McLaughlin NCATE Vita 1

Name T. F. "Tim" McLaughlin, Ph. D.Information Date April 1,2017

Contact Address Department of Special EducationPhone (509) 313-3508

Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258-0025

Current Position

Full Professor Department of Special Education August 1983

Academic Degrees

1975Ph. D. Developmental and Child PsychologyUniversity of Kansas

1972M.S. PsychologyEastern Washington State College

1966B. A. EducationEastern Washington College

Certification or Licensing

Lifetime Standard Teaching Certificate K-8 State of Washington

Professional Experience

2016-2018Phased Retirement

1998-2015Full Professor, Department of Special Education, School of Education, Gonzaga University,

Spokane, WA

1983-1998Full Professor, Chairperson, Department of Special Education, School of Education, Gonzaga

University, Spokane, WA

1979-1981Associate Professor, Chairperson, Department of Special Education, School of Education, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA

1984-1986Adjunct Professor, School of Education, Whitworth College, Spokane, WA

1978-1981Associate Professor, Director of Special Education, School of Education, Gonzaga

University, Spokane, WA

1976-1978Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

1976-1978Adjunct Professor, School of Education, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA

1975-1978Special Education Teacher, Spokane School District #81, Adams Elementary School,

Spokane, WA

1973-1975Instructor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

1966-1969Sixth- Grade Teacher, with Air Force Dependents, Blair Elementary School, Fairchild AFB, WA 1969-1972 Fifth/Sixth Grade Teacher with Culturally Disadvantaged Youth, Columbia Elementary School, Spokane, WA

1972-1973Sixth-Grade Teacher with Culturally Disadvantaged Youth, Logan Elementary School,

Spokane, WA

Faculty and Administrative Load

Fall Semester 2015

Research Leave and Phased Retirement

Spring Semester 2016

Research Leave and Phased Retirement

Summer Semester 2016

Research Leave and Phased Retirement

Fall Semester 2016

Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3)

Behavior Disorders (3)

Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3)

Spring Semester 2017

Phased Retirement

Phased Retirement

Summer Semester 2017

Phased Retirement

Fall 2017

Phased Retirement

Spring Semester 2018

EDSE 150

Student Teacher Supervision

Other Collegiate Assignments

Chairs, School of Education, Gonzaga University, 1978-1998.

School of Education Rank and Reappointment Committee, 1980-1981; 1983-

1984; 1985-1989, 2001-2004; 2006-2015.

School of Education Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, 1981-1996.

NCATE Library Committee 1989-1992

School of Education Committee on Scholarship, 1989-1995

Gonzaga University Committee on Retention, 1990-1997

School of Education Committee on Library Resources 1990-1993

Gonzaga University, Committee on Rank and Tenure 1992-1995, 2015

Gonzaga University, Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure 1992-1993, 1996, 1997

Gonzaga University, Research Committee 1986-1987, 1992-1993.

School of Education Evaluation Committee, , 1996-1999

Gonzaga University, Committee on Evaluation of Faculty, 1995-1998

Gonzaga University, Grievance Committee 2003-2010

Gonzaga University, Library Committee, 2011-2013

Gonzaga University, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee-2009-2015.

Gonzaga University Academic Council Curriculum Committee 2014-2015

Current Professional Association Memberships

Member, Association for Behavior Analysis

Member, Council for Exceptional Children

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Member, Amnesty International

Member, Delta Waterfowl

Member, Trout Unlimited

Member, American Civil Liberties Unions (ACLU)

Current Professional Assignments and Activities

Guest Reviewer, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2017

Guest Reviewer, Disabilities Studies Quarterly. 2016, 2017

Member, Board of Editors, International Research Journals, 2016

Member, Board of Editors, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2015-Present

Guest Reviewer, Child and Family Services Forum, 2016.

