North Mercer R-III
School District
Secondary Student
A great opportunity awaits everyone as we start the 2016-2017 school year. The faculty and administration wish to take this opportunity to extend to each of you a most cordial welcome. Each student at North Mercer is a valuable part of our student body, and we want the best for each one.
The Student Handbook contains important information concerning questions and situations that may arise during the school year. The administration and Board of Education believe that an understanding of school rules and regulations by each student and his/her parent or guardian is necessary in order to create an environment that is safe and provides the best possible environment for students to learn.
All students have received a copy of this handbook on the first day of school and signed a form indicating as such. We suggest that each student discuss the rules and regulations in this handbook with his/her parent or guardian. It is to be used as a guide and is not expected to cover every incident that occurs.
I hope you will have an enjoyable and successful school year. I look forward to and appreciate the opportunity to work with students, parents, and faculty as we start the 2016-2017 school year. The office will be open at all times during the regular school day. The telephone number is 382-4214. All high school activities will be scheduled through the office. Smooth, effective operation of our school depends greatly on open communications. If for any reason, parents want to confer with faculty, counselor, or administrators, they may call for an appointment.
Kim Palmer, Principal
(Statement Adopted Fall 2007)
The mission of the North Mercer R-III School District is to inspire life-long learning.
The vision of the North Mercer R-III School District is to become a community that supports student growth so that all students have the skills to be successful citizens in our changing world.
To demonstrate these values, the school has made these collective commitments to our students and their parents:
The North Mercer R-III School District will ensure student learning through:
- A safe and orderly school climate.
- Instructional leadership demonstrated by the school principal.
- High expectations of teachers for learning success of students.
- Strong emphasis on academic achievement.
- Frequent monitoring of student progress.
- Supportive home-school relations.
- Equal educational opportunities for every student.
- Support for students who do not learn.
- Enrichment when students do learn.
All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The NorthMercerR-IIISchool District assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay.
The NorthMercerR-IIISchool District assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program.
The NorthMercerR-IIISchool District assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FALPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The NorthMercerR-IIISchool District has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed in the office of the Superintendent of Schools, 400 Main Street, Mercer, MO, during regular school hours on days school is in session.
Local school districts in the State of Missouri are required to conduct an annual census of all children with disabilities or suspected disabilities from birth to age twenty-one (21) that reside in the district. This census must be compiled by December 1 of each year. This information is treated as confidential and must include: name of the child; parent/legal guardian’s name/address; birth date and age of the child; the child’s disability; and the services provided to the child. If you have a child with a disability or know of a child with a disability who is not attending the public school, please contact Patty Stark, Special Education Coordinator, 660-382-4214.
NorthMercerR-IIISchool District is in compliance with all laws and procedures regarding nondiscrimination including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA). It is the policy of the school district that no person, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, perceived sexual orientation, or disability, shall be discriminated against in employment, educational programs, and activities and admission. The school district will also provide an environment free of sexual harassment. All such policies include grievance procedures. Should a student, parent, staff member, or community person have reason to believe they have been discriminated against or sexually harassed, they should refer to the grievance procedure outlined in the Board of Education policy. All inquires regarding implementation of any guidelines of these programs should be directed to Superintendent of Schools, 22931 Main Street, Mercer, MO, phone 660-382-4214.
This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.
2016-2017 North Mercer R-III
School Calendar
August 12Teacher In-service/Workday
August 15Teacher In-service/Workday
August 16Teacher In-service/Workday (Aides First Day)
August 17First Day of School
September 2Dismiss 12:30 – Labor Day
September 5Labor Day – No school
September 16Teacher In-Service/Workday
October 17End of First Quarter
October 20Dismiss at 12:30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 2-8 p.m.
October 21No School
November 11Dismiss at 12:30--Teacher In-Service
November 23 No School – Thanksgiving Break
November 24No School – Thanksgiving Break
November 25No School – Thanksgiving Break
December 20End of Second Quarter/First Semester
Dismiss 12:30 – Winter Break begins
December 21No School – Begin Winter Break
January 3Teacher In-Service/Workday
January 4School Resumes
January 16No School – MLK Day (Snow Make-Up Day)
January 27No School - Teacher In-Service/Workday
February 17No School– Teacher In-service/ Workday
February 20No School – President’s Day (Snow Make-Up)
March 7End of Third Quarter
March 9Dismiss 12:30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 2-8 p.m.
