Biol 212 Exam 3 Practice Exam
Choose the best answer for each question.
- Technique utilizing fluorescent cDNA to index gene activity
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Microarray
- Southern Blot
- Gene therapy
- Shotgun Mapping
- Which of these is unrelated to the others?
- endonuclease
- sticky ends
- Type II restriction Enzymes
- Hydrogen bonding between purines and pyrimidines
- Producing recombinant DNA
- Which of these cells is/are dead at maturity?
- Sieve tube members
- Vessel elements
- Tracheids
- B and C
- All of the above
- Which of the following types of cells is not part of ground tissue?
- Parenchyma
- Mesophyll
- Tracheid
- Meristem
- cortex
- Which is the correct order of dicot layers going from the inside out?
- Pith>primary xylem>secondary xylem>vascular cambium>secondary phloem>primary phloem>cortex>periderm
- Pith>periderm>primary xylem>secondary xylem>vascular cambium>primary phloem>secondary phloem>cortex
- Pith>sapwood>heartwood>vascular cambium>cortex>periderm
- Cortex>Phloem>vascular cambium>Sapwood>Heartwood>Pith
- Pith>primary xylem>secondary xylem>vascular cambium>primary phloem>secondary phloem>cortex>periderm
- Primary target cells for gene therapy
- Initial
- Totipotent
- Derivative
- Pluripotent
- daughter
- Roundup
- Causes plants to synthesize aromatic amino acids which then kills the plant
- Blocks insect ion pump needed for digestion
- Enables plants to resist herbicides
- Breaks down type II restriction enzymes so plant can’t defend against viral DNA
- Blocks EPSP synthase
- DNA fingerprinting
- Use an electric current
- Identify bands of repetitive DNA
- Tags genes with fluorescent dye
- A and B
- All of the Above
- Which of the following is not characteristic of a monocot?
- Fibrous roots
- Parallel veins
- Ring-shaped distribution of vascular bundles
- One cotyledon
- Flowers in multiples of threes
- Which of the following transports water in a tree three years old?
- Sapwood
- Only the outermost ring of xylem
- Only the innermost ring of phloem
- Heartwood
- Only the innermost ring of xylem
- Which hormone is correctly paired with its function?
- Auxin-promotes lateral growth
- Brassinosteroids-promotes root growth
- Cytokinins- promotes apical dominance
- Ethylene- promotes leaf abscission
- Gibberellins- promotes seed dormancy
- What does NOT happen to promote seed germination?
- Release of gibberellins
- Dilution of abscisic acid
- Phytochrome binding of red light
- Synthesis and release of alpha-amalase
- Phytochrome binding of far red light
- The casperian strip of the endodermis
- Allows easy transport into the vascular bundles using the apoplastic route
- allows a mutualistic relationship between the plant and endomycorhizae
- barrier regulating transport of water and sugar into and out of the vascular bundles
- only allows water and minerals into and out of the vascular bundles
- only allows water and minerals into the vascular bundles using the symplastic route
- The germinating root is called the
- Epicotyl
- Radicle
- Cotyledon
- Coleoptile
- Micropile
- Adding solutes to a solution
- Increases the solute potential
- Will cause water to flow into a cell
- Decreases solute potential
- A and B
- B and C
- Plants reproduce by
- Apomixes
- Clones
- Fragmentation
- A and C
- All of the above
- Germination without light will cause
- Etoliation
- De-etoliation
- Phototropism
- Triple Response
- thigmotropism
- Flowering is cued by
- Exposure to red light
- Exposure to far red light
- Photoperiod
- Daylength
- Phytochrome activation
- Plants detect gravity by
- Thigmotropism
- Secondary compounds
- radicle
- coleoptile
- Staoliths
- Plant sexual reproduction does NOT involve
- Pollen tube growth through the micropyle
- 2 sperm nuclei fuse with egg and endosperm
- Triploid endosperm formation
- A and C
- None of the above; all occur for plant sexual reproduction