14 Mile Joint Rome/TriLakes Watershed Committee

Held at Rome Town Hall 1156 Alpine Drive, Rome, WI

Agenda for Monday, June,11, 2018 at 2:00 PM

Notification of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Laws of the State of Wisconsin. The 14 Mile watershed Committee may take action on any item on the agenda. It is possible that the members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the 14 Mile Watershed Committee

  1. Call to order & confirm posting
  2. Pledge
  3. Roll call
  4. Review and approve minutes for May 14, 2017
  5. Agreement with Wally Sedlar
  6. Soil testing workgroup update –Bob Benkowski, John Endrizzi
  7. Revised soil testing approach possibilities using Wally Sedlar/Chris Landowski
  8. Obtain and evaluate existing soil test database
  9. Program to increase test sites and expansion to other areas
  10. Plan/approval for tissue tests
  11. Estimate costs
  12. Discussion and planning for 9 key element plan– Reesa Evans
  13. Status of sessions and priorities
  14. Involvement of 14 Mile Committee
  15. Determine if further septic system tests are required – TBD
  16. Establish workgroup for further review and planning
  17. Number of septic systems in our watershed and how old – Kason Morley
  18. Spring Forumoutcome - Johnson, Wiessinger, Heinecke, Endrizzi, Ystad, Benkowski
  19. What worked
  20. Next workshop/forum
  21. Watershed flow & nitrate testing workgroup update – John Endrizzi, Dave Trudeau, Scott Provost(advisor)
  22. Status of testing to date
  23. Training testing backupfunded by TriLakes $9,500 budget item
  24. Lake friendly fertilizer program workgroup update – Ron Foster, Carson Heinecke and Joe Greco
  25. Determine if additional resident notification is needed – signs at launches, clubhouses, etc
  26. Resources for fertilizer ordinance notification/adherence – how much help needed
  27. TriLakes confirm funding for resource
  28. Water turbine project status – Jerry Wiessinger
  29. Plan for 2018
  30. Participants identified
  31. Contract approved
  32. Equipment needs
  1. Shoreline habitat restoration status – Dave Trudeau, Don Ystad
  2. Healthy Lakes grant participant status
  3. Review beach club mowing recommendation w/ Camelot
  4. Setup meeting w/Jennifer Bergman, Roger Spice, TriLakes and lake associations to determine best direction for fish stocking, fish sticks and fish cribs
  5. Petenwell/PACRS status– Rick Georgeson
  6. Upstream agriculture partnership
  7. Create work group
  8. Testing plan for soil and water/ tie in with nine key element plan
  9. Obtain list of upstream owners
  10. Establish communication plan
  11. Identify and draw from experience of other projects, experts and any other avenues that provide direction – ongoing
  12. WI Lakes Conference contact follow-up Ystad
  13. Paul McInley
  14. QuitaSheehan - Vilas County study
  15. Bob Martini – Oneida Cty study
  16. Emily Stewart – Sheboygan Cty – Iron Slag
  17. Kevin Erb & Justin Morris – rainfall simulator
  18. Communicating with the community – Don Ystad
  19. 14 Mile website status
  20. Quarterly updates
  21. TriLakes & Rome website posts
  22. Loop with TriLakes, Town, Lake Associations
  23. Schedule intro meetings with lake association boards
  24. Outcome of meeting with LCPOA - Carson
  25. Outreach– Rick Antin
  26. Political representatives
  27. Other watershed groups, etc
  28. Refine 2018 expenditure budget/goals and activities for 2018
  29. Confirm budgets
  30. Determine budget for fertilizer program and water test intern
  31. Soil tests
  32. Water tests and equipment
  33. Workshop estimate
  34. Increase aerator budget from $4800 to $5800
  35. Confirm procedure for invoice submission and approval
  36. Set next agenda date (tent. 7/9/11/18) and topics
  37. Adjourn