March 10 No School
April 14No School—Good Friday/Spring Break
April 17No School – Spring Break
April 18No School - Spring Break
May 11Dismiss 12:30 - End of Fourth Quarter – Last Day of School
May 12 Teacher Workday/In-Service (Snow Make-up Days)
May 15 Teacher Workday/In-Service (Snow Make-up Days May May 16-17 Snow Make-up Days
Student Days: 168 Teacher Aide Days: 174 Teacher Days: 179
Students are expected individually and as a group to conduct themselves as young adults at all times during school hours, while on school property, and while taking part in or attending school activities. Obtaining self discipline is an important quality that North Mercer would like to see in the students so as to take an important place in the world.
- A good student is punctual. He/she reports to class and all other school activities on time.
- A good student is tolerant of other students regardless of race or religion.
- A good student is industrious. He/she realizes that few students are perfect, but he/she does his/her best on all assignments.
- A good student displays good sportsmanship in all school activities.
- A good student is courteous at all times.
- A good student is reliable. He/she brings adequate materials and supplies to class each day.
- A good student shows respect for authority.
- A good student is fundamentally honest.
- A good student is neat in his/her appearance.
- A good student has an open mind for new ideas.
- A good student displays proper conduct at all times.
- A good student participates in class discussion and other school activities.
- A good student respects school property and the property of others.
- A good student is consistent. He/she does not change his/her standards to satisfy the crowd.
- A good student is loyal to self, his/her fellow student, his/her school, and his/her country.
The North Mercer R-III Junior/High School runs a class schedule from 8:10 am -3:14 pm for grades 7-12. North Mercer R-III has a closed noon hour with asupervised lunch period. There is NO break for students to leave the school grounds. Students may leave during school hours only if the parent or guardian picks them up. The adult will check out students with the principal before leaving the building. In the event that a student will be checking out, prior notice, written is ideal, is appreciated whenever possible.
Students are not to remain in the school building after school hours, unless they are supervised by a teacher/coach. School hours are as follows 7:45 am – 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. The doors to the building will be locked except during those times. Please note, students will not be allowed into the building/commons area until 7:45 am each morning.
In accordance with the district crisis management plan, all doors are subject to a lockdown at a moment’s notice. This decision will be made by the administration, and no one except an administrator is allowed to open these locked doors for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, teachers, faculty, and staff.
7:45School doors unlocked
7:45-8:10Breakfast served
8:10-8:551st Period
8:58-9:432nd Period
9: 46-10:313rd Period
10:34 -11:194th Period
11:42-12:27Lunch/5A Period
11:20-12:065B Period/Lunch
12:30-1:156th Period
1:18-2:037th Period
2:06-2:518th Period
2:54 -3:14Intervention Period
3:30School doors locked
During the course of the school year, parents may need to contact a teacher to discuss their child’s progress in school. The following information is provided to assist parents in this process.
All teachers should be available from 8:00-8:10 a.m. and from 3:14-3:30 p.m. each regular school day. In addition, each teacher has a daily preparation period. Parents may contact the desired teacher during their preparation period if a conference is needed or leave a message on their voice mail.
We WILL NOT ask a teacher to leave class for a phone call unless it is a personal emergency.
Telephone number: (660) 382-4214
TeachersPreparation timeVoice mail #
Beavers, Jonnie9:46-10:31230
Couchman, Angie11:42-12:27244
Crabtree, Katie9:46-10:31226
Frost, Greg8:58-9:43252
Fuller, David8:58-9:43233
Gannon, Jessica 11:42-12:27253
Guilkey, LaurenCall for times256
Hill, Melissa9:46-10:31236
Trevor DeVoreCall for times229
Sean Thurm2:06-2:51235
Persell, JaniceCall for times260
Prichard, LisaCall for times234
Stark, Hanah1:18-2:03228
Wyatt, Jeff1:18-2:03254
In case a need arises to call your child at school or if you should need to talk with an administrator please feel free to call any of the people below for assistance.
Telephone number: (660) 382-4214
Mr. Dan Owens, Superintendent (ext. 222)
Mrs. Kim Palmer, Principal (ext. 224)
Lauren Guilkey, Guidance Counselor (ext. 256)
Kelly Cowan, School Nurse (ext. 241)
1.General Rules and Information
A.The teacher is in charge of the classroom. Please respect his/her authority.
