January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-01Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s01-08-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Department of
Emergency Services
02-02Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s01-08-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Department of
Information Services
02-03Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s01-08-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Public Health Unit
02-04Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s01-08-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Department of
Public Works
02-05Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of01-08-02
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
02-06Transferring Tangible Personal Property to the01-08-02
Sheriff of AlachuaCounty
02-07Approving an additional project to fall within the01-08-02
definition of “1999 Project” under CountyResolution
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-08Increasing the Pooled Commercial Paper Debt Service01-08-02
Fund to receive proceeds from the E-911 Recurring
and non-recurring fund
02-09Finding that the property located at 220 SE 7 St.01-08-02
qualifies and meets the criteria established for
Historic Preservation
02-10Finding that the property located at 633 NE 10 Ave.01-08-02
qualifies and meets the criteria established for
Historic Preservation
02-11Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the St. Johns01-08-02
River Water Management District
02-12To recognize unanticipated revenue to pay for two 02-12-02
additional FTEs as result of IAFF Union
Negotiations for the FY02 Fire Rescue Services
02-13To recognize unanticipated revenue to pay for a 02-12-02
vehicle associated with the two additional FTEs
as result of IAFF Union Negotiations for the FY02
Vehicle Replacement Fund
02-14Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting02-12-02
Non-Ad Valorem Assessments for a Special Assessment
District for street paving on a portion of NE 132 Ave.
located in the unincorporated area of AlachuaCounty
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-15Supporting the proposed Countywide Visioning and 02-26-02
Planning Opportunity
02-16Relating to the Collection, Disposal, Recycling and 02-26-02
management of solid waste
02-17Repealing and Replacing Resolution 01-137 to amend 02-26-02
the process for selecting and acquiring environmentally
significant lands purchased using Alachua County Forever
Bond Proceeds
02-18Transferring Tangible Personal Property to the Sheriff 03-12-02
of AlachuaCounty
02-19Requesting the Florida Department of Transportation 03-12-02
to deed the Historic Waits House and real property
to AlachuaCounty
02-20Authorizing the granting of a public utilities easement 03-12-02
to serve the Alachua County Judicial Complex
02-21Increasing the Legacy Lands Capital Fund to administer 03-12-02
an Interfund Loan
02-22Establishing a grant fund to be entitled “Public 03-12-02
Awareness Grant FY02"
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-23Increasing the 2001-02 Emergency Medical Services 03-12-02
Trust Fund to provide for unanticipated grant revenue
and rollover funds from the 2000-01 Emergency Medical
Services Trust Fund
02-24Endorsing the enactment of the Clean Power Act 03-12-02
of 2001
02-25Increasing the Special Revenue Fund entitled 03-26-02
“DCA Emergency Management Base FY02"
02-26Establishing the grant fund to be entitled “U.S. 04-06-02
Fish & Wildlife Service Cooperative Extension Fund”
02-27Establishing a fund to be entitled “EMS 12-Lead 04-06-02
EKG Grant”
02-28Authorizing the conveyance of real property, owned 04-06-02
by AlachuaCounty to the School Board of Alachua
County for improvements to EastsideHigh School
02-29Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 04-23-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” Property Appraiser
02-30Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 04-23-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” Tax Collector
02-31Establishing a grant fund to be entitled “FY0204-23-02
FDEP Petroleum Clean-up Local Program Fund”
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-32Approving the AlachuaCounty’s Local Housing 04-23-02
Assistance Plan for State FY 2002–2005
02-32-AAuthorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 05-14-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” County Manager
02-33Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of 05-14-02
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
02-34Establishing the Guidelines, procedures, and Fees05-14-02
to be utilized in conjunction with the issuance of
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds under
Chapter 159, F.S.
