Wilde House Votes of Confidence – Spring 2005 (formatted from CZ’s VOC’s, revised edition (10/14/2002)
Yes / No/Abstain
House President
- Do you have acess to the latest Wilde House’s Constitution, By-Laws, and house policies? 13 / 3 / 6
- Has the House President conducted council fairly and efficiently? 20 / 0 / 2
- Has the House President enforced the Constitution, Bylaws and House Policies fairly? 18 / 0 / 4
House Manager
- Do you have sufficient furniture? (USCA code states that every member is entitled to a desk,
a bed, a bedframe, and a closet/dresser.) 21 / 0 / 1
- Have you been informed of your house balance and deadlines for payment? 18 / 2 / 2
- Do you feel that the House Manager/s in general have handled issues concerning non residents
appropriately? 15 / 3 / 4
- In general, the House Manager is responsible for the overall welfare and smooth functioning
of the house. Do you feel that s/he has preformed adequately in this regard? 18 / 0 / 4
- Please write any constructive criticisms for the House Manager to improve on.
-The financial situation of the coops as a whole + what we can do to ameliorate the problem need to be discussed + acted upon.
-mmmm…. Renee
-He’s just not here very much
- Great job especially at beg. Of semester. Now I don’t see you much around the house or even at council, but I know you’re really busy
-It would be nice if Ronald was either around more often or more accessible
-You might keep us updated a bit on what it is you’ve been doing as house man.
-rather impressed with the way that you’ve kept up on the finances. Wished you were here more often or at least chilled outside your room
Workshift Manager
- Have you been fairly assigned a permanent workshift early in the semester (usually around week 3)? 19 / 1 / 2
- Have the sign off sheets been posted accurately and timely? 21 / 0 / 1
- Have your workshift hours been accurately accounted for? 19 / 1 / 2
- In general, the Workshift Manager is responsible for maintaining a clean and functional house. 20 / 0 / 2
Do you feel s/he has performed adequately in this regard?
- Please write any constructive criticisms for the Workshift Manager to improve on.
-Dominic is still an awesome workshift manager
-less available than in the past… it would be better to be more timely w/ up/down hours
-Keep up the good work
-Dominic has done well considering he hasn’t been around much. Hopefully he won’t be as stressed during the remainder of the semester
- Dominic is very efficient & a model manager
-We will benefit from Dominic’s system a long time down the road, or long as he trains the next manager. He really cares about the house and works w/ people to solve problems like dishes. Seems to be more flexible w/ his friends than w/ others.
-Persevere Dom, please don’t quit!
-I think Dominic went overboard w/ fines and penalties this semester and in some instances overstepped his boundaries. I ♥U Dominic! Good job-o
-I would like it if the workshift manager did more frequent checks on workshifters… especially basement cleaning shifts
-He doesn’t have to be so strict about time, etc- I don’t think I’ve been given sufficient hours either => he should explain better instead of allude to why people don’t have the hours they should.
-Please help lobby for industrial vacuum cleaners. Ours suck! Dominic is the most sweet + approachable workshift manager ever!
-The house is looking a bit janky, but Dominic has done everything possible on his behalf to improve the situation. Good job on you, Dom ♥
-Dom Dom you’re the man, if you can’t do it, our house will get messier…luv ya
Kitchen Manager
- Are you satisfied with the foods available?19 / 1 / 2
- Do you feel there are sufficient kitchen and cleaning supplies? 19 / 0 / 3
- Are the kitchen appliances and dining room furniture well maintained? 17 / 2 / 3
- Do you feel that the kitchen manager/s have handled any serious kitchen problems (i.e. food issues,
deliveries) expediently? 19 / 0 / 4
- In general, the kitchen manager/s is responsible for maintaining a nutritious foodstock that reflects the
desires of the membership. Do you feel that s/he has performed adequately in this regard? 19 / 1 / 3
- In general, the kitchen manager/s are also responsible for keeping the kitchen and dining area clean, safe
and efficient. Do you feel that s/he has performed adequately in this regard? 20 / 0 / 2
- Please write any constructive criticisms or the Kitchen Manager/s to improve on.
-Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re both great. Big ups on how you stocked up for Spring Break.
-Please get knife sharpeners + sharpen them; Please habitually order from farmer’s market, talk to Olivia to see what’s available + good; thanks for yummy interesting cheese!
-aka poopface
-more health vegetarian food please ; I like quick food or “healthy-ish” snacks
-tip top job, I say.
-You’ve accomplished wht I thought to be impossible~ satisfying ppl in regards to food! You are very available + approachable + helpful! Please set up/ clarify/ the system whereby cooks reserve/hide food for their menus.
