaysia (2010 – 2012)

·  Fluid Mechanics

·  Thermo dynamics

·  Design and professional skills

University of Khartoum – Sudan (2012 – present)

·  Gas Dynamics

·  Heat Transfer I

·  CFD for BSc and MSc

·  Numerical methods and computer applications (MSc course)

International University of Africa – Sudan (2012 – present)

·  Thermo dynamics and heat transfer

·  Heat Transfer I

·  Thermal Engineering I

·  Thermal Engineering II

·  CFD

·  Thermal power plants

Training and seminars :

·  Motivating unmotivated students

·  Assessment for learning

·  Designing for personalized learning environment and student engagement

·  Electronic media presentation 101

·  Basics of assessment

·  Student centered learning

·  Introduction to tertiary education

·  Effective use of blackboard 7-advanced level

·  Effective classroom management

·  Leader Cast 2010 @ Taylor's

·  Creating Inclusive Curricula: Utilizing Process Oriented Pedagogy to Enhance Engineering Education

·  Problem Based Learning for Technology Education.

·  Developing Teaching e-Portfolio Using Google Sites.

·  How to supervise PhD students.

·  Higher education teaching and learning: gearing towards knowledge society

·  1/2 day forum on road to BEM accreditation IPTS experience

·  Fire warden training

·  2 days training on Image processing with MATLAB

Professional affiliations:

·  American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

·  Institute of Mechanical Engineers, UK (IMECHE).

·  Australian Fluid Mechanics society (AFMS).

Journals Review assignments & scholar activities:

·  Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC).

·  ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.

·  International Journal of Energy& Technology.

·  Journal of Fluids Engineering.

·  International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC 11), session chair.

·  UofK journal of Engineering.

Research Grants:

1.  Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) grant for a project titled (Scaling of turbulent natural convection cooling of high Prandtl number fluids with variable viscosity), lead researcher.

2.  Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, FRGS grant for a project titled (Characterization of Acoustic Flow Resistivity and Acoustic Absorption for Organic-Fiber Materials), co-researcher.

Research Interest:

1.  CFD.

2.  Shadowgarph experimental techniques.

3.  Heat transfer.

4.  Engineering Education.


Conference proceedings:

1.  O. Younis, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2006), ‘Effect of the thermal boundary

conditions and physical properties variation on transient natural convection of

high Prandtl number fluid’, presented at ICCFD4, 9-14 July 2006, Gent, Belgium.

2.  O. Younis, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2007), ‘Numerical study of transient laminar

natural convection cooling of high Prandtl number fluids in a cubical cavity:

Influence of the Prandtl number’, CESSE 2007, 27-29 July 2007, Prague, Czech


3.  O. Younis, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2007), ‘Effects of geometrical parameters and physical properties variation on transient natural convection and conduction of high Prandtl number fluid in enclosures’, ICFM-V, 15-19 August 2007, Shanghai, China.

4.  O. Younis, F. Xu, J. C. Patterson, C. Lei, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2008), ‘An

experimental study of transient natural convection in a side-cooled cavity’, XXII

ICTAM, 25-29 August, Adelaide, Australia.

5.  M. Al-Atabi and O. Younis (2010), ‘Use of facebook to support module delivery for undergraduate engineering programmes’, 21st Annual AaeE Conference, 5-8 December 2010, Sydney, Australia (to be presented).

6.  M. Al-Atabi, M. M. Shamel, O. Younis and E. Chung (2010), ‘Corporate style team building activities for undergraduate Engineering programmes’, 21st Annual AaeE Conference, 5-8 December 2010, Sydney, Australia .

7.  M. Al-Atabi, A. Sh. Mahdi, O. Younis and E. Chung (2011), ‘An integrated Portfolio and Advising system for undergraduate engineering students’, International Engineering and Technology Education Conference IETEC11, 16-19 January, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .

8.  M. Hosseini Fouladi, C. Vanathas and O. Younis (2011), ‘Learning enhancement by implementation of Peer Assisted Students Session PASS’, International Engineering and Technology Education Conference IETEC11, 16-19 January, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .

