GREETERS:Dale & Karen Boer

Dec 24:Dave & Lora Vande Brake

NOTE: Greeters are responsible for the AM & PMServices.

USHERS: Jeff Boer, Bart Peters, Lee Schemper

NOTE: Ushers are reminded to seat latecomers during the (**) noted in the order of worship.

OFFERING:AM: Cornerstone Prison Church and Benevlolence


Dec 24:AM: KDCR / KNWC

PM: Love INC

AUDIO/VIDEO:Audio:KeatonVideo: Kyler

Dec 24:Audio:Caleb Video:Dan W

POWERPOINT: Chandler (a.m.) / Allan (p.m.)

Dec 24:Lorna

NURSERY:AM: Sherri B, Kailey H, Caleb S

PM: Wade Heemskerk family

Dec 24:AM: Melissa W, Chandler S, Kyler S

PM: Lyle Hoekstra family


Today:Dennis & Doris Kreykes, Bill & Nancy Van Otterloo

Dec 24:Jerry & Alyssa Postma, Mart & Deb Peters


Today:No Children & Worship (Communion)

Dec 24:Rachel R, Krista H, Kailey H, Keaton H, Dylan H

ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK: December 17 - 23

SUN:9:30 a.m.Morning Worship

10.45 a.m.Sunday School and Catechism

TUE:7:00 p.m.Worship Committee

WED:6:30 p.m.GEMS / Cadets (meet at First CRC)

7:00 p.m.Congregational Meeting

Welcome to worship at Immanuel

Pastor Kevin Muyskens

December 17, 2017

Morning Worship: We have focused on different portions of the Peaceable Kingdom Jesus is producing. This morning we focus especially on the peace he is bringing to his people and that he offers to all who will receive him as Savior and Lord. That peace was affected on the cross; we celebrate and receive the benefits of his sacrifice through sharing in the communion meal.

Communion: This morning we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and who have publicly proclaimed this by their full membership in a church that teaches Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation are invited to participate.

Evening Worship:In the mornings we have been talking about the Peaceable Kingdom Jesus has inaugurated and will bring in its fullness. This evening we will look at Jesus’ temptation. The devil offered Jesus’ three different short-cuts to bring in a kingdom. Jesus chose the difficult route that included the cross because the cost of the short-cuts to the Peaceable Kingdom he was establishing was too great.


After the morning service the family of Elmer and Mary Schmidt will be serving cupcakes and ice cream in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary which will be December 29, Lord willing."Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

The Congregational Meeting to approve the annual budget has been set for Wednesday, December 20 at 7:00. Amended copies of the proposed budget can be found in your church mailboxes. The council apologizes for the inconvenience of a last minute change; we believed this was our best means of doing everything decently and in good order. As the ballots are being counted we will hear a brief report from CES about our fundraising progress to this point, an update from the building committee about finances and what projects remain to be finished, and some explanation of upcoming ministry plans and opportunities especially concerning our “OUT” goal.

GEMS & Cadets will hold their combined Christmas party beginning at First CRC at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. They will go caroling then make their way to Sheldon Christian to share pizza and play dodgeball. Please pick up your child at 8:30 p.m.

Invite your friends and neighbors: Christmas provides a unique opportunity to invite people to worship. Many people want to worship at Christmas and they are more familiar with the songs and the story being presented. Please take this opportunity to invite those you know who may not have a place to worship this Christmas. We will be having a “Christmas service” celebrating Jesus’ birth on next Sunday morning December 24. That evening at 6:00 p.m. we will have a Christmas Eve service that will be especially welcoming to families. We are encouraging you to invite people with the idea of building a family memory. We will have photographers and scenes available after worship for a family Christmas portrait for guests and members alike. Cookies, coffee, and cider will be served. Make this a great family memory for you and for a neighbor.

Apple Pie Update: There are approximate 150 pies left. Let’s try to get them all sold by the end of the year. They make great Christmas gifts for the person who has everything!

Need for our Missional Outreach Season

  • Looking for a TV that can be use weekly in Sunday School from January- May. Must be a good size and have a HDMI connection
  • Actors and Actresses to help with Sunday school lesson (on a scheduled basis)
  • Crowd Control Helper from 11:00-11:30 a.m. with new set up in Sunday School. Two more volunteers would be helpful; no pre-planning, justcome on your scheduled day (once a month from January-May)
  • Extra substitute teachers from January-May (no pre-planning). Will be contacted when needed.
  • Music helper for young kids worship timefrom 10:45-11:00 a.m. on a weekly basis beginning in January. No pre-planning involved; just have a heart to sing praises with the little ones.
  • If you can help out in any of these areas, please contact Jenna Hernandez (348-1456) or Jena Dykstra (348-1276) immediately.

Michelle’s Orphans: Sweatshirt tags have all been claimed! Please bring back all sweatshirts with the tag attached by TODAY.

  • Although Michelle hasn’t sent a full prayer calendar yet, we have the dates of February birthdays. Please return cards for these kids by December 31. Boys: Bogen P and Vali (turning 11) and Sasha N (12). Girls: Katia G (9), Mila (12), Inna G and Tanya V (15). Pastor Sergey, who works with orphan graduates, also has a February birthday.
  • Michelle Maly’s birthday is December 28. If you wish to send her a card, drop it in the birthday bag, and we will send it to her parents’ address. (Michelle will be in the US for a few weeks.) If you want to include a birthday gift for her, we know that she can redeem gift cards from Amazon, Kohls, Target, and Walmart in Ukraine.

Justice For All is looking for workers to help with a housing project on S. 9th Avenue in Sheldon. Contact Roger Boer at 341-0306 for more information of if you can be involved.

Students preparing for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church from Classis Heartland may apply for aid to assist them in their study for the 2018-2019 academic years by contacting Rev. Loren Kotman; 1111 5th Street, Hull, IA 51239; (712) 439-1123; . The deadline is February 1, 2018.


Please be in prayer for the Hoekstra family as they laid Lucy to rest yesterday. Pray also for all those families and individuals who are mourning the loss of loved ones even as we walk through a season of celebration.

Please be in prayer for Marlin Van Tol, nephew of Steve Van Den Berg, who was in an accident this week that required amputation of his leg and multiple surgeries. Pray for him to maintain as many abilities as possible and for his spirits as he deals with this life change.

Sheri Driesen’s fatherhad surgery on Thursday for esophageal cancer. Please keep this family in your prayers as they work through dealing with this difficult diagnosis and the uncertain days ahead.