Monday 8th May 2017

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Students are being given the opportunity to visit the Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion exhibition at London’s V&A Museum on Monday 26th June 2017. The cost of the trip is £35 per student, which includes return train travel to London and entrance to the Balenciaga exhibition.

In addition to the special exhibition, students can also gather research from the museum’s vast collection of art, fashion, textiles and craft from around the world that are permanently on display. We will be in the gallery for approximately 3 hours, which allows a short amount of self-directed time to explore the city after the visit. Students will be given an underground map and a list of suggested places to go, but please note that they will be unsupervised at these times.

Students will need to bring money for lunch, dinner and travel around the city. It is recommended that they bring a debit card so they can ‘touch-in’ on the London Underground system for quick and convenient travel.

The group will meet at Manchester Piccadilly train station (beneath the departure boards) at 7.45am and are due to return to the station just after 8.00pm from which they will make their own way home.

Places will be secured on a first-come-first-served basis when payment is received in full via ‘WisePay’ which can be accessed through the college website (log in details are made available on student’s eLoreto profiles). Those wishing to make payment by cash or cheque can do so in the college finance office, room BG23. Payment must be received in full by 5th June 2017.

If your son or daughter wishes to attend this trip, please make your payment ASAP and return the attached consent form to me.

Yours sincerely

Ms N Walsh

Teacher of Textile Design

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the educational visit to the V&A Museum on 26th June 2017. I understand that although all reasonable care will be taken to ensure their safety, there may be some time when students are unsupervised.

Student name: ______Tutor Group:_____ Student Mobile: ______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______Emergency contact No: ______

Any medical requirements: ______