It maybe that readers will find the highlighted paragraph amusing.
Mr Bollier's comments re Frankfurt airport and the BKA may turn out to be very significant.
Jim S.
High Court decision on Lockerbie case is to be welcomed
THE decision by the High Court to accept that the defence team for Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi can submit evidence outwith the material examined by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC), and also have evidence examined by that body reviewed in the appeal, is a victory for common sense and upholds precedents within the Scottish criminal justice system.
So absurd did the Crown submission in attempting to block this development seem that it leaves a nasty whiff of obstructionism. The Crown had opposed it on the basis that the move would be "absurd", "illogical" and "incompetent in law". Perhaps it as well those arguing before a court are not usually held to be in contempt of it.
For those keen to ensure the final decision on Mr Megrahi's guilt is fair, and to see as much of the truth as possible laid bare at the second appeal, the decision was a delight.
Naturally, the court retains its duty to examine the material submitted by the defence and has the power to reject any aspects it considers frivolous. That function lies within the scope of how Scottish criminal justice works, and it is through the Scottish system that we have always sought to see the guilt or innocence of the Libyan accused.
It is also the duty of the court to consider how its actions should relate to the allocation of judicial resources, as decreed by parliament; no doubt the repercussions from this case may modify those political decisions in the future, but they cannot retrospectively influence the present case.
It is now well over a year since the SCCRC delivered its decision following its own three-year deliberations. It will soon be 20 years since the atrocity. It was also heartening to hear the court agree with the defence to consider proposals on management from both sides in tandem, rather than sequentially. The longer the delays, the greater the injustice to the appellant, should the verdict be overturned; the greater the expense, and the greater the risk that witnesses will have forgotten or died.
Dr Jim Swire, Chipping Campden, Glos.
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Posted by: Edwin & Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO, Zurich / Switzerland on 1:47amSat18Oct08
Legal victory for the Libyan Political hostage, Official Mr. Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi, 'Lockerbie Victim no. 271' Congratulation for the work of solicitor Mr Tony Kelly. It is an important victory for Mr Abdelbaset Al Megrahi and for the coming prestige of the Leader of Libya, Muammar al-Gadhafi, after winning the Appeal. The next date on the High Court in Edinburgh is planned on 21 November, 2008. MEBO’s comment: The desision of the appeal court confirms that the procedures of the SCCRC-tests for a reappeal were absolutely not in accordance with the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. On the 28th of June 2007, Mr Megrahi’s lawers, rejected the SCCRC-ruling as fabrication. Solicitor Tony Kelly said: We don’t have to limit our appeal on the grounds the Commission has identified. We have carte blanche to make it on as many grounds as we want. This includes the claims about the most important fragment of the bomb’s timing mechanism that was allegedly found in the countryside near Lockerbie in the months after the atrocity. +++ The Commission deliberately suppressed among other things, the evidence concerning the two times manipulated MST-13 Timer fragment. On top of that a high ranking Scottish official is deliberately holding back MEBO’s criminal complaint regarding the falsification of evidence since the 11th of June 2000. The revision of the wrong judgement against the Libyan Official Abdelbaset al Megrahi in the Lockerbie-case must first of all start with the rejection of the former line of argumentation concerning the manipulated fragment of a MST-13 timer (PT/35B) by the Scottish Justice. Reason: the first implication of Libya with the PanAm 103 bombing was based only on the wrong conclusion at Kamp van Zeist and its first appeal that the decisive piece of evidence - the manipulated fragment of a MST-13 timer - did originate from a timer delivered to Libya. Today it can be proved, with BKA documents, that on the 21th of December 1988 no "bomb bag" was loaded on AirMalta, flight KM-180 at Luqa airport and transfered in Frankfurt on PanAm 103/A to Heathrow. Therefore the security observation visit, of Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, alias Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad, to Malta (ordered by his chief El Bishari) from the 20th to the 21th of December 1988, and his alleged infiltration of a "bomb bag" has no evidence any more! The de-conspiracy of the conspiracy against Libya can begin… More news on our webpage: (by ebol)
Legal victory for the Libyan Political hostage, Official Mr. Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi, 'Lockerbie Victim no. 271'
Congratulation for the work of solicitor Mr Tony Kelly. It is an important victory for Mr Abdelbaset Al Megrahi and for the coming prestige of the Leader of Libya, Muammar al-Gadhafi, after winning the Appeal.
The next date on the High Court in Edinburgh is planned on 21 November, 2008.
MEBO’s comment:
The desision of the appeal court confirms that the procedures of the SCCRC-tests for a reappeal were absolutely not in accordance with the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
On the 28th of June 2007, Mr Megrahi’s lawers, rejected the SCCRC-ruling as fabrication.
