Good News
Introduction: Welcome everyone to our Primary 5 and 6 Easter Show called Good News. This years Easter Show will be retold in the form of a news programme with on the spot live updates. We hope you enjoy it.
(John Good, presenter of the news programme, may be seated at a desk, perching on a stool, or standing. Props such as a laptop, script, microphone or autocue, might be useful. To help create a busy newsroom scene some actors are seen working at desks, and moving between them in the background. These newsroom staff’ also provide the ‘bongs’-see below-following each news headline.)
Title music as if the start of news broadcast. (CD tracks 1+17)
BBC slide
John (speaking as the title music fades)
Hello, I’m John Good and this is Good News-welcome to the programme. The headlines this Sunday evening….
Newsroom staff (like a big chime)
Astronomers put our 900th star on the map.
Newsroom staff
..And getting to grips with our new Roman calendar.
We start with our story from Palestine. Lets go over now to James, our Palestinian correspondent in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem slide
(James and all subsequent correspondents-appear in a separate area (with optional backdrop of Jerusalem). He is standing, holding a microphone, and talks excitedly towards a roaming camera operator (kneeling, camera on shoulder, etc,).If using a ‘live’ video camera, this image could be projected onto a screen in the newsroom area.)
James (speaking as the title music fades)
Yes- thank you John. I can confirm that there was great excitement in the city of Jerusalem today. It all centres around the arrival of a man known as ‘Jesus of Nazareth’. Locals gave him a remarkable welcome, waving palm leaves, shouting his name and calling him ‘Cara’s son’,’ Our King’ and ‘Messiah’.
James, surely the chief Rabbis in Jerusalem will be feeling nervous about Jesus’ arrival and about people’s reactions to him today.
Yes, Sarah, I think pretty nervous and I think they will be discussing this situation behind closed doors this evening!
Any news from the man himself, James, or from his followers?
No, Sarah, it’s been impossible to get an interview with Jesus today. And it’s obvious that his disciples are also trying to avoid any attention. I did, however, manage to interview the donkey earlier.
Er, James, did you say… ‘Donkey’?
Yes, Sarah, that’s right. This donkey has lived and worked in the area for some time, and carried Jesus into Jerusalem today. This is what the donkey had to say….
Black slide
(Narrator1 steps forward to speak. The Narrators do not form part of the news broadcasts, but provide reflective continuity for the Easter story. As narrator 1 speaks, a large banner/ headline written on material or card is held up by someone. If using a projection screen this headline could appear there instead.)
The banner reads
The new messiah?
Narrator 1
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem during the Jewish Passover Festival week, he knew that this would aggravate the religious authorities. Jesus intended to preach and to prepare his disciples for the trouble that lay ahead, but knew that this would test their strength as his followers.
(The banner is lowered)
BBc slide
Good news jingle CD Tracks3+19
Hello, I’m Sarah Good and this is Good News. The headlines this Monday lunchtime…
Newsroom staff
Population of Europe reaches 31 million.
Newsroom staff
How farmers in Central Asia are protecting their land.
Newsroom staff
And… It’s locusts for lunch! Are they really as tasty as shrimps?
We start with a report on Europe’s growing population. Experts believe that… Er.. Excuse me one moment…er…
We must leave that story I’m afraid, because as we speak news is coming in about dramatic events in Jerusalem. You may remember that Jesus of Nazareth was greeted by Hugh crowds in the city yesterday .It seems he is now involved in a violent disturbance in the temple at Jerusalem. We are going straight over to Rory, our religious affairs correspondent. What can you tell us Rory?
Temple slide
Rory (Speaking with a microphone, towards the camera as before-etc.)
John, Jesus of Nazareth is here as I speak, ordering people to leave the temple. He is not happy about the trade and business that appears to go on at this religious site.
He has already destroyed several tables and stalls, shouting” This is my father’s house”… You maybe able to hear what is going on in the background…
Temple slide not live
(Narrator 2 steps forward to speak and another large banner/ headline is displayed or projected)
The banner reads Conspiracy!
Conspiracy slide
Narrator 2
Jesus anger in the temple startled the local people and made the traders angry. He also argued with chief priests about their teaching. Over the next two days the priests and the elders of the city met to plot against Jesus. They wanted to kill him but knew that it must be done carefully to avoid rioting in the city. They were able to Persuade Judas Iscariot, who was close to Jesus arrested. Judas accepted thirty silver pieces for his help.
