8.1 Introduction
The main purpose of this document is to achieve the 100% functionally correct system and to ensure all functional and design requirements are implemented as specified in the documentation. It also provides a procedure, identified of the documentation process and test methods for system level testing.
All the required items will be tested during the system test.
The following documents will provide the basis for defining correct operation.
- Software requirements
- Software design description. Client
The clients send all requests to the network monitor and the entire request is stored in the network monitor. Access point
The Access point send all request stored in access point and the request and send the request to the suitable server. Server
The server sends all response to the network monitor and all the response is stored in the network monitor.
The following functionalities of the ORPUTTLBC system to be tested for functional correctness
- Enters the connection
- Enter the IP address
- Enter the port address
- Send the request to access point.
- Analysis the request.
- Send the Request to the server
8.4 Test Approach
8.4.1 Test Levels
ORPUTTLBC system is to be tested in different levels like unit, integration, system level.
- All programs like getting the request, Analysis the request are to be tested at unit level by developer themselves.
- All modules like client model, access point model, and server model are to be tested individually.
- The whole ORPUTTLBC system is tested after integration i.e., Integration testing, the main emphasis is the functionality and the integration.
- The entire system is tested by stress testing for find out the whether system is properly functioning in critical environment.
- The acceptance testing is find out the ORPUTTLBC system achieve the corresponding goal or not.
8.4.2 Test Classes User Interface Testing for ORPUTTLBC system
User interface testing verifies a user’s interaction with the software. The goal of UI testing is to ensure that the user interface provides the user with the appropriate access and navigation through the functions of the ORPUTTLBC system. In addition, UI testing ensure that the objects within the UI functions as expected and conform to corporate or industry standards.
Test Objective
Verify following:
- Navigation through the ORPUTTLBC application properly reflects business functions and requirements, including window-to-window, field-to-field and use of access methods (tab keys, mouse movements, accelerator keys).
- Window objects and characteristics, such as menus, size position, state and focus conform to GUI.
Create or modify test for each window to verify proper navigation and object states for each application window and objects.
Completion Criteria
Each window successfully verified to consistent with benchmark version or within acceptable standard. Load Testing of ORPUTTLBC system
The goal of load testing is to determine and ensure that the system functions properly beyond the expected maximum workload. Additionally, load testing the performance characteristics are vary from line to line depend on the speed of the line.
Test Objective
Verify performance behaviour time for designated functions or business cases under varying workload conditions.i.e. To test whether the communication interface and processing model are properly working in huge network environment
Use the huge network/increase the no. of active systems.
Open maximum no. of ports in every system.
Run all specified services by ORPUTTLBC system.
Completion Criteria
Many no of active systems or huge network environment: successful completion of test without any failures within acceptable time allocation. Security Testing
The goal of Security Testing is to ensure system security capability.
If the system is compromised with attackers then it should reflect what are the activities made by attacker like tools, techniques etc. The processing module captures the all the information from ORPUTTLBC system terminal. Recovery Testing
Recovery will be tested by halting the machine during stand alone time and then following recovery procedures. Performance Testing
Performance will be evaluated against the performance requirements by measuring the run times of several jobs using production data volumes.
8.4.2 Regression Testing
It is assumed that several iterations of the system test will be done in order to test program modifications made during the system test period. A regression test will be performed for each new version of the system to detect unexpected impact resulting from modifications. General test conditions
General test conditions describe conditions that apply to all of the test or to a group of tests in ORPUTTLBC system. Each test shall include nominal, maximum, minimum values, execution size and time shall be measured for each ORPUTTLBC system. Include shall be statement of the extent of testing to be performed and rational for the extent selected. The extend of testing shall be expressed as a percentage of some well defined total quality, such as the number of samples of discrete operating conditions or values, or other sampling approach. Also included some approaches to be followed for retesting/regression testing. Data recording, reduction and analysis
Data recording, reduction and analysis procedures to be used during and after the test’ identified in this ORPUTTLBC system test plan. These procedures shall include, as applicable, manual, automatic, and semi automatic techniques for recording test results, manipulating the raw results into a form suitable for evaluation, and retaining of data reduction and analysis. To record all test level and test classes, if any faults is there to record that, and also give the solution to reduce that faults.