14 Mile Joint Rome/TriLakes Watershed Committee

Held at Rome Town Hall 1156 Alpine Drive, Rome, WI

Minutes for Monday, June,11, 2018 at 2:00 PM

  1. Call to order & confirm posting: Don Ystad called the meeting to order at 2 pm and Barb reported the postings date/time
  2. Pledge: The pledge was recited
  3. Roll call: Don Ystad, John Haugen, Ron Foster, Carson Heinecke, Rick Antin, Reesa Evans, Rick Georgeson, Kason Morley, Scott Bordeau, Jerry Wiessinger, David Trudeau, John Endrizzi and Barb Herreid
  4. Review and approve minutes for May 14, 2017: Motion by John Endrizzi, second by Carson Heinecke to approve the minutes for May 14, 2018. Approved.
  5. Agreement with Wally Sedlar: Motion by Rick Antin, second by Rick Georgeson to permit Bob Benkowski and Town Rep (John Haugen) to proceed with finalizing an agreement with Wally Sedlar so that activities can begin before the July meeting and to keep in mind a ceiling of $4500 in the budget to cover both lab test costs as well as Wally’s time. Motion approved.
  6. Soil testing workgroup update –Bob Benkowski, John Endrizzi: Tabled to next meeting; Reesa will attempt to locate missing results from 2017 and send out along with information on the new fertilizer ordinance.
  7. Revised soil testing approach possibilities using Wally Sedlar/Chris Landowski
  8. Obtain and evaluate existing soil test database
  9. Program to increase test sites and expansion to other areas
  10. Plan/approval for tissue tests
  11. Estimate costs
  12. Discussion and planning for 9 key element plan– Reesa Evans: Reesa reported that she’s made significant progress in the past month and has already sent several sections to the DNR for review. She needs to reach out to other counties to cover the entire watershed as well as include Leola Ditch issues. She’s identified 350+ hi-cap wells currently in the watershed and mentioned the State Legislative study of the Central Sands which includes parts of our watershed; their final report is due in 2020. She’s targeting mid-July to have all sections of the 9 key element plan ready for review.
  13. Status of sessions and priorities
  14. Involvement of 14 Mile Committee
  15. Determine if further septic system tests are required – TBD
  16. Establish workgroup for further review and planning
  17. Number of septic systems in our watershed and how old – Kason Morley: Kason reported that he was in the process of working with the County GIS Tech who has now left so his information is incomplete. Don Ystad suggested that we need guidance from Wally on next steps and requested both Kason and Wally attend the July meeting to discuss further. Discussion of older systems (pre-1992) and availability of data on them. Consensus to have Bob Benkowski ask Tri-Lakes to submit an open records request to the County Manger with a copy to County Board.
  18. Spring Forumoutcome - Johnson, Wiessinger, Heinecke, Endrizzi, Ystad, Benkowski:
  19. What worked: Approximately 100 attendees and 14 vendors. Members felt that it was well-received with good questions and worth the effort to organize. One area to try to improve for the future is more readable slides. It was also suggested to have just one presentation to allow more time for questions.
  20. Next workshop/forum Don is finalizing a summary document which will be sent out on email distribution lists and placed on the website. He will also be working to create a short video to distribute. It was suggested to try to present another forum this year.
  21. Watershed flow & nitrate testing workgroup update – John Endrizzi, Dave Trudeau, Scott Provost(advisor)
  22. Status of testing to date: John Endrizzi reported that testing has been completed for 8 months at 9 locations. Discussion on where to find results of the Tri-Lakes testing program and also need to reinstate the Citizen Monitoring since Tri-Lakes didn’t receive grant to fund testing by an intern. Don and John will attend the Tri-Lakes board meeting on Wed to request that they restart the Citizen Monitoring program. John also found an intern at the May 26th workshop – Nick Eidenschink is very interested and joined them at the last testing that was completed. Kason shared an aerial view of the watershed; John would also like to get an historical listing of the ditches as well as usage and owner information of land parcels in the watershed (this will be a part of the 9 key plan).