The banner is lowered
Good news jingle
BBC slide
John (Speaking as the title music fades)
Hello. I’m John Good and here are the headlines this Thursday evening…
Newsroom staff
Trade links now better than ever between Europe and Middle East.
Newsroom staff
Early plans are drawn up for a coliseum in Rome.
Newsroom staff
And... The spinning top. We speak to kids about their number one toy.
But first… Jerusalem celebrates Passover today. Many more thousands of visitors have arrived in the city to share this important festival and meal. We now go over to Emma, our cultural affairs correspondent, in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem slide
Yes, thank you Sarah. Today, Jerusalem is overflowing with people and with the smell of roast lamb. Families are joining together to sing hymns and to eat this important meal.
For the time being, at least, there have been further disturbances involving Jesus of Nazareth or his followers. Earlier, however, I did receive an unconfirmed report that Jesus and his Disciples are preparing to eat somewhere in the city. Back to you in the studio, Sarah.
Thank you Emma, we’ll come back to you at the end of the programme.
(Narrator3 steps forward to speak and another large banner/headline is displayed or projected.)
The banner reads
The last supper
Last supper slide
Narrator 3
Jesus shared a meal with his disciples that evening, prepared and eaten in secret. While they were eating, Jesus told his disciples that one of them would betray him. This upset the disciples.
(Narrator 4 continues, but now uses hands to symbolise the following gestures...)
Narrator 4
Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a payer of thanks, broke it and offered it around the table saying,” Take it, this is my body”. Then he took a cup of wine, gave another prayer of thanks, and offered it around the table saying, “take it, this is my blood which is poured out for you. ”They sang together and then went out to the Mount of Olives.
Black slide
The banner is lowered
(Narrators 5 and 6 step forward to speak)
A banner reads Jesus’ agony
Gethsemane Jesus’ agony slide
Narrator 5
Here, Jesus said to his disciples,” All of you will run away and leave me”. “I won’t” said Peter, but Jesus turned to him and said… “Peter, before the cockerel crows you will say three times that you do not know me.” The disciples were worried, but followed Jesus to Gethsemane.
At Gethsemane, Jesus told the disciples to wait and watch out for him, whilst he went off to pray in the garden. The disciples huddled together, but couldn’t stay awake. Jesus Prayed, pleading with God to find a way, other than his own death, to deal with people’s wrong doing in the world. But, at this point, he realised that his own death was God’s wish.
Background music ends and the banner is lowered.
Narrator 7 steps forward to speak.
A banner reads Betrayed and denied.
Betrayed and denied slide
Narrator 7
Jesus returned to find the disciples sleeping. But then an angry crowd appeared before him. Judas Iscariot stepped forward to greet Jesus with a kiss. On this signal the guards quickly arrested Jesus and took him away to be questioned.
Just as Jesus had predicted, all of the disciples ran away. And, just as Jesus had predicted, Peter denied knowing him when questioned by soldiers.
Gethsemane slide
Good News jingle CDTrack 9+25
BBC news slide
Hello. I’m Sarah Good and here are the headlines this Friday morning..
Newsroom staff
Our exclusive interview with Roman Emperor Verius Sabaco…
Newsroom staff
..and Jesus of Nazareth - framed by one of his own men, and arrested.
It’s been a night of unusual events in Jerusalem following yesterdays Passover Festival. Our foreign affairs correspondent, Daire joins us now. Daire, what can you tell us?
Jerusalem at night slide
Yes, good morning John. Apparently, Jesus of Nazareth was arrested in the early hours of this morning to be questioned by the various Jewish and Roman authorities in the city. Details of the arrest are sketchy, but it seems that one of Jesus’ own followers identified him to the soldiers.
Daire, presumably there was strong resistance from Jesus’ disciples.
Er.. No Sarah, I’m told that it was a very quick arrest because all the disciples fled the scene. It seems that on this occasion Jesus was left to defend himself.
And Daire, what can you tell us about the allegations Jesus faces this morning?
Well, Sarah only five minutes ago we received this statement from the Jewish religious authorities..
(A speaker steps forward, holding a piece of paper. A small crowd of interviewers with microphones and diaphones busily surround the speaker- some kneeling in front. There are also several bustling photographers with cameras flashing.)
