{Type following this format and include the heading for each numbered item. Submit 17 copies, 1 with original signatures-the rest with Xeroxed signatures; and 2 copies of Course Transmittal Form if applicable}

TO:Undergraduate Council


Contact Person: Ext.: E-mail: ______

1.a.Course prefix and number:

b.Budget account number:

2.a.Course title:

  1. The course title is ____ variable _____not variable.
  2. Abbreviated course title: (not to exceed 30 characters)
  3. Is a permit required for registration? ___ Yes ___No

3.a.The credit hours are ___variable ______not variable.

b.Credit hours:

c.Grading option:

d.Section Type:

4.Description of course as it will appear in the catalog including corequisites/prerequisites. (not to exceed 255 characters)


  1. Does this course does contain sufficient writing (6,000 words) to be classified as meeting the State of Florida rule 6A-10.30 (the Gordon Rule). If it meets the rule, specify how the 6,000 words will be covered (exams, papers). Does this course meet the computation portion of the Gordon Rule?


  1. Justification:
  1. Indicate how this course will strengthen the Undergraduate Program. Is this course necessary for accreditation or certification?

b.What specific area of knowledge is covered by this course which is not covered by courses currently listed?

c. What is the need or demand for this course? {Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.} What other programs would this course service?

d.Hasthis course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, what was the enrollment?

d. How frequently will the course be offered? What is the anticipated enrollment?

f.Do you plan to drop a course if this course is added?

g.What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course?

7.Course Syllabus - please attach the syllabus to this form.

8.Liberal Arts Certification –

a.General Course Requirements (check all categories for which you are requesting certification):

_____ English Composition_____ Quantitative Methods

_____ Natural Science_____ Social Science

_____ Historical Perspective_____ Fine Arts

_____ African, Latin American, Middle Eastern, or Asian Perspectives

b.Exit Requirements (you may apply for certification in both of the following):

_____ Major Works and Major Issues_____Literature and Writing

9.Indicate which of the following skills and dimensions are given significant consideration in the course.


_____ Values and Ethics_____ Race and Ethnicity_____ Gender

_____ International Perspectives_____ Environmental Perspectives

b.Learning Skills

i. Thinking Skills:

____ Analytical Thinking____ Conceptual Thinking _____ Creative Thinking

ii. Communication Skills (if applicable)

___ Writing Skills_____ Oral Expression

10.If it is not made clear in the syllabus, please explain how this course satisfies the requirements for liberal arts certification, i.e., dimensions, learning skills, etc., as mentioned in 9 above.

NOTE: Items 11 – 15 must be on a separate page (Endorsements) – USE OUR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SIGNATURE PAGE INSTEAD OF THE LISTING BELOW

11.Approval of Department/Program Committee and Chair/Director (if applicable):

If applicable, the signature of the department chair indicates that all faculty who teach sections of the proposed course have been consulted, have sufficient familiarity with the appropriate skills and dimensions, and agree that the course will meet the Liberal Arts Requirements.


{Name of body}Signature of committee rep.RecommendationDate


{Name of unit}Signature of chair/directorRecommendationDate

12.Note any units or departments of the University that have been consulted and their responses (concurrence,

nonconcurrence, or defer recommendation): {Add additional lines as needed.}


{Type name of unit}Signature of unit representativeRecommendationDate

13.Recommendation of College Council and College Dean (if applicable):


{Type name}Signature of college representativeRecommendationDate


{Type name}Signature of college deanRecommendationDate

14.Recommendation of the Undergraduate Council Date: ______

Approved ______Disapproved ______Signature ______

15.Action by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies Date: ______

Approved ______Disapproved ______Signature ______

New Course Effective Date (Term): ______Revised 5/99- new.doc