Application form
Recreational wildlife licence (birds, reptiles, amphibians)
Section 11(f) – Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2017
/ Recreational wildlife licence (birds, reptiles, amphibians)
Important information for applicants
Applications can be made using the Department’s digital platform for online services and transactions. In some instances, online licences are granted straight away. Visit for more informationThis form is to be used to apply for a recreational wildlife licence. Information requested will enable your application to be processed as prescribed by the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Your application must be assessed and a licence granted by the chief executive before you can proceed with the proposed activity. Your application may take up to 40 business days to process.
Before completing your application please read the information materials included with your application kit. Before lodging this application you should be familiar with the requirements of the Nature Conservation Act available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website If you have queries about how to complete this form correctly or need guidance contact Permit and Licence Management on 1300 130 372 option 4.
Terms and Conditions
Permits, licences and authorities Queensland's native wildlife is protected by legislation that aims to conserve biodiversity by protecting native plants and animals and their habitat. All native birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians are protected, along with some invertebrates (certain butterflies, spiders and scorpions), freshwater fish and the grey nurse shark. Other aquatic species are protected by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Government. A licensing system helps us protect native wildlife species. By regulating the sustainable taking, keeping, using or moving of wildlife for commercial, recreational or other purposes we contribute to the maintenance of viable wild populations of plants and animals. The type of approval(s) you will need depends upon a number of things, including:
· The nature and purpose of your proposed activity
· The tenure of the area in which you intend to undertake your activity and
· The species of wildlife concerned
To apply for permits:
· within the protected area estate (except nature refuges and special wildlife reserves) as defined in the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (e.g. national park, national park [Aboriginal land], national park [Torres Strait Island land] etc); or
· within a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 2004; or
· within State forest estate under the Forestry Act 1959 (e.g. state forests and timber reserves)
please contact the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing
Note: Corporations must have an office in Queensland to be eligible to apply for a wildlife authority.
The Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the subordinate Nature Conservation Regulations may be found on-line on the Office of Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website.
Privacy statement for wildlife permits
Information you provide assists the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) to administer wildlife licences, permits and authorities granted under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006.
Some information may be provided to the Departments of National Parks, Sport and Racing; Agriculture and Fisheries; Science, Information Technology and Innovation; Health; Queensland Police Service or the Australian Defence Force in order investigate biosecurity or health issues or allegations of unlawful activity, if required.
Some information, where relevant, may also be sent to non-government organisations such as the RSPCA Qld and the Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation Council for the purpose of improving standards of native animal care.
Information regarding your status as a holder of a permit may be provided to any party upon request. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other parties without your consent unless authorised or required by law.
More information on our commitment to privacy is available on our website. Should you have a general question on the Department and its obligations under the Information Privacy Act 2009 please email or for specific questions concerning privacy information and wildlife activities please email:
1. You may only lodge this application if you have accepted the above terms and conditions
I accept the above terms and conditions.
2. All questions must be answered and the applicable fees included (if required) for the application to be processed. If you do not complete all questions, sign and date the application form, your application will be returned to you as an invalid application.
3. Applicant details for an individual
TITLE / *first name / Middle name / *Surname / * DATE OF BIRTHMr
4. Applicant registered / residential address
* RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (not a post office box) / * Suburb / * State / * POST CODE(WRITE ‘AS ABOVE’’ IF SAME AS registered/RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS)
POSTAL ADDRESS / Suburb / State / POST CODE5. Applicant contact details – email or phone contact is mandatory.
EMAIL addresstick this box if you do not consent to receiving departmental correspondence by email
Phone type
Home phone Office phone
Mobile phone Facsimile / Area code / Phone number (NOTE: 10 digits including area code)
6. Wildlife activities
The licence may be issued for birds, reptiles or amphibians. Please indicate which species is to be kept under the licence by ticking the appropriate boxes. The fee for your licence will vary depending upon which boxes you tick.
Keeping live recreational animals
Standard: birds, reptiles and amphibians - A “standard” RWL allows you to keep unlimited controlled, commercial and recreational animals as well as up to up to two restricted birds and up to two restricted reptiles or amphibians excluding species in the families Elapidae, Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae. If you wish to keep more restricted animals you will need to apply for a restricted RWL.
