The Eagles Gazette

News from Uwharrie Charter Academy – Middle Grades November 18, 2016


UCA-MG Thanking Veterans

By Kristen Cheek

On November 11, UCA-MG students were given the opportunity to pass out cards to veterans at the Asheboro Veterans Day Parade. Fourteen UCA-MG students participated.

Mrs. Scearce, the teacher who put together the entire project, said, “It was a huge success, the veterans were flattered and touched that we thought of them.” She also added that a veteran called the school thanking the students for the card. Also, she said there was a lot of positive feedback from veterans and people watching the parade.

Some students who participated told us how they thought it went. Cam Fordham said, “When I gave them the cards, they were surprised and thankful.” He enjoyed giving out the cards and he added it made him feel like a great person.

Trent Joura, another student who helped, said he really enjoyed it, and he felt like some of the veterans had never been thanked by young people before.

Students who participated received a free break item, and Beta Club students earned service hours from it. However, from our interviews it is clear the students gained much more.


The Black Light Dance

By Brianna McNeill

The Black Light Dance will be held this Friday, November 19th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 P.M. at Uwharrie Charter Academy MG. There will be a two dollar admission and only the students who sold at least one box of chocolates may attend.

Students, bring your money because there will be drinks and snacks for sale for a dollar at the snack bar. There will be a black light-dodgeball game held during the dance for students to play.

Thomas McIntosh said, “Last year it was great because we got to play dodge ball, and it was pretty ‘lit’.” He is also looking forward to dodge ball this year and hanging out with friends.


STEAM of the Week

By Zeke Emery

This week’s STEAM of the week is Graphic Design, which was created last Christmas. The class is taught by Mr. Grindstaff, the eighth grade Social Studies teacher.

This STEAM creates logos, images, and graphics. They work on photo manipulation, web design and other assorted projects. They use Gimp and Sumo-paint to create their projects.

The STEAM is unique in many ways, one of which is its structure which is very similar to that of a company. From the perspective of a student in the class, they make logos and other images for the school and community. They are also working on the yearbook’s title page.

“I like that we work on image projects, and it’s sort of like art. We can also ask our team for help,” said Leah, a graphic design student.



By Kristen Cheek

Dear Advice Team,

My average on my report card has me worried that I will be put on probation in Beta Club. What can I do?


Smart Eagle

In Beta Club, you are required to maintain a 96.5% average in all your four core classes each six weeks. If you do not meet this requirement, you will be put on “probation”, and you have two six-week terms to bring your grade back up. If you are worried about what you made on your report card, you can always go check with Mrs. Scearce or Mrs. Wallis to see what your average is. If your average is not what you need, then you can meet with Mrs. Scearce to make sure all your grades are put in right and what you can do to bring it back up.

Also, it might be beneficial to speak with the teacher of the class where you have a less-than-expected average. The teacher could help you realize what made your grade low and maybe offer tutoring options.

Good Luck!

Advice Team


Talon Tones

By Maggie Kern

Uwharrie Charter Academy-Middle Grades has their own a cappella group. The 2016-17 school year is the Talon Tones second year as an a cappella group for UCA. Tryouts were held on October 15-17.

After tryouts, Zoe Eaton, Lilias Przbylowski, Sabrina Scott, Ariel Sides-Williamson, Charleigh Cole, Montana Wright, Kelise Isley, Beth Morton, Adriana Carter, Alyssa Millikan, Mitchell Cross, and Austyn Ratliff are in the a cappella group.

“The Talon Tones are really fun and you get to leave school and go sing places,” says Seventh Grader Mitchell Cross. “I’m really excited about singing at Christmas on Sunset,” Mitchell added.

“I love music; it’s kind of like my main passion. I was in the Talon Tones last year and it was a lot of fun, but we didn’t really get to do much,” said Zoe Eaton, an eighth grader. “I love the group of people that we have. We have a lot of talented people. I love how Ms. Loftis combined it with eighth grade chorus, so we have more voice parts, and I really love the material,” Zoe added.

