File: Marketing Binder > Special Promotions
Holiday Coupons For Referrals
External promotions can be difficult during December due to the tremendous retail advertising after Thanksgiving and even into the first week of January. This is a great time to do internal promotions. One approach is to give gifts directly to your patients, such as poinsettias, or even gift certificates for their friends or family.
The attached is an example of a gift certificate that can be used over the holidays. As it is an INTERNAL promotion, it depends upon the enthusiasm and promotional skills of the staff and doctors for its effectiveness.
This is also a GIFT. It is something that the office is giving as a gift to their patients, and must be treated as such. Looking upon it as simply a method to get new patients will cheapen the activity. New patients received from this are really a by-product. The primary product is giving greater health.
Variations of this include giving poinsettias or other gifts to all of the families that come in during the last three weeks of December.
The following is an example only, and will need to be customized to conform to your clinic’s specific needs and offers. Edit it according to your needs and give it to your printer to take care of the rest.
The gift certificate package consists of an envelope containing a patient letter from the doctor and another envelope inside containing a referral letter and a gift certificate. You can get away with just printing the gift certificate and handing it out, though the full package is preferable.
#1) Gift Certificate – This is the gift certificate that the patient will give, as a gift, to a friend or family member.
#2) Gift CertificateEnvelope – This is the envelope for the gift certificate and the referral letter. (optional)
#3) Patient Letter – This is the letter that the doctor gives (or mails) to the current patient explaining the gift. It is folded in half and fits into the patient letter envelope. (optional)
#4) Patient Letter Envelope – This is the envelope for the patient letter. The gift certificate envelope goes in to this envelope as well. (optional)
#5) Referral Letter – This letter from the doctor accompanies the gift certificate that is given by the current patient to the friend or family member. It is folded in half and fits into the gift certificate envelope. (optional)
#1 Gift Certificate
- E X A M P L E -
#2 Gift Certificate Envelope
- E X A M P L E -
#3 – Patient Letter
- E X A M P L E -
Clinic Name
December, 1999
Seasons Greetings!
This is the time of year for all of us to give thanks and extend our blessings to those we love and care for. This is a time of giving.
With this in mind, I am extending to you the opportunity to give the gift of health to your friends and family. Enclosed are two gift certificates for:
- Blood pressure test
- Complete orthopedic and neurological examination
- Complete spinal examination
- Comprehensive consultation
Our office will provide these services at NO CHARGE for a limited time.
As you know, our office provides our patients with modern, high quality health care that relieves pain and restores health, naturally. These FREE services are my gift to you so that you may give the gift of good health to those you care about.
Wishing you a healthy and happy Holiday Season and New Year.
Dr. J.B. Smith
P.S. If you have not been in for the last six months, use a gift certificate for yourself.
#4 – Patient Letter Envelope
- E X A M P L E -
#5 Referral Letter
- E X A M P L E -
Dear Friend,
Thanks to the concern of the person who gave you this gift, our office is pleased to offer you the opportunity to receive a complete health examination at no charge. This examination would allow you to know how your body is coping with the physical, chemical, and emotional stresses of life. Our tests would include consultation, as well as physical, orthopedic, neurological and spinal tests. It does not include laboratory tests or treatment.
We make this offer available only during the holiday season as a way to extend the gift of health to the friends and families of our patients. At the conclusion of your examination, I will personally discuss with you the various options available to either restore or improve your health. Please note that this opportunity expires on the date set on the gift certificate. To make an appointment, please call now and let our receptionist know that payment will be made with a gift certificate.
We wish you and yours the warmest and happiest holiday seasons greetings,
Dr. J.B. Smith
Petty, Michel & Associates 1998 Holiday coupons for referrals.doc revised: 11/17/181 of 6