Benchmarking Query/Solution Report

Query: Processes for instituting a Problem Solving culture
Date: 7-20-09
Originator: Randy Blake – Miller Coors
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Benchmarking Questions:
1.  What tools are being utilized for problem solving? Randy, the tools that our company uses in the office are a modified version of the 8 Step processes that Toyota uses and other companies use. They also use this method in some of our Manufacturing areas. Some other tools we use are A3 methodology. Accountability boards both manual and on line. We use Share Point task management and on Outlook some people use the task process. We use pareto analysis to get at trends both in the office and manufacturing.
2.  What training is required for the tools? We have Office Lean training, we do separate 8 step training and it is also incorporated in our initial Office lean training. Cannot speak for the manufacturing area but can connect you with the right people if needed.
3.  How did you anchor the tools? We were doing Lean training without the 8 step and went to Toyota to learn from them and it really hit home the importance of training all our employee’s on how to problem solve first then it will be easier to solve problems in a lean environment. So we added it to our Lean portfolio up front.
4.  How do you sustain the process? Gemba walk.
5.  Is the process the same across the facility i.e., office area, production, quality and service? Work in progress, we have an A3 to solve this problem, we have a team that is working on Enterprise lean to align all our Lean initiatives, Office, Manufacturing, Supply chain and Logistics. You can SEE evidence of a standard template across the board using the 8 step.
6.  Was this a top down initiative? This was a Office Lean initiative with the Top supporting the Lean team. We have great leadership that believe in Lean and live by it. Very supportive.
7.  What and how many resources were required? 5 Office Lean Consultants and 1 Leader for the office. Not sure in Manufacturing.
8.  How long did the journey take? As you know the journey is never done. We have a long way to go before it is standardized and used by the whole company.
9.  Do you utilize rewards and recognitions as part of the process? We have a program in manufacturing called the “Employee suggestion program” which each operator that submits a idea that is actually used they receive 5 dollars up to 5000 dollars depending on what the result is. Otherwise it is the responsibility of each person to improve their process.
10.  How do you communicate your “Wins”? This is a formal process and an article in our internal news is shared with the company.
Lean Best Practices: the following to me is best practices:
Teach Problem Solving first
Teach to new hires coming to the company so they are ready in their jobsTeach to new hires coming to the company so they are ready in their jobs
Teach Lean Second
Methods: 8 Step, Pareto, Root cause analysis, Accountability boards, Lean Standards assessment, Gemba walking, Quality audits. Use all the Lean tools.
Lessons Learned: Don’t assume that everyone has been trained or exposed to problem solving; they need to be trained so it is a way of life.
Notes: I would be happy to share more information if available, go through AME and Susan to contact me. Good luck.