World History Bingham High School 2017-2018

Instructor: Mr. Walker

Office Hours 7:00am to 7:25am

Disclosure Statement

A. Class Description:

World History is a social studies course designed for all sophomores. This will require you to analyze, evaluate, and reflect on the history of the world. You will be expected to do half hour of homework each night to stay up to date with the class. Students will be expected to learn about the history and culture of many different societies from around the world. Key topics studied in this class include:

B. Behavior Strategies:

In order for students to learn, and assist in the learning of their peers, personal responsibility and social responsibility must be practiced. Students exhibit these responsibilities through their adherence to classroom, as well as school, rules and procedures. Students need to take responsibility for their education and take an active part in the classroom, making their contributions to the class, and interaction with peers, constructive and positive. Students who fall asleep during class can expect to be docked 5 points for each infraction.

1. Attendance Policy.

Receiving academic credit for this class is dependent upon the conditions outlined in the Bingham High School Attendance Policy.

2. Tardy Policy.

A. Students must be in their seats when the bell rings in order to be on time.

B. Students who arrive to class 10-20 minutes late will be considered way late. Students will be sent to the attendance office to be checked into school if they are over 20 minutes late.

C. After the first tardy, considered a warning, students will receive a 2% reduction from their final grade for each additional tardy. Students can lose up to 10% of their grade.

D. In order to make up any tardy received after the first warning; a student must complete an in-class school study session of 20 minutes doing school work.

C. Materials:

1. Students will need a notebook with three rings for this class. The notebook will be used to keep notes and prepare writing assignments. This needs be brought to class EVERY DAY.

2. Students will need to bring a pen and/or pencil, along with the textbook, EVERY DAY.

D. Media:

1. Students watch a variety of historical movies and documentaries. Most of the time they are only shown five minute clips to illustrate a point of view or a key concept. Sometimes students will watch full video’s usually when they have a substitute teacher. Students need permission for all PG-13 videos in the Jordan School district. By signing this disclosure statement you are giving your child permission to watch the following movies.


Clash of the Titans (2010) Rated PG-13 for fantasy violence, frightening images, and brief sensuality: Full

· Standard 2, The Rise of Classical Societies

Master and Commander (2003) Rated PG-13 for intense battle sequences and brief language: 5 minute Clip

· Standard 4, Global Interactions

Valkrie (2008) Rated PG-13 for violence and brief strong language: Full

· Standard 6, Global Conflicts



E. Class work and Grading:

1. Students will receive a percentage grade for the semester. The percentage grade will be based on all the assignments, quizzes and tests from the semester.

2. Daily assignments and activities will account for approximately 40% of the semester grade. A 10% participation grade will be assessed. The remaining 50% will be earned from tests and quizzes.

3. If a student is absent on the day of a test, he/she must take the make-up test within one week of the original test date. It is the responsibility of the student to come in and take the test.

4. No retakes will be given for tests.

5. Class work that has been missed due to an excused absence will be accepted for one week of the absence date following the student’s return without penalty. In the event of unexcused absences, no credit will be given for assignments or tests.

6. Late work is accepted for a 50% reduction of original score. Late work will only be accepted for one week assignment was due. This is NOT class periods, but calendar days.

7. Work assigned before midterm will not be accepted after the midterm.

F. Classroom Expectations:

1. Respect yourself, respect others, and respect the classroom.

2. Honesty in all work. Students are expected to submit all original work and those found to be using the work of others will receive no credit for the assignment or class. This includes copying assignments.

3. Students will, at all times, be in accordance with the Jordan School District Dress Code Policy.

4. Cell phones must NEVER be seen or heard in the classroom. Each and every time a cell phone is seen or heard in the classroom, the student will be penalized 2% of their final grade. The cell phone can be confiscated and given to a vice principal. I don’t need to see it or hear it to take it away.

5. Students can lose their hall pass privileges if they are abused.

6. Students could be video and audio recorded for educational purposes.

7. Students will not have extra credit opportunities. NO EXTRA CREDIT

8. This disclosure is subject to change by teacher and the administration at any time.

9. I own the copy right to all material used in class, please do not duplicate without written permission.

10. My focus is for my students to take responsibility for their education. If your son or daughter has concerns or questions about the class please have them see me. I prefer that students take responsibility and speak to me when they have concerns.

11. I am excited to start the new school year and look forward to educating your son or daughter.

12. Respectful behavior will be rewarded.

World History

Period: __________

We, the undersigned, have reviewed the World History disclosure statement and I am aware of the requirements and responsibilities of this class. We also understand that it is our responsibility to obtain any further clarification we may need or want.

Student Name (Print) _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Student Email Address _______________________________ Date: _____________________

Student Signature _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Parent Name (Print) _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Parent Email Address _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Administrative Signature _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Teacher Signature Matthew J. Walker Date: August 19, 2017