-our ovens aren’t working well… EM has tried to help us with this but they keep failing
-Ericka and Josh have done a great job supplying us with food, but I’d love to see healthier snacks to grab as I’m running out in a hurry.
-maybe you could organize a “tidy up the kitchen” event, where peeps get together to sort through utensils & appliance parts & try to eliminate some of the clutter
- the lack of food preference surveys has left me feeling without a voice in kitchen decisions; I feel that we don’t have nearly as much organic food as we’ve had for the past three years.; too much junk food, ay ay!; buying a wider variety of foods, instead of the same things every week, would bring more excitement towards what we’re getting.; I’ve had a very difficult time bringing my concerns to Erika, because she often feels evasive/ combative/ complainy about kitchen issues.
-good work @ a hard job
-MOOO! (imitates a bird) “hi would you like to be president, I’m a bird” good eats
Maintenance Manager
- Where your maintenance requests responded to expediently? 13 / 3 / 6
- Do you feel that your hallway has been kept clear and free of obstructions and debris? 12 / 6 / 4
- In general, the Maintenance Manager is responsible for maintaining and repairing the house utilities
and facilities. Do you feel that s/he has performed adequately in this regard? 19 / 0 / 3
- Please write any constructive criticisms for the Maintenance Manager to improve on.
-Hooray! Glad you were on board.
-lose some weight, fatty!
-I’d like to be more informed about how Zak is getting his workshift hours. (e.g. what he’s doing each week)
-Zak seems to be doing a great job working w/ CM for large repairs.
-Good job w/ responding to many of the security concerns brought to light by the hate crime incident. Flickering lights in the bathroom bother me a LOT…if you could be quicker in making that stop… I’d pref. off to flickering =P
-thanks for fixin’stuff and respondin’ Za’
-(refers to question 2) y- except one cheap ass empty vodka bottle
-good job on fixing things up as well as installing the looking eye thingys. why are you so big?
Sexmiester? (Social Manager)
- Are you satisfied with the social events of the spring? (past, present, future) 12 / 7 / 3
- In general, the Sexmiester is responsible for provided social lubrication inclusive to everyone.
Do you feel that s/he has performed adequately in this regard? 16 / 2 / 4
Vice President
- Have council minutes been posted accurately within 3 days of council? 9 / 4 / 9
- Do you find the minutes to be interesting and fun, yet still contain pertinent information? 15 / 1 / 6
Board Representative
- Do you feel that your board representative is accurately representing you and the other members of the
house at board? 20 / 0 / 2
- Has your board representative informed you of the activities of board or encouraged you to be informed? 20 / 1 / 1
- Is the USCA Policy manual available to you upon asking your board representative? 17 / 0 / 5
Theme Coordinators
- Do you feel that your theme managers are fulfilling the below? (if you feel strongly about any of the
below issues please put a star next to it)
- notifying the house about queer events in Berkeley/Bay area?Stars= 1 18 / 0 / 5
- Connecting our house to the queer campus community? Stars= 2 (1for NO) 15 / 1 / 6
- Having in-house events related to our theme?Stars= 1 17 / 0 / 5
- Getting people involved in volunteer/ social justice activities?Stars= 2 18 / 0 / 5
- Do you feel satisfied with the way/ amount that the theme coordinators are putting our theme into practice?13 / 3 /6
- Do you feel like people in the house support/ respect our theme? 17 / 0 / 5
- What kinds of theme events will you attend?
- More house discussions
- none-
- I’d like to see more discussions like tonights (tues. 3/15) about some of the serious concerns of the members
- none
-movies, games
-any that I have time for
-movies, discussions, fun things
- non-personal-sharing/ intrusive events
-movies / community service/ community building outside the house
-things that will get me laid/ make the world a better place
-cool movies
-sleep overs! w/ cuddles!
-fun workshops
- What are good times/modalities?
-once a week events
- hanging out in the living room
-nighttime… 11 pm? 12 pm?
-Fridays, Thursday nights
-weekday evening after dinner
-evenings on weekdays
-weeknights and weekends
-all of it
-I don’t attend-
-Monday night, Friday night
- What do you feel that we as a house need to do to make this house a safe space for people of all sexual orientations?
-start with more house discussions
-nothing- fine as is
-call people “fags” less often
-I’d also like to see more events targeting the greater queer community
-it’s safe
-respect, understanding on a more personal level (by means of maybe a discussion night, w/ topics or perhaps something more informal) & EMPATHY! “Hey! You’re not *that* special” because “You’re unique, like everyone else!”
