North Hills Middle School Bands
Cadet Band
Mr. Rodack, Director 412.318.1000 x4017
Course Objectives
Welcome to the Cadet Band. This ensemble has a history of extraordinary performances because of the extraordinary efforts of its members. This course will develop:
1) Individual musical skills 2) Individual performance skills
3) Ensemble performance skills 4) Musical knowledge
We will develop such skills and knowledge by striving to meet the North Hills Music Department Curriculum and the National Standards for Music Education:
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Our performances are an example of the musical learning that occurs each day in class.
Class Expectations
• Assemble instrument upon arrival and begin to warm-up
• Be prepared by 1 minute after the bell
• Bring only what you need to perform; no food/drink/gum
• When Mr. Rodack is on the podium we are ready to rehearse; quiet please
• When Mr. Rodack raises his baton, instruments are brought to playing position and performance posture is used
• Be respectful of everyone and everything (equipment must be stored properly)
-Music must be kept clean, not folded/wrinkled, and in folders
• Do nothing to distract from OUR rehearsals
- Practice outside of rehearsal is necessary to progress on our music and individual musicianship.
• Have fun by making great music together
*These are part of the participation grade
Necessary Items – Reference the list below to determine what your students should have every day.
Everyone: pencil and your own music
Woodwinds: several good reeds, clean instrument in good working order
Brass: mouthpiece, valve oil, mutes if necessary, clean instrument in good working order
Percussion: Stick bag with drum sticks and mallets
*These are part of the participation grade
Evaluation- These assessments may be used to measure student learning and determine the grade earned.
- Performance evaluations: on required studies or ensemble music; may be live or recorded; formal and informal
- Tests and homework: pertaining to concepts addressed in class
- Participation: by having necessary items, following expectations and actively contributing to class: 1 point possible each class
- Concerts: are a required part of this course. Only absence from school and family emergencies are excused absences. Mr. Rodack should be contacted in either instance. Other situations should be discussed with Mr. Rodack.
Progress Book
Please use this tool to keep up to date with your student’s progress, schedule changes and any course related activities.
13-14 Concert Schedule
- September 14th. Marching Band Festival -Martorelli Stadium-7pm
*A rehearsal from 530pm to 630pm is required Thursday, September 12th for this performance.
- November 26th. Jazz Night-JH Auditorium-7pm
- December 11th. Jr. High Band Concert: Jr. High Bands-JH Auditorium-7pm
- February 21st. Mardi Gras: Jazz Bands-Ross Community Center-7pm
- Feb. 25th Band-o-Rama: Jr. High Bands-JH Auditorium-7pm
- May 13th. Jr. High Band Concert: Jr. High Bands and Jazz Bands
Concert Dress
Gentlemen – Black dress pants, white dress shirt, tie, black socks, black dress shoes.
Ladies – Long skirt or dress pants, white dress blouse, black stockings or socks, black dress shoes.
Additional Events
**********June 4th. Workshop/Performance at Get Acquainted Night 630-800
-Dates for PMEA events, educational opportunities, other events and performances will be made known as they become available.
Private Lessons
You will progress if you do your homework (practice regularly), but there is no substitute for private lessons on your instruments. Ask Mr. Rodack or Mr. Lavelle for a recommendation.
Every student deserves to have a great experience in band. Band is a very rewarding class and one of the most popular electives in the school. This happens because the instructors and students help each other in creating an excellent learning atmosphere. Communication is the key ingredient to this formula. If an issue arises in class about anything, students and parents should feel very comfortable in talking with Mr. Rodack.
Please visit for all class information as well as fun updates on what we are doing!
*After visiting, go to directors, then select Mr. Rodack
***********************************Marching Band*************************************
Marching Band is a fantastic opportunity for every student. Our band is growing at a record pace and we look to be around 200 members this upcoming year! Many of our students enjoy the trips, friends, and very high level of music making that we provide. Unfortunately, every year a few students realize too late that they have scheduling conflicts and have to wait a year. Please review the below dates and adjust and vacation/trip plans accordingly. If a vacation will be taken during summer band, contact Mr. Lavelle.
Get Acquainted Night: June 4th 2014 630-800
Rookie Nights: June 10th, 12th, 19th 6-8pm
Summer Band: June 23rd -July 18th 6-9pm M, T, TH
Pre Band Camp: August 4th-8thMandatory for participation:
Band Camp: August 9th-16th Mandatory for participation:
The Marching Band hanging out at Disney….
In Closing
I look forward to getting to know each one of you over the years to come. It is my hope that we will enjoy learning together and we will be proud of the music that we make together. If I can ever do anything for you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mr. Rodack
***please detach and return***
I, ______(student) have read, understand, and intend to follow the course overview as well as the dates for marching band.
I, ______(parent) have read, understand, and intend to support my child in following the course overview as well as the dates for marching band.