MONDAY, December 16, 2013
3:00 PM TO 4:30 PM
Present: Crystal Lay, Letty Gallegos, Kristy Mason, Brad Mazdra, Lina Urquidi and Margo Treviño
1. Approval of Minutes from November – Kristy moved to approve the minutes, Brad 2nd, minutes were approved
2. Update on Budget – Letty G.
Letty gave the updated budget. After the expenditures for the NACADA national conference and the fees for Jennifer Bloom and anticipating Jodie Kinney’s NACADA Institute in February there is still $7445.62 left in the budget for the rest of the academic year.
3. Sub-committee reports
Letty will send out the Conference Fund Requests when we get back from break. NMAAA will be March 12 – 13 at Highlands in Las Vegas, NM. Letty will revise the budget since we did not spend as much as anticipated in the fall.
4. New Business
· Proposed guidelines – discussion ensued about what protocols to add to the Conference Requests. There were several suggestions and Letty will make the changes and bring back for approval at the January meeting.
· The Provost will attend the February meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:30
NEXT AAC MEETING WILL BE January 27, 2013 MILTON HALL in the LA ACADEMIA RM 185 / 3:00 PM TO 4:30 PM