B.Students are to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner in the halls and classrooms at all times. There is to be no running in the building or congregation in the halls or restrooms.
C.At public programs, assemblies, athletic contests, etc…always remember that you are representing your school and your school will be judged by the way you conduct yourself.
D.Any unnecessary display of affection is considered undesirable. Save yourself theembarrassment of having to be corrected in public.
E.Disposal of paper and other waste materials should be in the proper containers.
F.Swearing on school property is considered undesirable.
- Dress Code – (see Board Policy 2651)
The Board of Education expects student dress and grooming to be neat, clean and in keeping with community standards, so that each student may share in promoting a positive, healthy and safe atmosphere within the School District. This expectation includes the school day and school sponsored extra-curricular activities.
Guidelines for both male and female students:
- Clothing must allow no skin showing on the torso other than appropriate necklines. This does include shirts that have “spaghetti straps” and low cut tank tops.
- Shorts and Skirts: When standing straight with arms at the side, length must be at or below lowest fingertip.
- Very form-fitting pants (often called Yoga pants) are not school appropriate unless worn with a longer top that is at least finger-tip length.
- No hats will be worn in the building by students.
- Suggestive or inappropriate language on clothing will not be accepted.
- A change of clothing is required for all dress code violations. Students will not be allowed to go home for other clothes if a suitable item can be provided here at school. When necessary, the parent may be called to bring in clothing before the student will return to class. If this occurs, the absence will be counted as unexcused and the time will be made up after school.
- District coaches and sponsors may impose additional dress code considerations for those individuals who are involved in the activity for which they are responsible.
First Offense:Verbal reprimand, change in clothing required. The student may pick up the item when the school provided item is returned. Hats must be removed and possibly confiscated.
Second Offense:Detention, change of clothing required. Parents may be notified and required to pick up clothing.
Third Offense:One day suspension.
Fourth Offense:Three days suspension.
Building principal will use his/her own discretion in dealing with dress situations which may not be specifically referenced in policy 2651. The intent of this policy is not to list every single dress code violation, but to give a general overview as to how policy 2651 will be used.
3. Before School
A.Classes start at 8:10 a.m.
B.The doors will be unlocked at 7:45 a.m.
C.No student should be in a classroom before 8:10 unless a teacher is present.
D.Breakfast is offered daily to all students. Please send payment for school breakfasts to the school secretary monthly.
E.When students arrive in the morning, they are to sit in the commons area until 7:50 when they will line up in an orderly fashion to get breakfast. ALL students must remain seated until they go to their first period class.
A.Restaurant food is not allowed in school. For health and safety reasons, parents and other persons will not be permitted to bring food from home after 8:30 a.m. Students eating sack lunches should bring meals to school upon morning arrival (see Board Policy 2750).
B.Lunch is offered daily to all students. Please send payment for school lunches to the school secretary monthly. A cap of $100 per student has been established by the Board of Education for Lunch/Breakfast accounts. Once this has been reached, the student will not be allowed to charge breakfast/lunch, but may bring cash to pay for meals each day.
C.Applications for free and reduced breakfasts and lunches will be sent home with all children the first day of school. To be placed on free/reduced meals, applications must be filled out completely, including social security number and salary, and returned to the school office for approval/disapproval as soon as possible. You will receive written notification of the approval or disapproval of your application. This information is strictly confidential, and the district strongly encourages all families to apply for this program.
D.Make sure you have cleaned up area around you.
E.No pop will be sold during lunch hour.
5.After School
A.School dismisses at 3:14 p.m.
B.No student should be in a classroom after 3:14 unless a teacher is present.
C.Students are not to remain in the school building after school hours, unless they are supervised by a coach/teacher.
D.The doors to the building will be locked at 3:30 p.m.
6. Student Vehicles – (see Board Policy 2650)
Building principals have the authority to regulate student use of automobiles at school. Use of school property for student parking purposes is a privilege that may be denied due to violation of District regulations and school policies. Student vehicles parked on District property are subject to search by school officials where there is reason to believe a vehicle contains materials prohibited by District regulations.
- Students will park on the east side of parking lot.
- Parking should be done in a straight line and in a manner not to block any other vehicle in
the parking lot.
- Once parked, students are to report immediately to the building.
- Students are not to move or be in automobiles/vehicles during the school day without
permission of school officials.
- When school is dismissed, vehicles will only exit out the south end of the parking lot.
- Respect the rights of others.
7. School Transportation