Nerve Pathways
Axillary Nerve
- arising from the posterior cord
- passing between the ______and ______close to surgical neck of the humerus
- passes out of the quadrangular space
- innervates the deep surface of ______and ______.
Ulnar Nerve
- arising from the median nerve
- passes through the arm innervating nothing passing between medial epicondyle and olecranon
- passes between 2 heads and innervates ______
- passes deep to ______
- sends branch to innervate ulnar ½ of ______
- proximal to wrist sends ______branch to ulnar side of dorsum of hand
- proximal to wrist sends______branch to ulnar side of palm of hand
- crosses wrist and passes through ______between pisiform and hook of hamate
- ends by dividing into ______and ______
- superficial remains superficial and innervates entire ______finger and entire ulnar side of _____ finger
- deep ulnar nerve passes b/w ______and ______; through opponens digiti minimi and follows deep arch on surface interossei muscles
- deep ulnar nerve innervates 14 ½ muscles
Radial Nerve
- arising from the posterior cord
- passes to radial groove of humerus at proximal aspects of radial groove and innervates
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- passes out of radial groove between ______and ______at which point it innervates
- ______
- ______
- passes into cubital fossa and ends by dividing into ______and ______
- superficial radial nerve: passes distal between ______and ______and passes under ______to become cutaneous to dorsum of first web space including dorsum of thumb
- deep radial nerve:
- passes into and innervates ______
- emerges out of ______into posterior compartment of forearm
- travels distally between superficial and deep layers of post. Compartment
- innervates:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Median Nerve
- arises from the joining of lateral and medial roots of the median nerve
- passes through the median of anterior compartment of the arm innervating nothing
- passes into the middle of the cubital fossa
- passes under the ______
- passes between the 2 heads and innervates ______
- passes between the 2nd and 3rd layers of muscles of the forearm (______and ______)
- innervates
- ______
- ______
- ______
- sends off one branch ______which travels on the anterior surface of the interosseus membrane and innervates
- ______
- ______
- ______
- median nerve continues to cross wrist under the tendon of the ______
- enters into the most superficial part of carpal tunnel
- passes into central compartment of hand to innervate
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______