  23. Training testing backupfunded by Tri-Lakes $9,500 budget item
  24. Lake friendly fertilizer program workgroup update – Ron Foster, Carson Heinecke and Joe Greco
  25. Determine if additional resident notification is needed – signs at launches, clubhouses, etc: David Trudeau suggested it would be helpful to identify products that meet the new requirements along with where to buy them – include them in a brochure?
  26. Resources for fertilizer ordinance notification/adherence – how much help needed: Carson told of signs he’d seen near Wautoma of homeowners indicating support of their watershed committee. Ron Foster is working on a draft document for the applicators to sign showing their agreement to comply with the ordinance.
  27. Tri-Lakes confirm funding for resource: Don confirmed with the sub-committee that a document with funding requirements has been created.
  28. Water turbine project status – Jerry Wiessinger
  29. Plan for 2018:Jerry reported that he’s working on a 4th draft of an agreement; lawyers are involved so many revisions have been made.
  30. Participants identified: One landowner sold property so will not be included this year unless the new owner is interested.
  31. Contract approved
  32. Equipment needs
  33. Shoreline habitat restoration status – Dave Trudeau, Don Ystad
  34. Healthy Lakes grant participant status
  35. Review beach club mowing recommendation w/ Camelot
  36. Setup meeting w/Jennifer Bergman, Roger Spice, Tri-Lakes and lake associations to determine best direction for fish stocking, fish sticks and fish cribs David had a chance to discuss in detail with Jennifer at the workshop and will work to get it set up; he’s hoping Tri-Lakes will work as a facilitator.
  37. Petenwell/PACRS status– Rick Georgeson:Rick announced that 8/17 will be the next Pontoons and Politics to be held at the Dirty Turtle on Castle Rock Lake. Representatives from DNR and County officials have been invited to get an update and to be re-energized on the TMDL project.
  38. Upstream agriculture partnership Don stated that it’s dormant for now but will be a part of the 9 key plan.
  39. Create work group
  40. Testing plan for soil and water/ tie in with nine key element plan
  41. Obtain list of upstream owners Reesa is working on updating this information
  42. Establish communication plan
  43. Identify and draw from experience of other projects, experts and any other avenues that provide direction – ongoing No report
  44. WI Lakes Conference contact follow-up Ystad
  45. Paul McInley
  46. Quita Sheehan - Vilas County study
  47. Bob Martini – Oneida Cty study
  48. Emily Stewart – Sheboygan County – Iron Slag
  49. Kevin Erb & Justin Morris – rainfall simulator
  50. Communicating with the community – Don Ystad: Don and Wayne attended the recent Adams County Lake Alliance meeting and presented to the attendees. They shared a vision for improving communication and building relationships with county government so that the economic impact of lakes to the County is recognized and steps can be taken by the County to support improvement of the lakes which in turn will increase tourism dollars. Carson suggested interfacing too with local businesses that benefit from tourism.
  51. 14 Mile website status
  52. Quarterly updates
  53. Tri-Lakes & Rome website posts
  54. Loop with Tri-Lakes, Town, Lake Associations
  55. Schedule intro meetings with lake association boards
  56. Outcome of meeting with LCPOA - Carson
  57. Outreach– Rick Antin
  58. Political representatives: Rick invited both Krug and Testin to attend the 5/26 workshop but both had other commitments.
  59. Other watershed groups, etc
  60. Refine 2018 expenditure budget/goals and activities for 2018 Pending
  61. Confirm budgets
  62. Determine budget for fertilizer program and water test intern
  63. Soil tests
  64. Water tests and equipment
  65. Workshop estimate
  66. Increase aerator budget from $4800 to $5800
  67. Confirm procedure for invoice submission and approval
  68. Set next agenda date (tent. 7/9/11/18) and topics Next meeting will be held July 9th at 2 pm
  69. Adjourn Motion by Ron Foster, second by John Endrizzi to adjourn. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 4:04 pm.