Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc. &
Mill Creek Care Centre
Title (Mr./Mrs.)First nameLast name
Title (Mr./Mrs.)Spouse’s first nameSpouse’s last name (if different from above)
Mailing Address:______
Tel. No.( ) ______-______
Email address:______
Membership Type
Please select one:□ Annual Membership ($50.00) *
□ Lifetime Membership ($500.00)
* Annual memberships go by calendar year. Renewal notices will be sent in January of each year.
Contact Method
Please provide us with your preferred method of written communication (newsletters, receipts, notices, etc.):
Membership applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Payment of membership fees does not constitute acceptance or approval of membership application.
Membership in Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc.
Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc. (established in 1984 and which owns and operates Tollendale Village) is a membership based non-profit charity founded by persons who believed in sharing a communal responsibility to care for Senior Citizens in an interdenominational Christian environment and providing facilities for their use and benefit (Article 17 of Corporate Bylaws). By working collectively and individually, members experience fulfillment that comes with giving seniors in our community an opportunity to spend their later years in a quality Christian retirement community.
To provide self-reliant seniors with a residential setting and the opportunity to participate in community life in an environment that is guided by Christian values and principles.
To provide facilities and programs that are oriented towards enhancing the residents’ independence and self-reliance within a Christian environment that both respects the individual’s need for privacy and yet also provides an opportunity for communal interaction. As residents begin to lose their self-reliance help direct them to resources that are available on-site or can be accessed within the broader community.
Faith statements
- That God revealed himself in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- That salvation is found in the grace extended to us by God in Jesus Christ.
- That as Christians we strive to serve Him in all that we do in accordance with His teachings.
- That we are brought into community with God and also with each other.
- That life is a gift from God and is to be nurtured and cherished at all ages. Our calling, worth and dignity does not diminish with age.
Individuals who can subscribe to these Faith Statements and can support the mission and vision are encouraged to join the Society as a member.Membership fees for SCCSHI are currently $50.00 per year or $500.00 for a lifetime membership. Newsletters, regular updates and an annual meeting keep members informed. Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors who approve policies and set the direction of the corporation.
I/We, the undersigned, affirm my/our agreement with the attached principles and expect to uphold these Statements of Faith. I/We hereby apply for membership in Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc.
Print namePrint name
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Membership in Mill Creek Care Centre
Mill Creek Care Centre (MCCC) is the organization that owns and operates the long-term care facility. While the facility is located in the Tollendale Villagecomplex the organization is a separate legal entity from Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc. (SCCSHI). MCCC is a not-for-profit corporation with charitable statusand with its own membership and board. To ensure cooperation and mutual support the majority of directors serve on both boards.
The organization undertook the building and operating of the facility in order to provide a place where residents needing long term care can be served. As the facility is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care admission is through the local Community Care Access Centre (CCAC). Membership does not provide a benefit in securing admission. Membership provides the opportunity to show support and interest in an organization that provides specialized care.
To build and provide a community where residents achieve all they can be and experience holistic care in a Christian manner and environment.
To provide services in a friendly, quality focused caring community.
Members of Simcoe County Christian Senior Home good standing are able to become members of MCCC, if they so desire, and at no additional cost. If you wish to be a member of MCCC, please sign below and return this form together with your signed SCCSHI membership form.
By signing below, I/we want our application to include membership in Mill Creek Care Centre. I/we understand that there is no additional membership fee and that our membership in Mill Creek Care Centre will lapse should our membership in Simcoe County Christian Senior Home Inc. lapse.
Print namePrint name
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