-I feel that more voluntary but public onversations about our identities and experiences need to take place to break down assumptions that can be/ have been hurtful & excluding
-Maybe talk about what it means ?somemore? but mostly keep the silliness u have comfortable ?melhanisuing? for confrontation when someone does something that hurts us, in or out of house
-more discussion of transgender, intersex, bisexual and other LGBTIQQ issues that are sometimes ignored and receive prejudice in our house
-expulsion of uptight people (j/k)
-bond over yummy desserts, get naked, and partake in a Jacuzzi orgy
Waste/Recycling Manager (Quiz for you guys)
- The two black bins are for trash, the blue for cardboard, and the green for compost. 15 / 5 / 3
- Only narrow necked #1 and #2 bottles go in the blue recycling containers. 17 / 3 / 4
- Plastic bags go into the blue recycling containers found in the kitchen and dining room. 5 / 14 / 3
- Paper towels can be recycled into the blue bin outside in the parking lot. 7 / 8 / 6
- Do you feel like our house has been recycling? 19 / 0 / 5
Duke of Health (Health Manager??) (another quiz)
- You can get hemorrhoids from anal sex. 7 / 9 / 6
- You can’t not get electrocuted from talking on the telephone during a thunderstorm. 6 / 5 / 11
Do you feel uncomfortable with approaching any of the following managers with concerns? (Check all that apply.)
Number of checks
4- House Manager
4- President
5- Workshift Manager
6- Social Manager
5- Kitchen Manager
4- Vice President
1- Board Representatives
5 -Maintenance Manager
Do you feel that any of the following managers were unresponsive to your requests, questions and/or suggestions?
(Check all that apply.)
Number of checks
0- House Manager
0- President
0- Workshift Manager
2- Social Manager
1- Kitchen Manager
1 -Vice President
0- Board Representatives
2- Maintenance Manager
Please write any rants/concerns/suggestions that you have regarding house affairs. This can include comments about
managers, workshifts, “rules,” etc. Use more paper if it is necessary.
(prez note: I’ve decided to also note random stuff that was on people’s papers and putting it here… I’ll leave a short description of where it was etc.)
-(comments for president) – don’t know how you’ve measured up to the specific things in your job description, but in general, I feel like you’ve done at least as good a job (in getting done what needs to get done) as the rest of us do w/ our workshifts ; during council, don’t make people say “sorry” if they don’t want to/ mean it. ; I love your innovations at council, you are very approachable, I trust your integrity ; good job president, hard stuff & things,; the HP is too self- effaciing
-(comments for social manager ) -more cool parties- what happened to the crazy WILDE parties; needs to go to SMUC; I’d like the social event dates to be run past the house better. I feel serendipitously removed from the parties & the opportunity to fully social hours; more in house parties, please! There can be small, creative things like tea parties for example, or a slumber party. ; lose some weight fatty! ; I’m just wishing for +waiting for the next big house party! ; I hardly even know ‘er!!
- (comments for vice president) – I haven’t seen them! Please post in toilets!; thanks; ♥♥♥; honestly I don’t read them. Sorry.; great job! Funny + also understandable brief…how do you do it?; faster!funnier! sexier! ; you can’t do anything right, can you?
- (comments for board representative)- ♥♥♥♥; great job, just post the minutes/reports earlier. Thank you for taking such a strong leadership role in the house. ; Tim in a wonderful proactive board rep; learn English
- (comments for waste reduction manager/health worker)- huh? ; fantastic- thanks for continually improving our system to reduce waste!; ♥ I love you ♥ ; Jessie rocks the house
- Pricilla Q.O.D. rocks! Our queer household is now complete.
- I feel that social events have NOT been going well.
-Sam can suck my dick
- * scribbling… plus a plastic whale glued on*
- I feel very happy w/ the house this semester. People should try harder to not leave a mess, help out when things need to get done (even if it’s not your workshift). We also need to find ways to compassionately confront people who are using racist or sexist language or doing anything to violate safe space in this house. I wish more people came to council- please come! Lately there have been few long, contentious motions and lots of important conversations from managers + members. It’s really important that everyone is there!
-The social manager has taken matters into his own hands and hasn’t really sought house approval / agreement for events. He simply plans w/ the assumption that everyone will be okay with his choices. That’s not cool!
-Not all queerness is the same!
=> need for more understanding about differences in the queer community
eg. –racial cross queerness issues?
–gender cross queerness issues?
– culture cross queerness issues?
=> course of action:
eg. Talk/discussion about diversities in the queer community?
- Theme: The Me!