02-35Adopting Individual and Family Preparedness for05-14-02
02-36Establishing the Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 05-14-02
“Santa Fe Hills Water System”
02-37Acknowledging enactment of House Bill 1073 by the 05-14-02
Legislation pertaining to Campaign Finance Regulation
02-38Establishing the Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 05-28-02
“Legal Aid Program” Fund
02-39Declaring specific county owned property as surplus 05-28-02
(Merceta Ambrose and Lyndal Grohman)
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-40Establishing a Grant Fund to be entitled “FY02 Coastal 05-28-02
Impact Assistance Program Fund”
02-41Amending Resolution 01-104, providing the Schedule of 05-28-02
Fees and Charges for FY 01-02 (Maddie Grant - Animal
02-42Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 05-28-02
“Amounts invested in Property” for the Public Health
02-43Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 05-28-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” for the Emergency
Services Department
02-44Establishing a Fund to be entitled “Crisis Management 05-28-02
Team Grant Fund”
02-45To recognize unanticipated Federal Revenue from the 05-28-02
Corporation for National Service for the FY02 Foster
Grandparent Program Grant
02-46To recognize unanticipated Federal Revenue from the 05-28-02
Corporation for National Service for the FY02 Retired
and Senior Volunteer Program Grant
02-47Adjusting the JAC Ordinance Fund to decrease the 05-28-02
budget appropriation
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-48Adjusting the SHIP Special Housing Needs Fund to 05-28-02
reflect revised fund balance brought forward and use
of fund balance
02-49Adjusting the ACSO Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 05-28-02
Fund to decrease the budget appropriation
02-50Adjusting the ACSO House of Hope Grant to reflect05-28-02
revised fund balance brought forward and use of
fund balance
02-51Adjusting the Work Release Drug Intervention Fund05-28-02
to decrease the budget appropriation
02-52Adjusting the Playground Surfacing Grant Fund to05-28-02
decrease the budget appropriation
02-53Adjusting the Self Insurance Fund to reflect revised05-28-02
retained earnings brought forward and use of retained
02-54Adjusting the Telephone Service Fund to reflect 05-28-02
revised retained earnings brought forward and use
of retained earnings
02-55Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 06-11-02
“Amounts Invested in Property”
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-56Acknowledging enactment of House Bill 1073 by 06-11-02
the Legislature pertaining to Campaign Finance
02-57To recognize unanticipated State Revenue from the 06-11-02
from the Department of Children & Families for the
FY02 Community Partners for Timely Adoptions Grant
02-58To recognize unanticipated revenue to pay for the High 06-11-02
SpringsPark Antenna Site Lease Agreement for the
FY02 Intergovernmental Radio Communication Program
02-59Adopting the North Central Florida Economic 06-11-02
Development District Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy 2001-2002 Annual Report
02-60Ratifying Public Works donation of surplus property 06-11-02
to KeepAlachuaCounty Beautiful
02-61Establishing the Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 06-11-02
“FDOT CountyIncentive Grant” Fund
02-62Increasing the Pooled Commercial Paper Debt Service 06-11-02
Fund to receive proceeds to pay down Debt Service
associated with the new Criminal Courthouse
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-63Ratifying Emergency Services Department donation 06-11-02
of Alachua County Surplus property to the High
Springs Fire Department
02-64Ratifying Emergency Services Department donation 06-11-02
of Alachua County Surplus property to the Florida
Fire Chiefs’ Association
02-65Ratifying Emergency Services Department donation 06-11-02
of Alachua County Surplus property to the High
Springs Police Department
02-66Opposing the operation of a Community Corrections 06-11-02
Center (Halfway House) in Southeast Gainesville
02-67Adopting revised Complaint and Grievance Procedures 06-25-02
02-68Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 06-25-02
“CDBG FY02" to administer Grant Revenues
received from the Florida Department of Community
02-69To recognize unanticipated Federal Revenue from 06-25-02
