Prepare as Word Document incorporating BOLD headers below and email to:
Chairman, ASEG Honours & Awards Committee
Nomination for Grahame Sands Award
NOMINEE/S: Full name/s
AFFILIATION: Company/organization (or former affiliation if retired)
NOMINATED BY: name (must be member of ASEG in good standing)
SECONDED BY: name, preferably member of ASEG (or affiliated organisation)
(can include more seconders if desired, not necessary ASEG members)
REASON FOR NOMINATION: Specific reason for this nomination - must be framed around the Award criteria: “For innovation in applied geophysics through a significant practical development of benefit to Australian exploration geophysics in the field of instrumentation, data acquisition, interpretation or theory.”
Nominee details, educational / professional background
Qualifications (if known and as applicable), current/last position in industry/government /research/educational affiliation (include a CV if available)
Achievements by nominee/s specific to the Grahame Sands Award criteria
List specific innovations/developments that the nominee has personally achieved or has been directly responsible for (include examples, or refer to published work)
Comment on how these achievements have been used by the profession, and what impact they may have had on exploration efficiency or success
Include any other comments on how these contributions may have had impact on the geophysical profession and / or the general community.
List of Publications or other Reference Material applicable to Award.
List of technical papers, publications, general community acknowledgments / awards pertinent to this Award citation (attach separately if necessary)
Contribution to ASEG
It is not mandatory for the nominee to be a member of the ASEG, and ASEG contributions are not part of the assessment process, but information about the nominee’s contributions to the ASEG can be included for reference.
Supporting Letters or Statements
Attach any additional supporting information as pertinent to this Award citation.
Names and date submitted of Nominator and Seconder to be included. Electronic signatures would be appreciated but not mandatory.