
TEXTBOOK:Glencoe: Biology (Available on-line at Access Code D826151219). Textbook is only accessible through Internet Explorer.

INSTRUCTORS:Mrs. Adrienne Petit

ROOM:D2.202-Room, D2.102-Lab

PHONE:(770) 651-2811



COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology extends the life sciences to more abstract concepts including, interdependence of organisms, the relationship between matter, energy, and organisms, the behavior of organisms, and evolution. These concepts are investigated through laboratory experiences and fieldwork designed for students to develop appropriate knowledge that can be applied in real-world circumstances. This laboratory course also involves academic rigor in that it emphasizes inquiry-based learning, process skills and higher-order thinking and reasoning skills. All students will be required to complete activities that require strategic and/extended thinking skills without exception.

We will be following the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) curriculum. GPS for biology can be found at .

Biology Curriculum Map:


A. 1 inch 3-ringed binderA. Glue Sticks

B. Dividers (8)B. Colored Pencils

C. 3 pronged folderC. USB flash drive

D. Notebook Paper

E. Pens and pencils


  1. Following each unit of study, there will be a unit test. Other assessments will be given on a continuous basis throughout the year. Your final grade will be determined by your performance on major tests, quizzes, class and homework assignments, lab reports, and class and lab participation. Assignments will be due at the beginning of the period on the due date.
  1. Test dates will be announced in class approximately one week before the test. Announced and unannounced assessments will be given on a regular basis.
  1. According to School Board Policy the grading scale is as follows:

90 – 100A

Formative Assessments
(Includes: classwork, homework, labs, weekly quizzes) / 30%
Summative Assessments
(Includes: Common District Assessments (CDA), Unit Exams, Major Projects, Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Exam, Final Exam) / 50%
End of Course Test (EOCT) / 20%

80 – 89B

71 – 79C


Below 70F


*A student/parent has 5 business days from the date report cards are issued to appeal the final grade. The appeal must be made in writing to the principal and the decision of the principal is final.

ASSESSMENT PROCESS: Daily grades will consist of all homework and classwork. Lab assignments will consist of any lab notes & data, lab reports, and lab participation. Assessment Grades will consist of any major tests, unit tests, quizzes, or projects designed to assess student mastery of content. A grading rubric will be provided when applicable.


**LATE WORK: All assignments are expected to be complete and turned in on time. An assignment will be considered late if it is not turned in when the teacher collects it. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 70%. On the 2nd day late, the maximum grade will be a 50%.


TUTORING & REMEDIATION: Any student may attend any tutoring session with any teacher. Students must sign up at least one day in advance for morning tutoring. Sign up details will be given in class.

TuesdayMs. BakerD2.2063:50-4:30 pm

WednesdayMr. JohnsonD2.1077:30-8:00 am

ThursdayMs. WorldsD2.2047:30-8:00 am

WednesdayMrs. PetitD2.2023:50-4:30 pm

QUIZ REMEDIATION PLAN: Students are allowed to retake biweekly quizzes on classroom remediation days after completion of assignment.


All students are encouraged to participate in the Science Fair. The Science Fair Handbook is posted with additional details and deadlines.



Teachers will use various online learning tools to supplement instruction. Students will receive instructions on how to access these resources in class. When and how technology use is acceptable during class shall be determined by the teacher’s discretion.


In an effort to create a learning-focused classroom environment, the Science Department at NMHS has devised a system for addressing minor inappropriate and/or disruptive classroom behaviors. Detentions are a part of this process. Students will be assigned detention for not following class procedures and causing classroom disruptions.

A minimum of 48 hours’ notice will be provided to arrange for pick-up. Failure to serve a detention will result in a referral.


It is important to attend class every day and on time. In order to receive credit for missed assignments (tests, quizzes, labs, classwork, homework, etc.) due to an excused absence, the student must make up the work within 2 class days. Arrangements to make up missed work must be made on the first day the student returns to school. If the student does not make up missed assignments within the time allotted, he/she will receive a zero. It is the student’s responsibility to request any work that he/she has missed.

There will be no excused late work due to computer-related problems such as crashed hard drives, power outages causing disk corruptions, printer ran out of ink, etc. Back up your work regularly and plan printing your work well ahead of the due date. Late work will not be accepted unless under the above stated terms. In accordance with Douglas County policy, long-term assignments and projects will not be accepted after the due date, even if the student has an excused absence. They may, however, be turned in before the due date.