the Corporation for National Service for the FY02
Foster Grandparent Program Grant
02-70Establishing the Commission’s Rules and Procedures 06-25-02
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-71Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of Alachua 07-09-02
County surplus property
02-72Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 07-09-02
“FDLE-Maples Center FY 02" to administer grant
revenues received from the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement
02-73Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 07-09-02
amounts invested in property the value of unaccounted
for property for the Public Works Department
02-74Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the St. Johns 07-09-02
River Water Management District
02-75Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the Florida 07-09-02
Department of Environmental Protection
02-76Supporting the State Department of Elder Affairs’s 07-09-02
Initiative to work towards making Florida’s Communities
Elder ready
02-77Supporting certification of voting machines fully 07-09-02
accessible to the Blind, visually impaired and print
02-78Transferring Tangible Personal Property to the Sheriff07-23-02
of AlachuaCounty
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-79Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 07-23-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Information Services
02-80Increasing the Pooled Commercial Paper Debt Service07-23-02
Fund to receive proceeds to pay down debt service
associated with the New Criminal Courthouse
02-81Reestablishing and renaming the Environmental 07-23-02
Advisory Committee
02-82Increasing the State Housing Initiatives Partnership07-23-02
(SHIP) Fund in the amount of $55,961
02-83Increasing the Solid Waste System Enterprise Fund07-23-02
in the amount of $2,250,000 and authorizing the use
of retained earnings
02-84Increasing the Self-Insurance Fund in the amount of07-23-02
$2,250,000 and authorizing an interfund transfer in
from the Solid Waste System Enterprise Fund
02-85Relating to levy of general county, voted debt service07-23-02
MSTU, MSTU-Unincorporated Services and MSTU-
Sheriff Law Enforcement
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-86Rescinding Budget Amendment BC2-214 and Resolution08-13-02
02-47 adopted on May 28, 2002 Re: Juvenile Assessment
02-87Increasing the Special Revenue Fund entitled “Fire 08-13-02
Rescue Services”
02-88Relating to the Collection, Disposal, Recycling and08-13-02
Management of Solid Waste; Authorizing a Public
02-89Approving the issuance by the Alachua County Health08-13-02
Facilities Authority ($5,200,000 Health Facilities
Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 (Meridian Behavior
Healthcare, Inc. Project)
02-90Ordering and providing for a Non-Binding 08-13-02
Referendum to be held as part of the General
Election on November 5, 2002 re: (Pertaining to
Unifying Emergency Fire/Rescue Services)
02-91Establishing the AlachuaCounty Poverty Reduction08-27-02
Advisory Board
02-92Establishing the Budget and Financial Policies 09-04-02
02-93Establishing the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 09-04-02
the 2002-03 Fiscal Year
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-94Approving proposed millage rates for the tentative09-04-02
general County budget
02-95Approving an adjusted Tentative General County Budget09-04-02
for the 2002-03 Fiscal Year
02-96Approving proposed millage rate for the tentative09-04-02
Alachua County Municipal Services Taxing Unit budget
for the 2002-03 Fiscal Year
02-97Approving an adjusted Tentative MSTU budget for09-04-02
the 2002-03 Fiscal Year
02-98Approving proposed millage rate to fund the tentative09-04-02
AlachuaCounty Municipal Service Taxing Unit-
Unincorporated Services budget
02-99Approving an adjusted Tentative Municipal Service 09-04-02
Taxing Unit-Unincorporated Services Budget for the
2000 Tax Year
02-100Approving proposed millage rate to fund the Tentative 09-04-02
AlachuaCounty Municipal Service Taxing Unit-Sheriff
Law Enforcement for the 2002 Tax Year
02-101Approving an Adjusted Tentative Municipal Service09-04-02
Taxing Unit-Sheriff Law Enforcement budget for the
2002 Tax year
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-102Establishing and imposing a non-ad valorem assessment09-04-02
