March 24, 2012 – 11:55 am

Grace Presbyterian Church - Plano, TX

Members Present:

Jim Bartlett, Susan Ingle, Glenn Miller, LeRoy Thompson, Nikki Thompson, Kris Turner

Guests Emily Nichols and Mary Hodge were also in attendance.

LeRoy Thompson opened the meeting with prayer, prayed for God’s perfect will for FPC-Longview and gave thanks for the sandwiches that Emily Nichols had ordered for us. Since no one else volunteered to take minutes, LeRoy picked up the task.

Emily Nichols distributed her Moderator report from NTPP #32. Recycling and ‘green’ didn’t work quite as well as desired. We will continue to provide the ability for folks to recycle … as they wish. It was noted that the practice of using 4-song sets gave us a time buffer to help meeting schedule. It was also noted that for Pilgrimages at Gilmont, the first set in the morning should be 5 songs to account for the longer distance for Palanca chas to run to make beds/clean rooms. The group also concluded that a theme song was a good idea but will remain as the Moderator’s option.

Nominating Committee: Jim Bartlett, nominating committee chairman, noted that Fourth Day (at today’s Ultreya) needed to elect two more ‘at-large’ members for the Nominating Committee, Class of 2013 (two-year service). [Current members are: Jim Bartlett, co-chair; Karen Harris, co-chair; Marjorie Whitner and Janie Whinery.]

Celebration: Based on the report furnished by Nikki Thompson, there was significant interest on the use of Google documents for the Celebration application that autoflowed into a spreadsheet for the Registrar. Nikki and Harry Hodge will share with us when they have the bugs worked out. Nikki reported that the Celebration Steering Committee desired to keep the participant fees at $110 and increase staff fees to $150 (from $130). Nikki was asked to return to the Steering Committee and reconsider that significant increase in fees in the light of no having to ‘break even.’ There was a discussion concerning the “damage” charges from Gilmont for NTC #13. Nikki has already told Thomas Truitt (Camp Manager) that he must be the one who does the walkaround when we are ready to leave. She will consider using both pre-pictures and sign-off sheets at departure to prevent any future problems.

National Cursillo/Pilgrimage Annual Meeting: Susan Ingle reported that many preparations had been made and much work was in progress for the 2012 meeting to be held March 30-31, at Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church. Susan also indicated that housing and transportation was under control. Susan stated that there would be an announcement and several sign-up sheets at the Ultreya.

Treasurer’s Report: Michael Smith submitted the Treasurer’s report via email prior to the meeting. The report was accepted with no changes. It is desired that future Treasurer’s reports have page numbers. The new reimbursement form appeared to be useful to both the person needing reimbursement and the Treasurer.

Fourth Day: Matt Yost submitted his Fourth Day report via email prior to the meeting. Matt will be reminded that he has several designated helpers for the task of investigating potential Pilgrimage sites.

Registrar’s Report: Karen Harris submitted her report via email prior to the meeting. The current participant list contains: Andrew Ard, Kay Kunz and Paul Kunz from Trinity PC in Flower Mound; Maria Christensen and Steve Christensen from Trinity PC in Southlake; Cindy Currie and Laurin Currie-Garcia from Nor’kirk Pres; Susan Hopper, Jeanne Peck and Barbara Smith from Grace-Plano. Additionally, Jeff Propes from Grace-Plano will be queried. Approval of these participants was overlooked during the meeting but will be handled with an email vote.

Music: Jim Bartlett stated that he had the recent play lists and would be filing with CCLI within a couple of weeks. Jim reiterated his offers to do printing for the community. His work is much appreciated.

Cursillo to Pilgrimage: Glenn Miller reported that the committee has almost completed a survey questionnaire to send to all members and that they have a timeline layed out to cover the necessary accomplishments for the year. Glenn also noted that there will be NO WHOLESALE CHANGES to our current process.

Fund Raising: Tammy Toll was unable to attend but provided pink butterfly boots for the “Pass the Boot” campaign. Emily Nichols outlined the procedure and answered several questions. The boots were to be handed over to area representatives during the following Ultreya.

Outreach: Acting Coordinator Dwight Nichols provided his report for the Council at the meeting. The report was not discussed but the significant points were: 54% of the participants from the last six weekends were from one church; and why do we, the enthusiastic folks with experience have so much difficulty sharing our ‘Music Box’ testimony with potential participants? Many thanks to Dwight for filling this position while NomCom searches for another person.

Communications: Kris Turner has both participant and staff applications for NTPP #33 online. Participants from NTPP #32 have been entered into the various databases. There was a brief discussion about password protecting our newsletter. Kris believed that by using some other Andy’s form than ‘newsletter’ that she would be able to secure it. She will be looking into that approach.

Head Trainer Report: Susan Ingle read to the Council, the Head Table Guide report from NTPP #32. The Head (Portia Stephens) reported that all aspects of seating and grouping of participants and Table Guides shown brightly with God’s influence … and it worked the same way. Susan also reported that the Observing Moderator manuals had been updated. Susan reported that Nikki Thompson’s Trainer for #35 would be Becky Couch.

Upcoming Moderator Reports:

·  Carla Szafran NTPP #33 reports that her music leaders Tim Konvalin and Ellen Adams have been set. She has secured Craig Sanders, Grace Arlington, Jonathan Jehorek, First Longview and Marialice Billingsley, First Tyler as Spiritual Advisors. Carla is actively soliciting staff now.

·  Mary Hodge NTPP #34 has requested that Rev. Dr. Thysan Sam (participant at NTPP #32) be her fourth Spiritual Advisor. Neither her Trainer nor anyone else had an objection to that. Mary also announced that Emily Nichols had agreed to be Head Music Cha.

·  Nikki Thompson NTPP #35 reported that Becky Couch would be her Trainer. She had no strong preference as to Lavon, Gilmont or some new location.

Glenn Miller closed the meeting at 1:08 pm with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

LeRoy Thompson, Substitute Secretary

NTPP Fourth Day Meeting

Grace Presbyterian Church – Plano TX

March 24, 2012

Time was provided during the Welcome Home Ultreya for NTPP #32 for this meeting.

NTPP #32 Moderator, Emily Nichols introduced LeRoy Thompson, NTPP Council Chair and turned the floor over to him. LeRoy explained that during the October Annual Meeting of Fourth Day, we had inadvertently overlooked electing two at-large members for the Nominating Committee. He also explained that these people would be serving for two years. He further explained that the Nominating Committee would select people to be nominated for open Council positions each year and weekend Moderators as requested by the Council.

LeRoy noted that quorum requirements had easily been exceeded with 50+ people in attendance. The requirements for a person to serve on the Nominating Committee are, basically, to be active in the community … as indicated by attendance here today.

LeRoy opened the floor for nominations noting that two people were required. Glenn Miller nominated Eileen McCoy and the nomination was seconded. Kris Turner then nominated Jerry Reece and the nomination was seconded. Tom Boehmer then moved that the nominations cease and these two people be elected by acclamation. Clark Carradine seconded. The motion passed.

Nominating Committee:

·  Jim Bartlett, Co-Chair

·  Karen Harris, Co-Chair

·  Janie Whinery

·  Marjorie Whitner

·  Eileen McCoy

·  Jerry Reece

The floor was returned to Emily Nichols for further Ultreya activities.

Respectfully submitted,

LeRoy Thompson, Substitute Secretary