Students will be given progress reports every 9 weeks throughout the school year. Please check the school website for the calendar schedule. A final report card will be given at the end of the year. The grades run cumulative, therefore the grades you receive in August can affect you in May.


It is expected that all assignments submitted for a grade be the original work of the student. Students will not receive credit for any assignment that is plagiarized or copied from another student. Incidents of academic dishonesty could also result in disciplinary action and exclude students from membership in academic honor societies.

Cheating is obtaining information from any sources other than those prescribed (approved) by the teacher for the specific assignment.

Some cheating offenses would be:

  1. Having a “cheat sheet”
  1. Copying from someone else’s paper during a test or homework assignment
  1. Talking during a test
  1. Plagiarism (copying, word for word, or ideas, without giving credit to your source)


If a student has a question, they must raise their hand. During assessments every student’s desk should be cleared except for the materials the teacher gives or asks the students to take out.

Penalties for cheating:

  1. Automatic zero on the assignment or test
  1. Parent notification
  2. Referral to Guidance, creating an official record of the incident
  1. Repeat offenders will be given administrative referral


* Enter the classroom: I will enter the classroom quietly, sit in my assigned seat and have homework ready to turn in when asked to do so. If I need to use the restroom

or get water it should be taken care of before the tardy bell rings. If my pencil needs sharpening, this should also be taken care of before the bell. Once I get to my seat, I should read the S.E.A.T.S listed on the board for the day and then complete the “DO NOW” assignment. I understand that class starts as soon as I walk into class.

* Cell Phones and Electronics: I will only use my cell phone or electronic device during class when my teacher advises me to do so. I understand that my cell phone can be a distraction from my learning if not used during the appropriate times. I understand that any cell phone being used during class time will be collected and turned in to the front office for the parent/guardian to pick up and refusal to relinquish the cell phone will result in an automatic referral.

* Food and Drinks: I will get rid of all food and drinks before coming to class. Only drinks with a lid are acceptable (no cans). I understand that food or drinks (including hard candy and gum) in the LAB is safety and health violation therefore any visible food or drinks in the lab will be thrown away.

* Turn in homework: I need to place my homework in the designated place. I also understand that it is my responsibility to turn in my homework. I need to make arrangements after school time can be used to complete any missed homework within 5 days. I understand that leaving my homework on the teacher’s desk without her knowledge is unacceptable.

* Turn in daily work: When I finish my daily work, I need to quickly and quietly place my work in the appropriate location. I understand that doing this in a quiet manner will not disturb others or prevent others from doing their work.

* Ask a question: When I need to ask a question, I should raise my hand and get permission to speak. It is inappropriate to “yell out” a question in the classroom or across to another classmate. If the question is not related to school or what is being studied, I need to wait until after class.

* Leave the Classroom (Use the restroom/get water/go to nurse/office): As mentioned before, it is distracting when people move freely around/in and out of the room. Your teacher also understands that emergencies occur. All personal business, (bathroom, water, nurse, office…) should be taken care of before class begins.

* Go to trashcan: I need to keep all of my trash at my desk until the end of class because people moving freely around the room are distracting.

* Leave the Classroom: When the bell rings, I will gather my materials, pick up any trash that is around my desk, and place any loose books in the basket underneath my desk. I understand that it is unacceptable to pack up before the bell rings.

* Behave during a Student Presentation: When another student is giving a presentation, I will listen attentively with my head up. I understand that by moving around in my desk, getting papers out of a notebook/bag is very distracting to the person presenting. I also know that talking or communicating (in any way) with another student while a presentation is in progress is unacceptable.

* Behave during Oral Reading: When material is being read aloud to me, I will listen attentively with my head up. I may choose to take notes or answer guided reading questions, but I know that writing letters, looking at a magazine, working on something for another class, or drawing is unacceptable.

* Behave during a Video: When we are watching a video in class, I will watch carefully and quietly with my head up. I understand that I will have guided viewing questions, or a graphic organizer to complete along with the video. I also understand that writing or passing notes is unacceptable.

* Learning environment: Staying awake and being an active learner is expected. When heads are down it is hard to be an active learner.

* Follow all school rules in the handbook.


All classroom expectations will be explained in detail and practiced as part of our daily classroom routines and procedures. They are summarized as follows:


DISCIPLINE CONSEQUENCES: (severe disruptions will be sent to office)

1st Offense: Warning – Verbal/Nonverbal

2nd Offense: Conference with student and parent contact

3rd Offense: Detention

4th Offense:Discipline Referral

Please note:

Items on the syllabus are subject to change. Students will be notified of any changes in class.