International wildlife—these animals can usually be kept without a lot of experience (note: additional fee required – refer schedule of fees)
Restricted: birds, reptiles and amphibians (excluding species in the Families Elapidae, Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae). Note: you do not need to provide any further evidence of experience. (Note: additional fee required – refer schedule of fees.)
Restricted: birds, reptiles and amphibians (including species in the Families Elapidae, Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae) - you will need to demonstrate considerable experience in handling and husbandry of venomous reptiles. (Note: additional fee required – refer schedule of fees.)
Examples of things that may help to demonstrate your knowledge and experience include—
a) A reference from a former or current employer or another person who keeps restricted reptiles under a licence, under whose supervision you handled and maintained a captive population of reptiles and amphibians, including venomous snakes, over an extended period of time.
b) References from two herpetologists who are recognised as being of high standing in the scientific research community attesting to your ability to identify, handle and maintain a population of captive reptiles and amphibians, including venomous snakes.
c) A certificate indicating that you have successfully completed an accredited course of training concerning the keeping and safe handling of reptiles and amphibians, including venomous snakes.
d) Photocopies of papers or journal articles, of which you are the principal author, concerning research into the biology or conservation of native reptiles and amphibians in the wild, including venomous snakes.
e) You have held a damage mitigation permit for a minimum of 12 months, or have been employed by the holder of a damage mitigation permit for a similar period, where your function included the capture of venomous snakes.
Keeping dead protected or international animals
7. Code of Practice
I can comply with the Code of Practices
Code of Practice - Captive reptile and amphibian husbandry and Code of Practice Aviculture
8. Location where the wildlife is to be kept.
Provide the address where the wildlife is to be kept. This authority can be granted for one place only and it must not be a post office box.
* Physical street address (WRITE “AS ABOVE” IF SAME AS RESIDENTIAL /REGISTERED ADDRESS) / * Suburb / * State / * POST CODE*
* Lot# as / * Plan#9. Requirement to keep a record book
Holders of this wildlife authority must keep a department approved wildlife record book.
Do you already have a department approved wildlife record book?
I already have a department approved wildlife record book. / If you already have a department approved wildlife record book, indicate the number of the book.I do not have a department approved wildlife record book and would like to download one for free. / You can download a wildlife record book for free from the EHP website. Use the search term “wildlife record book”.
I do not have a department approved wildlife record book and would like to purchase a hard copy. / I want to order a wildlife record book
20 page wildlife record book
50 page wildlife record book.
The fee you pay must include the fee for the wildlife record book or your licence cannot be issued. The book will be sent to your postal address
10. Application questions
QUESTIONS / Details1. During the past 10 years have you ever (in Queensland or elsewhere) been found guilty of any criminal offence or entered a plea of guilty in a Court? (Note: does not include simple traffic offences such as parking, speeding) If yes, provide details of the offence/s. / Yes
2. Have you ever had an equivalent permit from another State or country that was suspended and/or cancelled? If yes, provide details about the permit, the date it was suspended and/or cancelled and reasons for suspension/cancellation. / Yes
11. Effective Date
Select an effective date Decision Date or Nominated Date
12. Applicant’s signature
13. Applicant checklist
All questions on application form completed, signed and dated.Fee enclosed – (Standard RWL fee plus additional fee for international or restricted species if applying) - cheque or money order only.
Record book fee enclosed – (if ordering) - cheque or money order only.
Evidence of your knowledge and experience in the keeping of reptiles and amphibians (if applicable).
Please make all cheques or money orders payable to Department of Environment and Heritage Protection / Please return your completed application kit to:
Customer Service Team
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
GPO Box 2454
Queensland 4001
Enquiries: 1300 130 372 option 4
Facsimile: (07) 3330 5875
A Schedule of fees information sheet and Code of Practice may be obtained from the EHP website or by contacting the EHP Referral Centre on 1300 130 372.
Page 2 of 6 • NCS/2016/3176 • Version 2.02 • Effective: 12 JUN 2017 Department of Environment and Heritage Proection