Chairman: Bob Jones, 24 Marlbrook Road, Hereford, HR2 7NS Tel: (01432) 358517

Hon. Sec.: Peter Wyles, 1 Tippetts Meadow, Kingstone , HR2 9HW. Tel:(01981) 251647

: (01432) 355187

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting - 10 March 2014

  1. Welcome -Bob Jones in the chair. The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting.
  2. Apologies-John Trout, Ian Peberdy, Arnie Hurds, Shaun Watkins.
  3. Minutes - The minutes of the last meeting held on 10February 2014, previously circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.
  4. Reports:
  • Treasurer: In the absence of the Treasurer it was confirmed that the deposit account now stood at £45,010. The current account balance was £9797.
  • Recorder: As John Troutwas away, Peter Wyles reported that no fish were caught during February. However Wellington and Whitfield were now fishing well.
  • Subscription Secretary: Bob Jones reported that total membership stood at 106 with a further five having signed up this evening.
  • Competition Secretaries:The first bank competition was to be held on 23 March at Ellerdine and Harley Godsall asked to be notified of any plated breakfasts required so that he could put the order in. Eric Griffiths reported that the fist boat match would be at Farmoor on 27 April.
  • Working Party:There had been no working party activity during February owing to the bad weather. It was pointed out that the seats at Wellington were in need of renovation when the water levels dropped sufficiently.
  • Bailiff: Cedric Olive reported thatwater levels were now dropping but that Apperley was still not fishable. The other two lakes had now been re-stocked with fish at an average weight of 0.97kg (2lb). He asked that all members take care when parking at Whitfield and avoid parking on grassed areas. At Wellington, members must use the car park at the rear of the hut or park on the causeway when the quarry is not working(after mid-day Saturday) The car park at the quarry entrance or the lay by on the A49 should be used during working hours.
  1. Rod Building Demonstration -Danny North of Sportfish had agreed to do a presentation on this topic later in the year, and the date had now been agreed - 13 October.
  2. Knockout - Four members had booked in for this competition and a further six signed up on the evening.
  3. Open Day - Peter Wyles confirmed that this event for potential new members would be held on the morning of 29 March. John Symonds had kindly agreed to provide casting tuition at the event (Wellington would not be available for normal fishing that morning). The event was being advertised but members were asked to notify Peter if they knew of anyone who would be interested.
  4. Raffle: The raffle raised £15,
  5. Next Meetings: 14 April 2014.