9.  O. Younis, F. Xu, J. C. Patterson, C. Lei, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2011), ‘Scaling of transient natural convection cooling in a side-cooled cavity – the effect of variable viscosity ’, ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference AJTEC2011, 13-17 March, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

10. M. Al-Atabi, R. Ismail, O. Younis and M. H. Fouladi (2011), ‘Outcome based industrial placement programme’, ICERI2011 - 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14-16 November, Madrid, Spain.

11. Y C Yan, C H Sam, S E Soo, X S Khoo, J K Lau, C H Khek and O. Younis (2011), ‘Preliminary results of impeller design modifications’, ICMER 2011, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , 05 - 07 December 2011 , UMP, Kuantan Malaysia

12. Syed Mohammed Aminuddin Aftab, Obai Younis and Musthak Al-Atabi (2011), ‘Four Decades of Utilizing Shadowgraph Techniques to study Natural Convection in Cavities: Literature Review’, ICMER 2011, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , 05 - 07 December 2011 , UMP, Kuantan Malaysia

13. Omer Mohd Taha; Mohd Shiraz Aris; Obai Younis (2012), Test Rig Design for Experimental Study on Active Louvered Fin FromShape Memory Alloys, ICPER2012 the 3rd international conference on Production, Energy and Reliability, 12-14 june 2012, KLCC, Malaysia.

14. O. M. A. Taha, M. B. Bahrom, O. Younis, and M. S. Aris (2014), Experimental Study On Two Way Shape Memory Effect Training Procedure For Nitinol Shape Memory Alloy, AiGEV 2014 International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Energy Vehicle, 26 – 27 August 2014 at Swiss Garden Resort & Spa, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

15. Ahmed Alryah, Obai Younis, and Ali. M. A. Elseory (2015), Numerical study on the effect of different backward step configurations on the aerodynamics performance of NACA 23012, international conference on advances in mechanical engineering istanbul 2015 - ICAME'15 13-15 may 2015, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

16. Hisham M. Khalid and Obai Younis (2015), Design of solar cathodic protection system for Khartoum – Medani pipelaine, international conference on advances in mechanical engineering istanbul 2015 - ICAME'15 13-15 may 2015, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

17. Nuha Elbadawi, Zeinab Noureldeen, Zeinab Elhadi & Obai Younis (2016), Car Solar Ventilation System to Avoid Glass Overheating, The seventh graduate studies and scientific reserach 20-23 February 2016, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan.

18. Alshaikh Idris & Obai Younis (2016), design, fabrication, and testing of laboratory scale Helicopter test rig (in Arabic), The seventh graduate studies and scientific reserach 20-23 February 2016, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan.

Journal publication:

1.  O. Younis, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2007), ‘Numerical study of transient laminar

natural convection cooling of high Prandtl number fluids in a cubical cavity:

Influence of the Prandtl number’, International Journal of Applied Science,

Engineering and Technology, vol 4, num 4, 183-188.

2.  O. Younis, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2010), ‘Transient natural convection cooling

of a high Prandtl number fluid in cavity’, Meccanica, DOI: 10.1007/s11012-010-9359-z.

  1. Mushtak Al-atabi, Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-obaidi, O. Younis and Edwin Chung (2011), An Integrated Portfolio And Advising System For Undergraduate Engineering Students, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 6, No. 5 (2011) 532 - 541.

4.  O. Younis, F. Xu, J. C. Patterson, C. Lei, J. Pallares, F. X. Grau (2014), ‘The effect of variable viscosity fluids on the transient natural convection in a side – cooled cavity ’, accepted for publication, U of K journal of Engineering .

5.  O. M. A. Taha, M. B. Bahrom, O. Younis and M. S. Aris (2015), ‘Experimental Study On Two Way Shape Memory Effect Training Procedure For Nitinol Shape Memory Alloy’ ARPN journal of engineering and applied science, VOL. 10, NO. 17, 7847-7851.


1.  Professor: Mushtak Al-Atabi

Dean School of Engineering

Taylor’s University, Malaysia

2.  Associate Professor: Jordi Pallares

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain

3.  Professor: John Patterson

School of Civil Engineering

The University of Sydney, Australia