Netball Supporter’s Group Committee Meeting

24October 2011 7pm

8 Wildfire Court, Newport Waterways

Meeting opened and all attendees welcomed by Debbie Lever.

Attendance and apologies

Present: Wendy Charlton, Marianne Connolly, Rowena Harle, Jillian Hermann, Claire Jackson, Debbie Lever, Trina Pickens, Mick Skinner, Judy Watts, Chrissie Whyte.

Apologies: Sarah Gordon, Ian Grant, Karen Gregory, Justin Hill, Tim Hughes, Natasha Keir, Michelle Miers, Silvana Nairn.

Confirmation of Minutes of meeting 01 August 2011

Minutes confirmed Marianne Connolly 2nd byRowena Harle.

Correspondence inwards/outwards

See table at end of minutes.

Head of Netball Report

a) Vicki Wilson Cup: the team finished 5th in the competition, missing out on the opportunity to play in the finals playoffs. The girls were challenged on all occasions by strong opposing schools, but showed true spirit and not letting their game falter.

b) Mission Primary Schools Cup: The carnival was played over two days with over 80 teams travelling from across Queensland to take part. Schools were divided into eight pools with St Paul’s playing in the “Natalie Medhurst and Laura Nourse” pools. The format for the games was 8min halves with a 3min halftime. All teams were to play a minimum of 6 games on day one & 2 games on day two, with the top two teams from each pool moving through to knock out finals.

During Term 3, Year 7 Girls were asked to express their interest in the competition and begin training weekly with Jo Aitken. A team of 16 girls trained hard for Term 3 and 3 weeks into Term four. A training camp was also held over the September school holidays, followed by a BBQ at the school pool.

The “Red” team finished the round competition undefeated and first in their pool and went through to the first round of elimination finals were they played against 2011 runner-ups All Saints Anglican College. Unfortunately, we were unable to continue our winning streak and were beaten by All Saints 15-8. The girls were mentally and physically exhausted, but pleased to have gotten so far in the competition.

The “Green” team was not as successful, winning only 1 of their 11 round games. Due to the number of losses St Paul’s finished 10th in their pool. Therefore, not successful in making it through to the knock out finals.

The carnival has been a wonderful learning experience in so many ways. In two months their game has improved out of sight. They have developed from beginners into very good individual players and even better team players. Their camaraderie, sportsmanship and teamwork is something that St Paul’s and their families should be very proud of. Over the course of the weekend they were gracious in defeat, humble in victory & most of all continued to put in & improved as the weekend progressed. A few of these girls have very little netball experience and the future for St Paul’s netball looks bright.

Many people need to be thanked and recognised for helping the girls experience such an opportunity. Firstly, the netball supporters group for encouraging the school to take part in this competition in 2011. To Tim Hughes (Head of Sport) for providing financial support, without this support, this campaign might not have gone ahead.

Jo Aitken has been very generous with her time training the girls, running them through their paces at each session, and providing them with support at the carnival. Her efforts have been appreciated not only by the girls, but also by the parents and community of St Paul’s School.

Jordanne Aitken has also shared her knowledge working with the “green” team at the carnival. Her efforts and enthusiasm were appreciated by the girls, parents, and community of St Paul’s School.

To the parents who ensured the girls had plenty of cold water and fresh fruit between games and happily scored each game from the sidelines.

To all the umpires who were fantastic with their feedback, support & encouragement to our girls during the games.

Thank you to the parents, siblings, friends, and SPS staff for visiting & supporting the girls during the carnival.

The girls that represented St Paul’s School this weekend are a wonderful group of girls that have shown great commitment to this carnival.

Rowena Harle

Assistant Head of Sport, Head of Netball

Jemma Engelbrecht / Lindy van Zyl / Renae Lowden / Sarah Balmer
Bridget Warren / Georgia Feeney / Lily Egerton / Jessie Bognuda
Renee Quinan / Belle Yeo / Ellie Yeo / Dana Dray
Rahel Phillips / Annabelle Fordyce / Anna Lonn / Rachel Davin
Rebecca Payne

Action: Michael Skinner to write a letter of thanks to Tiffany Schneider, Jordanne and Jo Aitken.

c) PRNA Monday night netball – unfortunately there were insufficient teams for the event to proceed. However teams from SPS have been entered in other competitions. A 6-week development programme was planned by the PRN Association ($65).

Action:Rowena Harle to forward details to relevant aged players.

