Newsletter edited and printed by George Steele

Rochdale Gramophone Society
/ Newsletter
No 27 May 2016
Message from the Chair
Welcome to another year of our Rochdale Gramophone Society.
I cannot let this occasion pass without saying how sad we all are at the loss of our President Jack Tattersall. He was so kind and supportive to us all and we miss him very much.
We are looking forward to our new Programme of Presentations and Social Events which we all enjoy and wish we had more members with which to share them. Please continue to invite new members to join us so that we continue to be a viable Society for the future.
Kindest regards.
Secretary’s Report
Another year has passed. Unfortunately our numbers are down. Jack has sadly passed away. A long serving, 64 years, and hard working member. He will be very sadly missed. It would seem that Margaret has now decided notto come. We hope that Roy's wife Dorothy will be fit enough later in the year to come again. We all wish Roy and Dorothywell. , I hope the reduction to zero annual fee will encourage some new members. Let’s hope so. Well then; let's look forward now to a new year with some good music to entertain us. There is always something new to listen to. "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music". = Rachmaninov.
Kindest regards
Honorary President
Jack Tattersall (July 1924 – May 2016)
We have lost our Honorary President, Jack Tattersall who died after a fall at home. Jack who would have been 92 in July had been a member of the Society continuously for 64 years and had held at various times the posts of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer before being elected as Honorary President in 2000.
He was a great Wagner fan but was also very knowledgeable about Mozart and Beethoven. Up a year before his death, even at his advanced age, Jack had been setting out the chairs and checking the equipment before every meeting and he used to see that all was well before locking up afterwards. His services to the Society are inestimable and he was a very popular member.
It is believed that he is the longest serving member of any of the various recorded music societies in the UK.
Yorkshire and NW Regional Group
The Spring weekend at Ilkley went very well although no one from RGS was able to attend. We are, however, looking forward to the Autumn Day at Huddersfield which this year is being run by Barnsley RMS.
Guidance note on presenting a programme
The FRMS has a short handout offering advice on preparing and presenting a programme. Copies available from George Steele or Martin Winn or from the FRMS website
Do any members have ideas about Presenters they would like us to invite or themed programmes such as Martin has suggested in the past?
News from the FRMS
The FRMS music weekend at Daventry was again a success but RGS was not represented. The FRMS website continues to be a good source of information about recorded music and can be found at
New members
We have had a few enquiries from potential new members but, as we have said before, we really need a steady stream of new members joining the Society. All existing members can help by introducing friends to the Society and persuading them to join. Extra copies of this Newsletter and our Programme Card can be produced if required as a way of persuading people to join.