Nuclear Apprentice Award 2008 nomination form_template_28July2008 (2)
Nuclear AppRenticeSHIP Awards 2008
With the establishment of the NationalSkillsAcademy for Nuclear, Apprenticeships is seen as one of the key avenues for replenishing and building skills for the sector. The SkillsAcademyis coordinating a Regional and National Apprentice of the Year Awards event.
The awards are to recognise and celebrate exceptional apprentices who are employed or sponsored by employers in the nuclear sector. The aim is to have Regional Award winners and a National Award winner.
The regional winners (from NW/NE, SE/E, SW, Wales and Scotland), will be invited to attend the awards dinner which will be held in March 2009in Manchester, hosted by Cogent and the Skills Academy for Nuclear, where the Regional and National Awards will be presented.
Nominations Process
- Completed Nominations received by 24th October 2008
The SkillsAcademy quality assured Providers[1]are invited to nominate their ‘Apprentice of the Year’ from Employers working in the nuclear sector. It is expected that Providers will continue to utilise their current selection criteria to identify their best nuclear sector Apprentice.This may be an apprentice who has excelled in their field or has shown great improvement through their apprenticeship.
In particular the nominations should focus on:
- Commitment by the apprentice in their own personal development and progression through learning
- Outstanding contributions where the apprentice has exceeded expectations
- Examples of achievement
- Potential for a developing career in the nuclear sector
- Inspirational qualities
Each Providers nomination should include the following information (forms attached):
- Nominee’s CV – to be completed by nominee
- Nomination endorsement – Employer’s statement
- Nomination endorsement – Training Provider’s statement
Providers should forward completed nominations to the Skills Academy Regional Managers by 24thOctober 2008 (details provided overleaf)
- Regional winners selection by 5th December 2008
The Regional Employee Steering Groups will select an appropriate regional panel to review nominations and select the regional winners.
The Regional Winners will be formerly notified by 12th December. The winners may be asked to provide additional information for assessment by the National Award Panel and to participate in filming for the Awards Ceremony.
- National winner selection by 27th February 2009 – Sponsored by the Nuclear Institute
The Skills Academy Board will select an appropriate panel to review the regional winners and select the national award winner.
Completed Regional Nominations
Please send completed nominations to your respective Skills Academy Regional Manager by 24th October 2008:
Julie Maykels, NW/NE Regional Manager, NationalSkillsAcademy for Nuclear, F18, Daresbury Innovation Centre, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire, WA4 4FS
Robin Tinkler, SE/E Regional Manager, NationalSkillsAcademy for Nuclear,Innovation Centre, Highfield Drive, St Leonards, East Sussex TN38 9UH
Charles Bray, SW Regional Manager, NationalSkillsAcademy for Nuclear, C/o BridgwaterCollege, Business Development, Cannington Centre, Cannington, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 2LS
Ken Nicol, Regional Manager Scotland, National Skills Academy for Nuclear, Crosskirk House, Forss Business and Technology Park, Forss, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7UZ
Tim Knight, Regional Manager – Wales, Rheolwr Rhanbarthol – Cymru, National Skills Academy for Nuclear, Academi Sgiliau Genedlaethol Niwclear, 5 Llys Castan, Parc Menai, Bangor, Gwnedd, LL57 4FH
Nuclear AppenticeSHIP AwardS 2008 - Nominee CV
NameContact details
Date of birth
Education & qualifications
Work experience
Current job
Examples of achievement /
Personal Development
Undertaken /
Career Aspirations /
Other aspects you would like the panel to take into Consideration /
Please append additional information where relevant to your nomination.
Nuclear AppenticeSHIP AwardS 2008
Employer Endorsement
Apprentice name:Employer Statement
Company & Position:
Please append additional information where relevant to your endorsement of the nominee.
Nuclear AppenticeSHIP AwardS 2008
Training PROVIDEREndorsement
Apprentice name:Training Organisation Statement
Organisation & Position:
Please append additional information where relevant to your endorsement of the nominee.
Nuclear Apprentice Award 2008 nomination form_template_28July2008 (2)
[1] Associate Member Employers can also make their own nominations directly if they wish to