Official Speaker
“In the early hours of this morning, Jesus of Nazareth agreed to meet high priests Annas and Caiaphas, who questioned him about allegations of blasphemy. Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, and Herod Antipas have also questioned Jesus. It is the responsibility of our Roman government to take whatever action may be necessary.
Pontius Pilate, Governor of our city, will be making a statement later this morning”.
Back to the newsroom, John.
Thank you Daire. Clearly, events are taking a serious turn in Jerusalem today. We will await that statement by Pontius Pilate.
Pilate’s court slide
BBC slide
John (speaking as the title music fades)
Hello. I’m John Good… our main headline this Friday lunchtime…
Newsroom staff
Jesus of Nazareth is sentenced to death by Crucifixion. We go straight over to Sophie, our legal affairs correspondent in Jerusalem.
Pilates court slide news live
Yes, John a dramatic statement was made by the Roman Governor of Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate, earlier this morning which spells disastrous end for Jesus of Nazareth. In passing his decision over to the people, Pilate seems to have cleverly avoided making trouble for himself. One man, who is celebrating this morning, though, is Barabbas, a rebel leader who has been held in Jerusalem for some time. It is traditional during the Passover season that a political prisoner is released from prison, and so today Barabbas is a free man! I managed to interview Barabbas a few moments ago and he was looking very relieved. This is what he had to say…
Pilates court slide no live news
Crucifixion background music CD Tracks 13+19
Jesus is Crucified Slide
Narrator 8 talks slowly over the music
Narrator 8 steps forward to speak.
A banner reads Jesus is crucified.
Narrator 8
On that Friday at midday, Jesus was fixed to a cross alongside two criminals who were going to be crucified. At that same time an unusual darkness filled the sky until three o clock, at which time a Roman soldier reported that Jesus was dead.
Narrator 9
Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate if he could bury Jesus’ body. Pilate agreed. With the help of Nicodemus, Joseph placed the body in a nearby tomb, which was sealed with a stone and guarded by a Roman soldier.
Background music ends and the banner are lowered.
Narrator 10 steps forward to speak. A banner reads stolen?
Tomb stolen
Narrator 10
The next day, at the break of dawn, the tomb was visited by woman who had come to anoint the body of Jesus with spices. But to their surprise, they found that the tomb was open and unguarded, with the great stone rolled back. The woman ran away to tell the disciples and to find help, but one of them stayed behind.
She was Mary Magdalene, a friend of Jesus. She knelt by the entrance of the tomb and cried bitterly, thinking that Jesus’ body had been stolen.
The banner is lowered.
Tomb only slide
Good News jingle CD Track 15+31
BBC new slide
Hello. I’m Sarah Good and this is Good News. Our main headline this Sunday evening…
Newsroom Staff
Dead or alive? Yesterday his body goes missing, but today-new sightings of Jesus of Nazareth. We go straight over to Cara, our crime correspondent, just outside Jerusalem.
Jesus Tomb Slide
Yes, thank you Sarah. There has been great suspicion and excitement in Jerusalem over the last two days following the death of Jesus of Nazareth. It started yesterday when the tomb in which Jesus had been placed, was found empty. The Roman authorities then claimed that Jesus’ closest followers must have secretly moved the body in an act of defiance. The Roman soldiers who had been guarding the tomb are, of course, key witnesses, but I’ve been refused an interview with them.
I see- and any further news, Cara?
Yes Sarah some remarkable news! There has been several reports of sightings so Jesus today, both by his followers and other significant locals. Some have recognised Jesus and some say that they have actually spoken with him, telling me.” Jesus is alive, he has risen”. Despite the terrible events of the past week, there is strong feeling today that Jesus is alive and here among us. Back to you in the studio, John.
Remarkable indeed! Thank you Cara, goodbye for now. (Turning to the front.)It has been an extraordinary week in Jerusalem, and it looks like this story will run and run for quite some time. We will, of course, keep you up to date with any developments here on Good News. Have a good evening….
(John good and all the newsroom actors freeze in time. The projection screen (if used) is switched off.)
(Narrator 11 steps forward)
A banner reads
Is this the end?
Narrator 11
Not far from Jerusalem, on a long and dusty road, two men were walking slowly back to their home town, Emmaus. They spoke sadly about what had happened to Jesus. Alongside them walked a donkey that was old and grey…a donkey that knew nothing about what had happened that week, but a donkey that would always remember the crowds of cheering people as he rode into Jerusalem carrying Jesus on his back.