UCML Steering Group and Executive Committee
Nomination Form for elections May 2015
(posts effective from1 July 2015)
If you wish to stand for election to the UCML steering group/executive please return this form. Your nomination should be supported by a proposer and seconder who will be based in institutions or associations who are members of UCML or of a recognised academic institution/subject association. The form should be returned electronically to Lesley Twomey
Date for return of nominations:30 April 2015
Constituency (see list of vacancies below): Representative forTranslation and Interpreting
Nominee:Dr Joanna Drugan
Institutional affiliation:University of East Anglia
Postal address: School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies, Arts Building, UEA, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ
Email address:
Proposed by:Dr Roger Baines
Institution:University of East Anglia
Seconded by: Dr Rebecca Tipton
Institution:University of Manchester
•Representative forTranslation and Interpreting
Candidate’s election statement should include present post, relevant experience and expectations. Candidates are advised to read the relevant role profile and the UCML Constitution and Standing Orders to inform their candidature.
(Candidates’ statements should not exceed 150 words. They will be posted to the UCML website)
Currently Senior Lecturer in Applied Translation at UEA, I have previously taught at Reading and Leeds. My research focuses on the industryso I have built strong links with the ITI and CIoL, and with professional bodies and language service providers internationally. I have run continuing professional development training for over a decadein my specialisms (ethics in translating and interpreting, translation technologies) for the ITI, CIoL and others (e.g. Refugee Council). I serve on ITI’sworking group on Accreditation of UK course providersand am academic representative for ITI Eastern Translators’ Network. I have contributed to events for CILT, and both National Networks (for Translation/Interpreting) in recent years.I am therefore well placed to liaise between professional bodies and UK HEIs on behalf of the UCML. I would work actively to ensure representation of key issues for translators and interpreters, at a time of significant change in the profession.