5. Events

Break-up Breakfast 10th of August- Feed back included

Disappointmentat the lower than expected number, despite RSVPs, due to clash with 2 house breakfasts and the feeling by students that they were required to choose the house event. This was despite the NSG function being booked for > 6 months. As a result there was a significant amount of left over food. Some was donated to FSG for their canteen. Mr Browning was made aware at the subsequent Association meeting and had made a commitment to ensure poor communication would not happen again. All events are to be lodge with Michelle Fraser.

The issue with the gazebo power was not resolved as heating the water and cooking the eggs was a challenge: to be revisited in 2012.

Location near the PEC was considered, assuming it could be secured mindful of volleyball.

Set up was an issue as ground staff are not rostered on early enough to get the BBQ there for cooking: to be revisited in 2012.

The possibility of using the new BBQ trailer may solve the issues: to be revisited in 2012.

The medals for the year 12 as opposed to the 1sts was well received, as were the awards for years of service (with some comments by recipients that the year book details may not have been accurate).


Bibs - completed and worn at Mission Primary Schools Cup.

ii) Meeting dates - NSG meetings Mondays unless indicated 7 pm Library 2012

Feb 20, Mar 19, Apr 17 (Tues), May 14, June 18, July 17 (Tues),Aug 20 and Oct 22 AGM

Action: Sarah Slade to be notified.

iii) Development clinic - April 12 9-4 (times tbc) PEC and outdoor courts with a joint RSG/NSG BBQ to follow. Also plans for Net Set Go (P-yr. 3) & preseason training (yr. 4-7) on 27 02 and 5/12/19/26 03 confirmed.

Action: Rowena Harle to investigate with Netball QLD &? Jill Williams respectively.

iv) Invitation Carnivals SAC/Toowoomba Prep - too little information on school calendar currently to select possible days.

Action: Rowena Harle to investigate once school calendar details available.

v) 2012 Season - TAS confined to term 2 with Round 1 21 04 12. All call for interest in the PTC role will be included in the last 2011 Zone and by Rowena, with confirmation after team selections? mid term 1. Suggestions included Erica Black, Rose Ralph. It was anticipated that by the end of 2011 a skeleton of possible coaches would be confirmed, with previous parent volunteers of Karyn Gregory and Debbie Lansdown noted. Marianne was thanked for her commitment to a 2012 coaching role.

Action: Rowena Harle to secure coaches where possible. Silvana Nairn to include calls for interest in PTC role in Zone.

vi) Tour 2012 - 9 students from the current yr. 10 & 11 had paid deposits. A meeting was planned for 261011. Kathleen Power had fundraising planned. Action: to seek feedback at the next NSG meeting from Kathleen (or a written report if she cannot attend). The recent tour was subsided by NSG to approx. $3500.

Action: Rowena to ask Kathleen for report for February meeting.

vii) Fundraisers progress- the success of the Coffee Van & Boost Juice was confirmed. Chrissie Whyte agreed to liaise with both parities to make them aware of the 3 home game dates (214, 12 05 & 09 06). Other fundraising would be limited to the tour. Assuming Tim confirms the Gala Sports Day is May 12, the Tour would like to confirm a Car Wash.

Action: Chrissie to approach Coffee Van & Boost Juice.

6.Treasurer's Report

Opening balance is$4615.55. Expenditure since last meeting of $1,109.22. Further details in AGM minutes.

7.General Business

Association Meeting Report:Confirmation that the Association has secured the coffee shop tender and plans for operation to commence early 2012 were in progress.

Long-sleeved Supporter Jerseys- orders close on Nov 4. Rowena to make posters and place around the school. Those attending the Foundation Day Service/ Cocktail function/other school event before to promote. After closing date an order to be sent to Canterbury via Juanita. Tim Hughes will pay the invoice. NSG will transfer funds to the relevant account for the amount minus GST (which is recoverable by school) Cost is $72 incl GST. Sale price is $80- anticipated profit to NSG of approx. $15 per shirt sold. Minimum number 10. Anticipated sales will be better in 2012 (currently 9).

Action: Debbie Lever to coordinate.


Zone: A final editionfor 2011 would be produced in the near future, by the new Editor, Silvana Nairn. A request for this and previous editions of the Zone to be available via a link on the school website would be made.

Action: Debbie/Wendy to liaise with Sarah Slade about archiving Zones.