for paving and drainage improvements to NE 132 Avenue
easterly of County Road 1471, located in the unincorporated
area of AlachuaCounty
02-103Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 09-10-02
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of unaccounted
for property for the Administrative Services Department
02-104Amending the AlachuaCounty’s Local Housing Assistance09-10-02
Plan for State Fiscal Years 2002-03 through 2004-05
02-105Authorizing the payment of attorneys fees and costs 09-10-02
re: Grand Jury Indictment involving four former County
02-106Supporting an initiative to amend the Florida 09-10-02
Constitution to conserve and protect Florida’s Scenic
Beauty re: Billboard removal
02-107Establishing and imposing a non-ad valorem assessment09-10-02
for collection, disposal, recycling and management of
solid waste
02-108Adopting final millage rate to fund the final general09-18-02
County budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03
02-109Approving final millages to fund a final general County09-18-02
budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-110Adopting final millage rate to fund a final Alachua 09-18-02
County Municipal Service Taxing Unit budget for
Fiscal Year 2002-03
02-111Approving the final millage to fund a final Municipal09-18-02
Service Taxing Unit budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03
02-112Adopting final millage rate to fund a final Alachua09-18-02
CountyMunicipal Service Taxing Unit-Unincorporated
Services for the 2002 Tax Year
02-113Approving the final millage to fund a final Municipal09-18-02
Service Taxing Unit-Unincorporated Services budget
for the Fiscal Year 2002-03
02-114Adopting final millage rate to fund a final Alachua09-18-02
CountyMunicipal Service Taxing Unit-Sheriff Law
Enforcement budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03
02-115Approving a final Alachua County Municipal Service09-18-02
Taxing Unit-Sheriff Law Enforcement Budget
02-116Declaring certain delinquent accounts receivable 09-24-02
from June 29, 1998 through July 17, 2002
02-117Amending Resolution 01-104 as amended, providing09-24-02
the schedule of fees and charges for Fiscal Year
2001-02 re: Santa Fe Hills Water System
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-118Establishing a Grant Fund to be entitled “Victims of10-08-02
Crime Compensation (VOCA) FY2002-2003"
02-119Increasing the “Community Partners for Timely 10-08-02
Adoption” Grant Fund
02-120Authorizing the exchange of 0.370 acre drainage 10-08-02
easement, owned by AlachuaCounty for a 0.555 acre
drainage easement, owned by Arthur A. Adkins, III and
Kathleen Adkins, in Alachua County, Florida
02-121Authorizing the release of a portion of an existing10-08-02
County drainage easement within Lake Alto Estates
Addition No. 1
02-122To recognize unanticipated revenue from the St. Johns10-08-02
River Water Management District
02-123Approving the issuance by the Alachua County Health 10-08-02
Facilities Authority of its continuing care retirement
community revenue bonds (Oak Hammock a the University
of Florida Project) Not to exceed $125,000,000.00
02-124Requesting that the Florida Legislature repeal10-08-02
2002-20, Laws of Florida re: Value Adjustment Board
02-125(B)Amending the posted speed for SW and NW 91st 10-08-02
Street, also known as Fort Clarke Church Road
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-125Urging the voters of the City of Gainesville to 10-22-02
support and seek enactment into law during the
November5, 2002 election, Charter Amendment
One, Local Ordinance No. 0-02-26 amending the
Charter Laws of the City of Gainesville, Florida,
to create the Charter Officer Position of Equal
Opporunity Director
02-126Authorizing the borrowing of not exceeding10-22-02
$15,000,000 from the Pooled Commercial Paper
Loan Program re: Legacy Lands
02-127Increasing the Legacy Lands Capital Fund to10-22-02
administer revenues received from the Pooled
Commercial Paper Program
02-128Increasing the Pooled Commercial Paper Debt10-22-02
Service Fund to receive propceeds to pay for
interest costs associated with the AlachuaCounty
ForeverLand Acquisition Program
02-129Amending Resolution 02-93, providing for the10-22-02
Schedule of Fees and Charges for FY 01-02; to
amend fees for Spay/Neuter Voucher Sales and
Reimbursement Programs
02-130Adopting the AlachuaCounty Corridor Design Manual10-22-02