Solicitor Tony Kelly said: We don’t have to limit our appeal on the grounds the Commission has identified. We have carte blanche to make it on as many grounds as we want.
This includes the claims about the most important fragment of the bomb’s timing mechanism that was allegedly found in the countryside near Lockerbie in the months after the atrocity.
The Commission deliberately suppressed among other things, the evidence concerning the two times manipulated MST-13 Timer fragment. On top of that a high ranking Scottish official is deliberately holding back MEBO’s criminal complaint regarding the falsification of evidence since the 11th of June 2000.
The revision of the wrong judgement against the Libyan Official Abdelbaset al Megrahi in the Lockerbie-case must first of all start with the rejection of the former line of argumentation concerning the manipulated fragment of a MST-13 timer (PT/35B) by the Scottish Justice.
Reason: the first implication of Libya with the PanAm 103 bombing was based only on the wrong conclusion at Kamp van Zeist and its first appeal that the decisive piece of evidence - the manipulated fragment of a MST-13 timer - did originate from a timer delivered to Libya.
Today it can be proved, with BKA documents, that on the 21th of December 1988 no "bomb bag" was loaded on AirMalta, flight KM-180 at Luqa airport and transfered in Frankfurt on PanAm 103/A to Heathrow. Therefore the security observation visit, of Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, alias Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad, to Malta (ordered by his chief El Bishari) from the 20th to the 21th of December 1988, and his alleged infiltration of a "bomb bag" has no evidence any more!
The de-conspiracy of the conspiracy against Libya can begin…
More news on our webpage:
(by ebol)
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Posted by: Big Wullie, Glasgow on 4:58amSun19Oct08
Lets hope SCCRC are held accountable for their misdeeds. They have employed the same tactics with a few cases in Scotland including my own where they never even bothered to ask my defence team why they never interviewed 16 witness's before my trial. Then again I was also complaining about Mr William Taylor QC and he also sat on the SCCRCs board while they investigated my complaints about him, Sorry, Never investigated my complaints. They did the same with Edward Milne only Interviewed his Lawyer and took three years to give him an opinion ? Mr Milne has it in writing they only interviewed his Lawyer and can be found at Photobucket. The SCCRC are acting like a Crown Prosecution Service and can reject appeals which our Courts must accept for example: Prima Facie cases must be accepted by our Courts but SCCRC can Reject Them. They Released Jurors Names and Address's to me who found me guilty, yet refuse to release proper documents they should regarding my case. SCCRC have also told me they never got documents Crown Office say was sent to them. Best Wishes to Jim Swire and all the families that lost loved ones, The least they deserve is a Public Enquiry Like Shirley McKie. I would go as far as saying that All Miscarriages in Scotland deserve the same kind of enquiries but never get them, Will SNP change this attitude and culture of Hiding these matters for years on end and ignoring these cases and hold more Enquiries ? Time for more Enquiries SNP One thing is for sure, Kenny MacAskill should be doing more. If it wasn't for Jim & Co Megrahi would never have had this second chance. Well done to all who have supported Megrahi Keep up the good work. Do not be fooled by SCCRC
Lets hope SCCRC are held accountable for their misdeeds.
They have employed the same tactics with a few cases in Scotland including my own where they never even bothered to ask my defence team why they never interviewed 16 witness's before my trial.
Then again I was also complaining about Mr William Taylor QC and he also sat on the SCCRCs board while they investigated my complaints about him, Sorry, Never investigated my complaints.
They did the same with Edward Milne only Interviewed his Lawyer and took three years to give him an opinion ?
Mr Milne has it in writing they only interviewed his Lawyer and can be found at Photobucket.
The SCCRC are acting like a Crown Prosecution Service and can reject appeals which our Courts must accept for example:
Prima Facie cases must be accepted by our Courts but SCCRC can Reject Them.
They Released Jurors Names and Address's to me who found me guilty, yet refuse to release proper documents they should regarding my case.
SCCRC have also told me they never got documents Crown Office say was sent to them.
Best Wishes to Jim Swire and all the families that lost loved ones, The least they deserve is a Public Enquiry Like Shirley McKie.
I would go as far as saying that All Miscarriages in Scotland deserve the same kind of enquiries but never get them, Will SNP change this attitude and culture of Hiding these matters for years on end and ignoring these cases and hold more Enquiries ?
Time for more Enquiries SNP
One thing is for sure, Kenny MacAskill should be doing more.
If it wasn't for Jim & Co Megrahi would never have had this second chance.
Well done to all who have supported Megrahi Keep up the good work.
Do not be fooled by SCCRC