The Link:Wendy thanked for taking on this task in 2011. She will liaise with Michael as to who would address the role (& that of submitting information to Connections) for 2012.

Action:Mick & Wendy to clarify roles and then include promotion for NSG in Link & Connections including early notice for development clinic, which is in the Easter Holidays.

d) Icy Poles- due to some teams playing very early when it is cold not all players choose to take up the offer of an ice pole. The left overs from 2011 were donated to JSSG for Camping at St Paul’s (29 10 11). PTCs would still collect icy poles from Rowena Harle.

Action: PTC coordinator Sarah Gordon to be asked to liaise with PTCs of each team once confirmed to clarify if the team would like to opt in or out for the treatto avoid unnecessary expense.

e) School Fair 25 08 12- Volunteers requested as per the Link. Next meeting 15 11 11 Tooth Centre 6.30pm. NSG keen to be involved but it was noted all funds raised would be directed to the Fair projects not to NSG. Once details of how stall responsibilityconfirmed ? houses ? JS years ? other NSG to revisit. The possibility of taking orders for the LS shirt at the Fair seemed a good opportunity to explore.

8:15pmMeeting ClosedNext MeetingTuesday7pm 20 02 12


From… / To…. / About…..
1/8-9/8 / Various emails about breakfast arrangements
2/8 -12/10 / Claire etc. / Juanita/ J Hillier/ Sarah Slade / Various emails about finalising design of long sleeved supporters shirts and pre-order form
11/8 / Claire / Breakfast helpers etc. / Thanks, feedback in lieu of Sept meeting
15/8 / Minutes of Aug meeting & end of season results
18/8 / Debbie / Netball families / August Zone newsletter
31/8 / Claire / Julie Hillier / Reminder for approval of badge for supporters shirts
4/10 onwards / Claire / Sarah/Aasta / Supporters shirts advertising and ordering
7/10 / Debbie / Netball families / October Zone & Supporters Shirt order form
12/10 / Claire / Paul Hardy / Offered excess ice-blocks for Junior School
15/10 / Wendy / JS Connection / Submission for JS newsletter
17/10 / Debbie / Netball families / Reminder: AGM & general mtg 24 Oct
13/8 / Peter SPSSA / NSG families / Reminder: FSG Wine Drive
15/8 / Peter SPSSA / Netball families / Agenda for SPSSA Mtg. 23/8 & updated constitution
18/8 / NZ tour time / NSG tour comm / Tour details
21/8 / Peter SPSSA / NSG / Supporter Grp Minutes on Parent Lounge
25/8 / Aasta / Via SPSSA to NSG / Volunteers required for golf day
29/8 / Peter D, SPSSA / NSG families / Reminder: Morning tea/Fashion Show
2/9 / Peter D, SPSSA / NSG families / Reminder: Cocktail party 4 Nov
5/9 / Peter SPSSA / NSG / SPSSA Aug Minutes and Sept Agenda
3/10 / Peter SPSSA / Netball families / Minutes SPSSASept Mtg
7/10 / Peter SPSSA / NSG / Main oval irrigation
13/10 / Sarah / NSG committee / White calendar dates for 2012 by 25 October
13/10 / Paul Hardy / NSG / Thanks, will confirm taking of ice-blocks
18/10 / Peter SPSSA / NSG / Agenda SPSSA Mtg: 25 Oct


Rowena / -forward details to relevant aged players re PNRA development programme
-investigate with Netball QLD & ? Jill Williams respectively.
-investigate invitation Carnivals SAC/Toowoomba Prep
-secure coaches where possible
-ask Kathleen for a tour report for February NSG meeting
-print posters for LS shirt and place around the school
Michael / -write a letter of thanks to Tiffany Schneider, Jordanne, and Jo Aitken.
Claire / -send meeting dates to Sarah Slade
Debbie / -consider issues from breakup breakfast incl booking trailer
-coordinate LS shirt project
-liaise with Sarah Slade about archiving Zones ( with Wendy)
-request PTC coordinator Sarah Gordon liaise with PTCs to clarify if the team would like to opt in or out for ice poles
-investigate the possibility of taking orders for the LS shirt at the Fair
Silvana / -include calls for interest in PTC role in Zone
Chrissie / -approach Coffee Van & Boost Juice.
Wendy/Michael / -include promotion for NSG in Link & Connections including early notice for development clinic, which is in the Easter Holidays.

"NSG - Proudly encourages the Development of Netball for All Ages".