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-131Affirming the civil rights of all residents of Alachua10-22-02
02-132Amending the AlachuaCounty’s Local Housing 11-12-02
Assistance Plan for State Fiscal Years 1999-2000
through 2001-2002
02-133Establishing the Grant Fund to be entitled “Joint 11-12-02
Information Center/Media Room” Fund
02-134Re-Establishing the Campaign Finance Reform 11-12-02
Advisory Board
02-135Authorizing the Signatories on the County’s Bank 11-19-02
Accounts (New Chairman and Vice Chairman)
02-136Authorizing the Escambia CountyHousing Finance 11-26-02
Authority to operate within the boundaries of
02-137Approving the issuance of not exceeding $4,200,000 11-26-02
Alachua CountyHousing Finance Authority Multi-
Family Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2003 (Kennedy
Place Apartments)
02-138Approving the issuance of not exceeding $4,250,000 11-26-02
Alachua CountyHousing Finance Authority Multi-
Family Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2003 (EdenPark
at Ironwood Apartments)
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-139Approving the issuance of not exceeding $3,500,000 11-26-02
Alachua CountyHousing Finance Authority Multi-
Family Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2003 (Forest
Green and Village Green Apartments)
02-140Establishing the Capital Projects Fund to be entitled 11-26-02
“Special Assessment - N.E. 132 Avenue” Fund
02-141Transferring Tangible Personal Property to the 11-26-02
Sheriff of AlachuaCounty
02-142Declaring enacted a Charter Amendment re: 12-10-02
Campaign Finance Regulation
02-143Relating to the adoption of the Vantagecare 12-10-02
Retirement Health Savings (RHS) Program
02-144Transferring certain streets, roads and easements 12-10-02
to the City of Gainesville
02-145Transferring certain streets and roads to the City 12-10-02
of Gainesville
02-146Authorizing the granting of a public utilities easement 12-10-02
to serve the Alachua County Judicial Complex located
at 200 South Main Street, owned by AlachuaCounty
02-147Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the U.S. 12-10-02
Environmental Protection Department
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-148Transferring certain streets and roads to the City 12-10-02
of Gainesville (Between SW 23 Terrace, Archer
Road, Williston Road and I-75)
02-149Authorizing the submittal of an application to the 12-10-02
State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of
Emergency Medical Services, for funds from the
Emergency Medical Trust Fund to improve and expand
prehospital emergency medical services within Alachua
02-150Amending Resolution 02-92, establishing the budget 12-10-02
and financial policies for FY02-03 to amend certain
budget and financial policies
02-151Authorizing the execution and delivery of an Interlocal 12-10-02
Agreement between AlachuaCounty and the Orange
CountyIndustrial Development Authority re: $5,300,000
(Christian Prison Ministry, Inc. Project)
02-152Authorizing transfer of Non-controlling interest and 12-10-02
assignment of the Cable Television Franchise
02-153Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting 12-10-02
Non-Ad Valorem Assessments re Cedar Ridge/Sugarfoot
Oaks Preservation and Enhancement District
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002
NumberSubject of Resolution Date Adopted
02-154Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting 12-10-02
Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments levied in the
Unincorporated area of the County re: fire protection,
emergency medical services and facilities; road paving
and maintenance; and capital improvements including
road resurfacing, neighborhood park improvements,
beautification and maintenance of rights of way, sub-
division wall construction and maintenance, subdivision
entranceway construction and maintenance and street
02-155Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting 12-10-02
Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments levied in the
Unincorporated area of the County and the Incorporated
Areas of the Cities of Alachua, Archer, Gainesville,
Hawthorne, High Springs, LaCrosse, Micanopy, Newberry
and Waldo
02-156Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting 12-10-02
Non-Ad Valorem Assessments for Solid Waste Collection
Disposal, Recycling and Management