The Talon Tones will perform in Downtown Asheboro during Christmas on Sunset this December. They will also perform at a few nursing homes in the community on flex days.


Yearbook, Yearbook….Get Your Yearbook!

“Memories that last a lifetime”

Dear Students,

Yearbooks have been on sale and currently cost $35. You can buy your yearbook now online, or you can get a form in the front office. If you want to get your yearbook for the low price of $35, get it by Friday, November 18th. After Friday, the price will go to $40.

“I can ensure you that every student will be in the yearbook, and we are working very hard to make this yearbook the best that we can,” says Parker Byrum, one of the editors of this year’s yearbook.

So, if you haven’t gotten a yearbook, now is your chance. Buy a yearbook to look back on the memories that last a lifetime.

Weather of the Weekend

By: Sarah Winkler

Friday: On November 18, it will be sunny. The high will be at 73 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind will blow at 5 miles per hour. At night it will be mostly clear. The low will be at 48 degrees, with light wind. So, on Friday, it will be a warm sunny, day and a cool night.

Saturday: On November 19, it will be partly cloudy but with isolated showers. The high will be at 66 degrees. The wind will blow 5-16 miles per hour. The precipitation will be 20 percent. At night it will be mostly clear with the low around 28 degrees. So, on Saturday it will be warm and wet.

Sunday: On November 20, it will be mostly sunny. The high will be at 48 degrees. The wind will blow from 7-14 miles per hour. At night it will be mostly clear with the low at 27 degrees. So, it will be cold on Sunday.

This weather is just for Randolph County. Here is the link for this weather information:


Un Buen Profesor

Featured Teacher: Mrs. Scearce

By Hannah Collins

This week’s featured teacher is Mrs. Scearce, the Spanish teacher here at UCA. She also teaches the CSI S.T.E.A.M. where they learn how to evaluate evidence found at crime scenes.

Mrs. Scearce went to the University of the South and got her degree in Spanish and has been teaching for 15 years. She says Spanish opens up communication around the country and the world.

Her favorite thing about UCA is the creativity of both the students and teachers. She does not have a favorite grade, she likes all of them.

Mrs. Scearce has a six-year-old daughter and a two-year-old rescue dog. Some interesting facts about her is that she has been to six countries outside of the USA, and she got her EMT certification while in college


Race for NC Governor still not decided

By Fully Bossong

November 8th, the election for President of the United States and Governor of 12 states took place. 11 of the 12 were decided about a day later but not North Carolina. The race between Republican Pat McCrory and Democrat Roy Cooper is not over.

After the first count, the two were tied at about 49% each. Roy Cooper was winning by just around two thousand votes, which is “too close to call.”

About 94,000 votes were counted late from Durham, so a recount will take place. Pat McCrory called for a recount after the 94,000 swung in Cooper’s favor. People are now protesting that their votes were not counted properly. This is because Roy Cooper said the Durham votes were mishandled.

Over a week after the election the votes are still not decided. We still have not found a date for final results, but the deadline for a recount is November 22nd.



Q / W / E / S / R / T / Y / U / I / O / P / A
S / S / U / R / D / F / G / H / J / K / F / L
Z / X / C / E / C / V / B / N / M / N / R / B
V / C / A / H / X / Z / L / K / J / H / I / G
F / D / S / C / O / A / P / O / I / U / E / Y
T / R / E / A / W / O / Q / W / E / R / N / T
Y / U / I / E / O / P / L / A / S / D / D / F
G / H / J / T / C / L / A / S / S / E / S / K
L / Z / X / C / V / B / N / M / N / B / V / C
X / Z / L / K / J / H / M / A / E / T / S / G
F / L / U / N / C / H / D / S / A / P / O / I
I / O / P / U / Y / T / R / E / G / W / S / Q

By: Sarah Winkler Find these words below:

School UCA Teachers Friends Classes Lunch STEAM

The Eagles Gazette Staff

Layout Editors of this Edition: Kristen Cheek

Maggie Kern Kristen Cheek

Brianna McNeill Hannah Collins

Fully Bossong Sarah Winkler

Zeke Emery