8.4.3 Planned Test Basic function test
- Enters the connection
- Enter the IP address
- Enter the port address
- Send the request to access point.
- Analysis the request.
- Send the Request to the server Network test check connectivity of the system in the network environment
8.5 Item pass/ fail criteria
Pass criteria ORPUTTLBC system module outputs should be expected outputs.
Fail criteria not meet the expected outputs and delay variation.
8.6 Test deliverables
The following documents will be generated by system test group and will be delivered to the configuration management team after its completion.
Test documentation
System Test Plan
System Test Design specification
System Test Case Specification
System Test Procedures Specification
System Test Logs
System Test Incident Report Log
System Test Incident Reports
System Test Summary Report
Test data
1. Copies of all data entry and inquiry screens and the reply screens are to be attached to the related test case document.
2. Copies of the input and output test files should be delivered to the configurationmanagementteam.
8.7 Testing Tasks
Table 8.1 Testing Tasks
Task / Special skills / Responsibility / Effort / Finish datePrepare test plan / Expertise in software Engineering principles, good knowledge of computer science. / Test manager, senior test analyst / 3days / 24- Dec -2008
Prepare test design specification / Knowledge of ORPUTTLBC / Senior test analyst / 2days / 02-Jan-2009
System Test Case Specifications / Knowledge of ORPUTTLBC / Test analyst / 2days / 02-Jan-2009
System test Procedure specification / Knowledge of ORPUTTLBC / Test analyst / 2days / 04-Jan-2009
Test Current Locaion Reader / Knowledge wireless environment and ORPUTTLBC / Test technician / 1days / 04- Apr -2009
Test the Information Processing / Knowledge of Network hardware and working principles of location reader. And network protocols / Test technician / 1days / 07- Apr -2009
Test Data source Interface Module / Knowledge of networking protocols. / Test technician / 1days / 09- Apr -2009
8.8 Environment needs
8.8.1 Software items
- Rational Rose.
- Windows Server and operating
- Internet browser
- Java(Jdk1.6)
8.8.2 Hardware and Firmware Items
PC with P4 processor, 256 RAM, 40 GB HDD and Network environment (Wired/Wireless).
8.8.3 Proprietary nature, acquire rights and licensing
Rational Rose is used to design and developed the software.
Jdk 1.6 is support to develop the software.
JVM is used to compile.
Internet browser is used to test the system in real time environment.
8.9 Responsibility
Project Manager- Responsible for Project schedules and overall and the success of the project
Test Leader- verify the test documents.
Tester Responsible for performing the actual system testing
8.10 Staffing and training needs
Test manager -1
Senior Analyst -1
Test Analyst -2
Test Technician -1
- Skill needs
- Basic knowledge of networking and protocols
- Basic knowledge of wireless environments
- Strong knowledge in java networking programming
- Strong knowledge in software Engineering principles
8.11 Schedule
System Test -- (50 hours)
Performance Test -- (70 hours)
Document Test -- (30 hours)
Unit Test -- (70 hours)
User Acceptance Test -- (90 hours)
8.11 Risk and Contingencies
8.11.1 Schedule
The schedule for each phase is very aggressive and could affect testing. A slip in the schedule in one of the other phase could result in a subsequent slip in the test phase. If the testing schedule is significantly impacted by system failure, the project manager has agreed to assign a full time person to the test team to co debugging.
8.11.2 Personnel
If one test analyst/technician is not available for testing, then the test manager has agreed to identify a second analyst/technician. Due to the schedule, it’s very important to have experienced testers on this project. Unexpected turnovers can impact the schedule. If attrition does happen, all efforts must to replace the experienced individual.
8.11.3 Requirements
The test plan and test schedule are based on the current requirements document. Any change to the requirements could affect the test schedule. Changes should be approved by the project manager.
8.11.4 Technical
The hardware problems impact system availability during the day, then the test group will schedule their activities during the evening. The first production runs of the ORPUTTLBC system must be checked out in detail before the ORPUTTLBC system process are distributed, and any checks in error must be corrected by manually.