NDIS securing support, achieving independence
Every Australian Counts
19 December 2011
Welcome to Queensland’s NDIS e-update
NDIS: on track
By the end of 2011 the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) emerged as a key priority for the Federal Government. This is due to relentless individual and collective effort – thank you!
The recent Cabinet reshuffle saw Jenny Macklin MP given the new portfolio of Minister for Disability Reform, as well as her current responsibilities as Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.
Minister Macklin – as one of the Government’s senior ministers – will have a clear mandate to continue to develop the NDIS. Queensland Senator Jan McLucas retains her role of Parliamentary Secretary for Disability and Carers.
Bill Shorten MP – who has championed the NDIS since he was Parliamentary Secretary – also moves into the Cabinet as the new Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations.
This move should benefit people with disabilities, their families and carers in light of the recent PWC report that highlighted Australia’s poor performance compared to other western nations providing employment opportunities to people with disabilities.
Government updates at: Sign up your support for the NDIS at
Why support the NDIS? Because nearly half of all Australians with disability live in or near poverty – making Australia the worst of every developed nation in the world … (PWC Report). Ask everyone you know to sign up to everyaustraliancounts.com.au
Every Australian Counts campaign goals 2012
- Make it L.A.W.
Legislation to enact the new national governance entity: The National Disability Insurance Agency - NDIS launch
Announce the location and timetable of launch/trial site/s for the NDIS
The people’s campaign for the NDIS expects every politician from every political party to support these goals.
Good news! DisabiliTea in August resulted in a whopping extra 30,000 NDIS supporters. Your campaign efforts work!
Cairns turns out for NDIS public meeting
Queensland federal Senator Jan McLucas hosted an action-oriented NDIS public meeting recently in Cairns
Senator McLucas asked the 80+ participants to draw upon the well-known far north Queensland spirit to vigorously spread the word in their local community about the need for and benefits of the NDIS.
The Cairns meeting work-shopped four key issues. One of the outcomes was a plan for locals to set up and run their own Cairns Regional NDIS Action Group to spread the NDIS word to their community. Let us know if you want to set up your own NDIS local action group!
Contact: Every Australian Counts Campaign Coordinator Fiona Anderson e: | p: 07 3357 4188