Nebraska Quality Improvement Plan

Nebraska Quality Improvement Plan

Nebraska Quality Improvement Plan

Use the space below to develop a strategic plan for moving toward full implementation of the element. Referring to the indicators on your self-assessment, you may choose to include a strategic plan for each indicator separately, work on a selected number of indicators, group some indicators together, or group all the indicators together to create a higher-level plan.
Identify the element and indicator(s) that you are planning for here:
Element 1-Program Standards
Standards Indicator #1-Graduated program quality standards create a pathway to excellence.
STEP 1: Setting expectations, target dates, and next steps
What is working? / What does our next stage of implementation look like? / What steps will lead to our next stage of implementation? (You may also include who is taking the lead on each step.) / What is the target date for achieving our next stage (or steps) of implementation?
Draft Standards have been developed.
Focus groups have been held across the state to 9 groups including child care center, family child care home, Head Start and school district operated programs. / Convene a QRIS Broad Stakeholder Group to review the feedback from focus groups and refine the standards. /
  1. Schedule four meetings across the months of September and October 2013. (NDE Office of Early Childhood)
  2. Determine whether current standards as defined address all sectors of ECE services. (Broad Stakeholder Group)
  3. Determine whether indicators are measurable. (Broad Stakeholder Group)
  4. Eliminate duplication across standards areas to develop the most efficient system possible. (Broad Stakeholder Group)
  5. Finalize the standards and indicators for the state team to review.
/ November 1, 2013
STEP 2: Assessing barriers, supports, establishing ownership, and measuring success
What are the barriers to achieving the next stage and how can we address those barriers? / What supports are needed to move forward? Be as specific as possible. / Who will guide the process? / How will we measure success?
Making sure that key stakeholders are at the table.
Dealing with stakeholders who have varying degrees of understanding of the quality of ECE services in the state.
Timeline is tight and depends on careful and timely supports to the Broad Stakeholder Group. / Examples of what other states are using to verify the indicators.
Examples of the specificity defined in other states standards and indicators. For instance Family Engagement measures and resources.
Resources that can support providers varying literacy levels and varying home languages in understanding and meeting the standards and indicators. / Terry Rohren / Standards and indicators are clearly defined and understandable to any ECE provider.
Indicators have more defined resources that can assist ECE providers in meeting the standard.
Use the space below to develop a strategic plan for moving toward full implementation of the element. Referring to the indicators on your self-assessment, you may choose to include a strategic plan for each indicator separately, work on a selected number of indicators, group some indicators together, or group all the indicators together to create a higher-level plan. The guiding questions for each indicator in the BQI online self-assessment tool may also be a helpful reference.
Identify the element and indicator(s) that you are planning for here:
Element 3-Financial Incentives and Supports
Financial Incentives Indicator #1-Financial Incentives reward and sustain program quality improvements.
STEP 1: Setting expectations, target dates, and next steps
What is working? / What does our next stage of implementation look like? / What steps will lead to our next stage of implementation? (You may also include who is taking the lead on each step.) / What is the target date for achieving our next stage (or steps) of implementation?
National Accreditation incentives payments have been provided to the few providers who achieve national accreditation.
Incentive payments to license exempt providers had increased those providers obtaining some of the training licensed providers receive. / Review the financial incentives proposed in the Nebraska Step Up to Quality Act.
More clearly define what the incentives will be and how a program would receive that incentive.
Determine if the financial incentives are attractive to a broad array of stakeholders or more specific to those receiving public funds. Determine if adjustments are needed for the incentives and if the financial resources are in place to support any adjustments. / QRIS State Team-lead by QRIS Administrator and including DHHS and NDE representatives. / December 30, 2013
STEP 2: Assessing barriers, supports, establishing ownership, and measuring success
What are the barriers to achieving the next stage and how can we address those barriers? / What supports are needed to move forward? Be as specific as possible. / Who will guide the process? / How will we measure success?
Limited financial resources.
Financial supports for those not receiving public funds are more challenging to get support through the state system.
Will the financial incentives be enough to get providers engaged in QRIS? / Examples of financial incentives used in other states. Examples of financial incentives used beyond the child care subsidy tiered reimbursement system.
What do we know about the amount of financial incentive that gets strong program engagement in QRIS. / QRIS Administrator and State Team / Financial incentives are understandable, motivating people to participate in QRIS, and we are seeing people move toward higher quality to get incentives.