6lines of space, 10point

ICONARCH-III - International Congress Of Architecture “MEMORY OF PLACE IN ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING”, INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS(Title of the paper 12 point, capital letters, bold)

(1line space, 9 point)

NAME SURNAME[1]( 9 point, capital letters)

(2lines of space, 9 point)


(1 line space, 10point; Thereafter all spacingshould be 10point)

The absract text should not exceed 400 words ( Typeface in Times New Roman, 10 point). The abstract title and the text should start from the left underthe name ofthe author(s) (2 lines of space with9point) .The headingof this section should be in boldand capital letters and then blocked in the leftpart of the page (12 point). Before the text, “ABSTRACT” should be written in bold in 10 point. The abstract initial text should start under this title after 1 line of space.

(1lines of space, 9 point )

Key words ( 5 in maximum) : Word1, Word2, Word3, Word4, Word5

(2 line of space, 10 point)


(1 line of space)

This textindicatesthe rules for writing. Thetext and the figuresmust be writtenaccording to A4paper size(210x297). Fororal presentations, thetextshould not exceed12 pages. The proceedings must reach to the following email address until Feb 15, 2016. Indicate thenumberofregistrationwhichhas been given toyoubefore on youremailandyour word document. Donotuseotherthings inthis issue.

(1,5 line of space)


(1 line of space)

2.1. Subtitle

The textshould be issued in form of main section andsub-section. The text should be written using10 pointin TimesNew Roman fontwith 1spaced line. The words should not be fragmented in the end of the line.

Textfieldmust remainwithin the limits givenin this example.This area isdefinedas follows: 45 mm fromthe leftandthe right side, 55 mm from the top and from the bottom side of the A4 paper format. Pagenumbersshould not be given.

(1 line of space)

2.2. Other Subtitle

As in this example, the author (s) name and surname,should be written in 9-point and in TimesNew Roman font usingCAPITAL LETTERS from the left side of the page.The title of the Author(s), the name of the institution, the city wherethe institution is locatedshould be givenas a footnoteunder the first page. This noteshould be writtenas8 points, andmust bebelow aline from themain text. A horizontal line mustseparate the two parts(text and notes)

(1,5 line of space)


(1 line of space )

Headings of Mainand sub-sections shouldbe numbered. The headings of mainsectionsshould be written in capital letter. For the headings of sub-section, onlythe first letter of word should be written in capital letter as showed in the examples (all the headings should be in bold). Linesof spacebetween sectionsshould be as in theexamples.

(1,5 line of space)


(1 line of space )

4.1.Figures, Graphics, Photographs andTables

The headings of the Figures should be numbered and writtenwith9point Times NewRoman font. The headings of the Figures should be placed under the figures.Oneline of spaceat the top andbottom of the figure should be leave.

Photos should be considered as figure. Resolutionsof photos should be between150-300dpi.

(1 line of space )


Referencesshould be listedalphabetically byFIRSTAUTHORSURNAME. The listshould bestarting from the left margin ofthe page. The resources should be presentedin its original languageas possible.Commashould be placedafter the surname ofthe author. Only the initial letter of the first name should be written in capital letter after the surname and the comma. Severalauthorsshould be separatedby a comma (see the examples at the end of this section).

The referencesin the textshould be indicated according to Author (s), and year.

Only the surname ofthe author(s) and the year (yearof publication) should be written between parentheses

Examples for references in the text:

1 author: (Surname 2012)

2 authors: (Surname1 and Surname2 2012),

More than 2 authors: (Surname1 et al. 2012)

Examples ofreferencetypes writing:


(1 line of space )

-Compagnon, R. 2004. Solar and Daylight Availability in the Urban Fabric. Energy and Buildings 36, pp. 321-328, Elsevier Science.

-Günay, R. 1981. Geleneksel Safranbolu Evleri. T.C Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.

-Petit, J.1987. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Edition Archigraphie, Genève

-Ratti, C., Baker, N. and Steemers, K. 2005. Energy Consumpointion and Urban Texture. Energy and Buildimgs 37 (2005), pp.762-776, Elsevier Science

-Reference from Internet: of connection: 2006)

[1]Prof. Dr. Selçuk University, Departement of Architecture, KONYA