New Forest Children’s Partnership

Working together for all our children and young people



Chris Willsher (Chair) / PriestlandsSchool
Andy Dyer / HardleySchool
Claire Lowe / Blackfield and FawleyPrimary School
Darren Watts / HardleySchool
Di Roberts / BrockenhurstCollege
LInda Ladle / NF 11-19 Learning Partnership
Martin Devine / New Forest District Council
Martyn Beales / FordingbridgeInfantsSchool
Michael Clowes / Community First New Forest
Sharon Davies / Children’s Services (Youth Service)
Sheila Young / Children’s Services (E&I Service)
Sue Kocaman / Childrens Services (C&F Service)

Apologies:Alison Foster; Dave Yates; Sue Morse


These were agreed.


LL introduced the Foundation Learning programme, which was being instituted as a contribution towards offering young people access to the widest choice of appropriate learning pathways. It is a personalised programme, which is being developed through multi agency engagement. Its aim is to reach those young people not on target to achieve full Level 2 (ie 5 A-C* at GCSE).

Two strands were being funded at the moment:

  • Development of the project: leaders were identified in Secondary Schools to operate a pilot, from which to devise a sustainable model for the future.
  • In year funding: 68 Foundation Learning places, which a Steering Group is meeting this month to enable offers to be made in January.

In relation to content, there were three distinct areas:

  • Functional skills in English, Maths and ICT
  • Personal and social development (includes workskills)
  • BTEC vocational qualifications

Delivery was likely to be in schools or in Centres, depending on need and content.

It was recognised that there were strong ties to a number of the LCP priorities and there may well be scope to deepening the relationships with the New Forest Business Partnership.


MD liaise with LL re: possible links


It was noted that there were still gaps / tweaks in the Action Plan from agencies.


There was a need for copy from a number of agencies, outlining their contribution. Could this be provided by 26th November please:

Agency / Follow up
Police / CW
Health / CL
Extended Services / CW/AD
Voluntary Sector / CW/MC

There was discussion about the format of the plan and its function. It was agreed that its principal role was to identify the activity of the respective organisations. Once compiled all agencies would have greater awareness and this will facilitate more inter-agency working in due course, as gaps and overlaps became apparent.

It was noted that the format was a limitation on what could be put in the table. It was suggested that links to website with more information could be included, either in the Priority section or in the Appendix of related plans.


All consider if web links would assist and include in material to CW as required

It was felt that circulating the Plan ahead of the 3rd December would be helpful – so the deadline of 26th November was re-iterated for copy, which will allow circulation before the event:

Summary action:

All: Copy to CW by 26th November

CW: Collate and send to SY on the following Monday or Tuesday for SY to distribute.

At this point, SY advised the meeting that she was due to take voluntary redundancy / early retirement on 31st March next year. The meeting were unanimous in wishing Sheila well and recording their gratitude for her terrific support to schools and for the wider partnership.

It was noted that it was the intention to have a District Manager (E&I) for the New Forest and the outcome of interviews may be known before the turn of the year.


There was no requirement for a governance structure as exists in schools. It was agreed therefore that a simple terms of reference would suffice – Aims / attendees / method of working. It was noted that there was accountability from the LCP to the Hampshire Children’s Trust, particularly in relation to pursuing the priorities within the framework of the Children’s Plan. There would also be specific accountabilities to funders of projects undertaken on behalf of the LCP.


CW to devise ToR

The “map” of relations between groups was felt to be useful and could be part of the material produced for the meeting on 3rd December.


MD review “map” and send a final version to CW

There had been no nominations for Chair or Vice Chair up to this time. The meeting discussed the various approaches that could be followed and noted the particular benefits of continuity at the moment. It was also felt that a non-school nominee would be good.

It was agreed unanimously that it was the recommendation of this meeting to the Partnership that CW be nominated for the role of Chair and that there be two Vice Chairs with the nominations of CL and MC. CW, CL and MC were prepared to be nominated.


The recommendations of the Transition Group be presented to the full Partnership on 3rd December.


The allocation of £10,000 for co-ordination was discussed. There was a need to allocate venue costs from this sum for the full Partnership meetings. The substantive part would then be allocated between two aspects:

  • “Back filling” the time taken by the Chair in meeting the demands of the role.
  • Employing a co-ordinator to support the Chair and the working of the Partnership.

The approach was agreed. This Group would consider the detail of this at its next meeting. It may also be known at that time if there were other funding streams likely to be available.


Place this time on the next agenda for this Group

The project funds would be considered within the individual projects themselves.


The components for the meeting on 3rd December were agreed as:

  • Introduction and brief summary of work since the last Partnership meeting.
  • Setting the context of the LCP within the communications “map”
  • Adoption of Terms of Reference
  • Election of Chair and Vice Chairs
  • Adoption of proposed Action Plan
  • Presentation of projects:
  • 1.Foundation Learning
  • 2.Rural Strategy
  • 3.Attendance: Primary School project
  • 4.Attendance: Vulnerable children
  • 5.Family Well Being cluster pilot.
  • Discussion groups to reflect on the projects and identify what there might be in the current plans of their organisation that could contribute and signpost the Partnership to those plans.


CW prepare an outline for the meeting based on the above, the introduction and the specific material for the terms of reference.

CL a brief delivery on the “map”

Project leads: short presentations on each project

MB prepare a working note for the discussion groups to consider the five projects and prompts for their contributions.


This group – now to be termed “Steering Group” – to meet one a half term.

Full Partnership – two a year.


CW to offer suggested dates


1. Review of Full Partnership meeting

2. Confirmation of attendees and operation of Steering Group – including engagement with children and young people.

3. Finalise use of “Co-ordinator budget” and any other apparent funding streams

4. Projects update

5. Action Plan submission to HCT