Government Final Exam Study Guide:

Review Questions:

  1. What Is Government? What is the purpose?
  2. Explain Force Theory, Social Contract Theory, Divine Right and Evolution Theory.
  3. What is the difference between a Unitary and Federal Government.
  4. What is a Parliamentary Government?
  5. What is the difference between direct and representative Democracy?
  6. What is the difference between Unicameral and bicameral legislature?
  7. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  8. How do Autocrats get their power?
  9. What was the main problem with the articles of Confederation?
  10. Checks and balances: give one way each branch checks the other.
  11. Know the Bill of Rights.
  12. Marbury Vs. Madison resulted in…
  13. Amendments 5,14,27,19,26
  14. Writ of Habeus Corpus
  15. Define Interstate Compact, Extradition
  16. Describe a liberal, a conservative
  17. Give an example of Due Process.
  18. Define Reasonable Doubt, Burden of Proof, Probable Cause, Naturalization, Aliens.
  19. De Facto and De Jure segregation.
  20. What are Minor Parties and what’s their purpose?
  21. How often are national party conventions held?
  22. Define Political socialization, Moderates and Partisans
  23. Define Interest groups.
  24. What is the Necessary and Proper Clause?
  25. What is the Federal election Campaign Act of 1974?
  26. Define Concurrent, Implied, Expressed, and Inherent powers.
  27. What are the four characteristics of the state?
  28. What are the duties of every American citizen?
  29. What are the responsibilities of every American?
  30. Know Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
  31. Know The Articles of Confederation.
  32. Know the New Jersey plan vs. Virginia plan.
  1. The Connecticut Compromise – what did it satisfy?
  2. Know the following Amendments: 13, 22, 24 and 25th.
  3. How is the Constitution organized?
  4. Know the first three Articles of the Constitution.
  5. Why states form interstate compacts?
  6. Know about the Supremacy clause.
  7. What are powers and limitations of the National Government?
  8. What are splinter parties?
  9. What are voting requirements? Which voting requirement was the first to be eliminated?
  10. Why do states have voter registration?
  11. Know Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  12. Why are people not voting?
  13. Help America Vote Act, what did it do?
  14. Define: a Caucus, Primary, Convention, and Petition.
  15. When is a runoff primary held?
  16. Know the election process and campaign spending.
  17. Know the factors that shape public opinion.
  18. How did events of 1960 and 1970s affect public opinion?
  19. Define interest groups.
  20. Know the difference between a term and a session of congress.
  21. Requirements for election to U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.
  22. Who decides the election if neither presidential candidate with a majority in the Electoral College.
  23. Know the terms of a Senator and a Representative.
  24. Know the roles of the President.
  25. Know the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.
  26. What are the goals of the National Convention?
  27. Who determines the President’s salary? What is it currently
  28. What are the flaws of the Electoral College system?
  29. What happened in the election of 1800?
  30. Know about the Supreme Court, concurrent jurisdiction, and appellate courts.
  31. Who can remove federal judges from office?
  32. How is the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice made?
  33. What is the Patriot Act? Do you think it’s constitutional?