Dear Friends, Family and Neighbors,
We would like to invite you to the Fourth Annual Noel’s Angel Walk, in memory of our daughter, Noel Ann Smith. Along with the WBEV / WXRO Children’s Radiothon, we have organized Noel’s Angel Walk to raise funds fornon-profit organizations, benefitting children, in Dodge County. Noel’s Angel Walk also seeks to raise public awareness of childhood illnesses and their prevention. As Noel’s parents we strive to keep Noel’s spirit alive by giving back to her community.Noel’s Angel Walk is a symbol of her spirit and love.
Noel’s Angel Walk and Angel Cakes Breakfast
Noel’s Angel Walkis the kickoff event for the WBEV / WXRO Children’s Radiothon.
WHEN:Thursday, June 21, 2012at7:00 a.m. (registration begins at 6:30 a.m.)
Angel Cakes Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m.
WHERE: Waterworks Park in Beaver Dam. The Walk begins at the Main Shelter. Angel Cakes Breakfast isat the Girl Scout House – Waterworks Park.
HOW: Participate as an individual or form a team for Noel’s Angel Walk. Registration is $15 for early sign up, and $20 day of Noel’s Angel Walk. All registered walkers receive a t-shirt. Participants are encouraged to raise pledges from family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Any individual raising pledges of $200, and Teams with a pledge total of $500areGold Wing Walkers!
Angel Cakes Breakfast is $5 per person, (12 and under eat free) – all you can eat pancakes, coffee and more!
To learn more, you can become a friend of Noel’s Angel Walk on Facebook. Also visit the 1430 WBEV ( and/or 95.3 WXRO ( websites for Noel’s Angel Walkinformation. All proceeds go to the WBEV/WXRO Children’s Radiothon.
Our Story
Noel was our little angel. She was born on February 8, 2007a perfect, healthy baby girl. Noel’s big blue eyes and personality lit up a room. We called Noel our little angel. We never imagined that we actually were blessed with an angel, until we experienced every parent’s worst nightmare…
Noel had been fighting a cold and a croupy cough for a few days. She was having trouble breathing at home. We took her to the hospital to be admitted on Saturday morning, March 1, 2008. At the hospital Noel was monitored and given several breathing treatments. Never did it enter our minds that Noel was seriously ill or that she could die.Unknown to or her doctors, Noel was dealing with pneumonia, Respiratory Syncytial Virus ( RSV), and Influenza A. The following morning the staff tried to help Noel’s breathing and planned to med flight her to the nearest children’s hospital in Madison. They decided toperform an intubation and a tracheotomy on Noel. It was unsuccessful, and Noel’s little heart stopped beating. Noel passed away Sunday morning, March 2, 2008 at 9:42 a.m. Though Noel’s life lasted only 12 months and 22 days she touched all who knew her, including family and friends.
Please join us
By participating in Noel’s Angel Walk you are honoring the children in your life. No matter how you choose to participate, it is guaranteed you will be walking with an angel.
Please join us by walking with our angel, Noel Ann Smith, on Thursday, June 21,2012.
In loving memory of an angel,
Lori, Scott and Nathan Smith