Chapter 5 Vocabulary List




Natural Selection


Adaptive trait


Convergent Evolution

Artificial selection

Biological Diversity (biodiversity)

Phylogenetic Tree


Fossil Record


Endemic Species

Mass extinction events




Population ecology

Community ecology

Ecosystem ecology


Habitat use

Habitat selection




Population size

Population density

Population distribution (dispersion)

Sex ration

Age distribution/Age structure

Survivorship curves



Exponential growth

Limiting factor

Carrying capacity

Density dependant limiting factor

Density independent limiting factor

K-selected species

R-selected species

Native species

Chapter 5 Vocabulary Definitions

-A population or group of populations whose members share characteristics

-A group of individuals of a species that live in the same area

-Change over time

-Process in which traits that enhance survival and reproduction are passed on more frequently to future generations than those that do not

-The process where, over time, characteristics (traits) that lead to better reproductive success become more prevalent in the population

-A trait that promotes reproductive success

-Accidental changes in DNA that may be passed on to the next generation

-Unrelated species may acquire similar traits because they live in similar environments

-The process of selection conducted under human direction

-The variety of life across all levels of biological organization

-Diagrams that show relationships among species, groups, genes, etc

-An imprint in stone of a dead organism

-The cumulative body of fossils worldwide

-The disappearance of a species from Earth

-A species that only exists in a certain, specialized area

-Episodes that killed off massive numbers of species at once

-The total of living things on Earth and the areas they inhabit

-Interacting species that live in the same area

-Communities and the nonliving material and forces they interact with

-Investigates the dynamics of population change

-Focuses on patterns of species diversity and interactions

-Studies living and nonliving components of systems to reveal patterns

-The environment where an organism lives

-Each organism thrives in certain habitats, but not in others

-The process by which organisms actively select habitats in which to live

-Summary of everything an organism does

-Species that have narrow niches and specific needs

-Species with broad niches

-Number of individuals present at a given time

-The number of individuals in a population per unit area

-Spatial arrangement of organisms

-Proportion of males to females

-The relative numbers of organisms of each age in a population

-Graphs that show that the likelihood of death varies with age

-Arrival of individuals from outside the population

-Departure of individuals from the population

-Whena population increases by a fixed percent

-Physical, chemical, and biological attributes of the environment that restrain population growth

-The maximum population size of a species that its environment can sustain

-Limiting factors whose influence is affected by population density

-Limiting factors whose influence is not affected by population density

-Species with long gestation periods, few offspring, and strong parental care

-Species that reproduce quickly and offer little or no care for offspring

-Those that live in the same place that they are originally from or a species that occurs naturally within a region, either evolving there or arriving and becoming established without human assistance