Chiropractic Wellness Center, Dr. Marc Terebelo
30555 Southfield Rd., Suite 155, Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: (248) 593-8282 Fax: (248) 593-8284
Patient Information
Name: ______Age: ____ Preferred Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______Gender: ____ Social Security #:______
Address: ______
City: ______State: _____Zip: ______
Phone (home):______(cell):______(work):______
Occupation: ______Employer: ______
Referred By: ______
Marital Status: ______Spouse’s/Partner’s Name: ______
Number of Children: ____
Email Address: ______
Guarantor’s info if different: name/date of birth/address/phone/Social Security #
1. What is your chief complaint: ______
2. Indicate on the drawings below where you have pain/discomfort
4. How would you describe the type of pain?
□ Sharp□ Numb
□ Dull□ Tingly
□ Diffuse □ Sharp with motion
□ Achy□ Shooting with motion
□ Burning□ Stabbing with motion
□ Shooting□ Electric-like with motion
□ Stiff□ Other:______
5. Who else have you seen for your problem?
□ Chiropractor□ Neurologist□ Primary Care Physician
□ ER physician□ Orthopedist□ Other:______
□ Massage Therapist□ Physical Therapist□ No one
6. How long have you had this problem? ______
7. What is your: Height______Weight ______
8. What type of exercise do you do?
□ Strenuous □ Moderate □ Light □ None
9. For each of the conditions listed below, place a check in the "past" column if you have had the condition in the past. If you presently have a condition listed below, place a check in the "present" column.
Past / Present / Condition / Past / Present / ConditionHeadaches / Kidney Disorders/Stones
Neck Pain / High Blood Pressure
Upper Back Pain / Heart Attack
Mid-Back Pain / Chest Pains
Low Back Pain / Stroke
Shoulder Pain / Angina
Elbow Pain / Diabetes
Wrist/Hand Pain / Epilepsy
Leg Pain / Prostrate Problems
Knee Pain / Bladder Infection
Past / Present / Hip Pain / Bladder Control
Epilepsy / Systemic Lupus
Condition / Condition
Gall Bladder Issues / Depression
Visual Disturbances / Anxiety
Condition / Past / Present / Condition
HIV/AIDS / Arthritis
Drug/Alcohol Use / Cancer
Smoking / Tumor
Allergies / Asthma
Jaw Pain / Hepatitis
Birth Control / Pregnancy
Ulcers / Gastric Reflux
Dizziness / Memory Loss
10. List all nutritional supplements you are currently taking:
11. List all surgical procedures you have had:
12. Have you ever been hospitalized?□ No□ Yes
Describe: ______
13. Anything else pertinent to your visit today?
Treatment Authorization
I understand and agree that health and accident insurance policies are an arrangement between an insurance carrier and me. Any amount authorized to be paid directly to the doctor’s office will be credited to my account on receipt or will be returned to the insurance company and re-issued to the patient, if applicable. However, I clearly understand and agree that all services rendered to me are charged directly to me and that I am personally responsible for payment. I also understand that if I suspend or terminate my care and treatment any fees for professional services rendered to me will be immediately due and payable.
I hereby authorize the doctor’s office to examine and treat my condition as he/she deems appropriate through the use of Chiropractic Health Care and I give authority for these procedures to be performed. The patient also agrees that he/she is responsible for all bills incurred at this office. The Doctor will not be held responsible for any pre-existing medical diagnosed conditions nor for any medical diagnosis.
Patient/Guardian Signature______Date:______
I, , have received a copy of this office’s Notice of
Privacy Practices. I understand that I have certain rights to privacy regarding my protected health information. I understand that this information can and will be used to:
Conduct, plan and direct my treatment and follow-up among the health care providers who may be directly and indirectly involved in providing my treatment.
Obtain payment from third-party payers.
Conduct normal health care operations such as quality assessments and accreditation.
For Office Use Only
We attempted to obtain written Acknowledgment of receipt of our Notice of Privacy Practices, but Acknowledgment could not be obtained because:
Individual refused to sign
Communications barriers prohibited obtaining the Acknowledgment
An emergency situation prevented us from obtaining Acknowledgment
Other (Please Specify) ______
Staff signature / Date
Preferred Name: ______Preferred Language: English Other
Date: ______Race: American Indian or Alaska Native,
Cell:______Asian, Black or African-American, White
Other:______Hispanic or Latino, Multi-Racial, Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic Not Hispanic
Preferred method of telephone contact: ______
Email address:______
Please list any/all medically prescribed medications you are taking at this time and precise dosage per day in mg.
1. ______Strength______Frequency______
2. ______”______”______
3. ______”______”______
4. ______”______”______
5. ______”______”______
Do you have any Allergies? Yes_____ No______
Medicine Severity: Mild/Mod/Severe Describe Reaction
Do you use any form of tobacco? (age 13 and over) Yes______NO______Whattype?______
If Cigarettes or cigars, how many do you smoke per day?______
Height______Weight______Doctor Use Only: BP:
Patient Name
Date StartProductDate Start Product
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