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, 2015

Guest Reviewer, International Journal of Nursing Science, 2016

Guest Reviewer, Journal on Educational Research, 2015

Guest Reviewer,British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science,2015

Guest Reviewer,Middle School Journal, 2015, 2016

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2015

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Early Intervention, 2015

Reviewer, International Review of Applied Sciences, 2014-Present

Member, Board of Editors, Austin Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Social Cognition, 2014-Present

Guest Reviewer, Sage Open, 2014

Guest Reviewer, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Guest Reviewer, Exceptional Children, 2010, 2015

Member, Board of Editors, SOP Transactions in Psychology, 2013-Present

Member, Board of Editor, Educational Practice and Innovation2013-Present

Member, Board of Editors, Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2013-Present

Member, Board of Reviewers, Asian Pacific Rim of Multidisciplinary Research, 2013-Present

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2014

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2013

Guest Reviewer, REMIE - Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 2013, 2014, 2015

Member, Board of Editors, International Journal of English and Education, 1212-Present

Member, External Reviewer, Asian Pacific Rim of Multidisciplinary Research, 2013-Present

Reviewer,International Journal of Applied Psychology, 2013

Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Education and Learning, 2012-Present

Member, Board of Editors, e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2012-Present

Guest Reviewer, Psychological Reports, 2012, 2014

Member, Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education, 2012-Present

Member, Asian Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 2011-Present

Review Board Member, International Journal of Social Science and Education, 2011-Present

Member Board of Editors, Educational Research Quarterly, 2009-Present

Member, Board of Editors, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2015

Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Education and Learning, 2012-Present

Member, Board of Editors, Educational Research International, 2012-Present

Guest Reviewer, Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2010

Guest Reviewer, Disabilities, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

Associate Editor, Continental Journal of Education Research,(Removed Myself)

Member Board of Editors, Psychology (PSYCH), 2010-2013

Member Board of Editors, Educational Research Quarterly, 2009-Present

Guest Reviewer, Northwest Passage, 2008

Member, Board of Editors, Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 1982-Present

Member, Board of Editors, Behavioral Interventions, 2002-Present.

Peer Reviewer, Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2009, 2010, 2016

Reviewer, Journal of Evidence Based Practices in the Schools, 2009

Guest Reviewer, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2008

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Education, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013.

Guest Reviewer, American Journal of Psychiatry, 2006

Guest Reviewer, Educational Psychology Review, 2004.

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1997, 2001, 2002

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 1996.

Member, Board of Editors, Behavioral Interventions, 1996-1999, 2002-2005, 2006-Present.

Section Co-Editor, At-Risk Children and Youth, Education and Treatment of Children, 1993-


Guest Reviewer, The Behavior Analyst, 1995.

Guest Reviewer, Behaviorology, 1990, 1994

Guest Reviewer, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2008,

Guest Reviewer, American Psychologist, [Special Issue on B. F. Skinner], 1991, 1992.

Grant Reviewer, Canadian Research Council on the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1992.

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1991

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1990

Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Behavioral Education, 1990-1997

Associate Editor, Corrective and Social Psychiatry, 1976-2001

Member Board of Editors, Education, 1976-1999

Member, Board of Editors, Education and Treatment of Children, 1986-1989, 1995-1999, 2000-2004

Guest Reviewer, Child Behavior Therapy, 1978; 1981

Guest Reviewer, Behavior Modification, 1978

Guest Reviewer, Behavior Therapy, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981

Guest Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 1979-1981

Member, Board of Editors, Psychology in the Schools, 1980-1987.

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1980-1983

Member, Board of Editors, Behavioral Engineering, 1976-1985

Guest Issue Editor, On Behavior Modification and Analysis, National

Society of Performance and Instruction Journal, April 1979

Member, Board of Editors, Contemporary Educational Psychology,


Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,


Book Review Editor, Education and Treatment of Children, 1978-1985

Consulting Editor, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 1976-1977.

Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,


Guest Associate Editor, Education and Treatment of Children, 1980; 1981; 1982, 2009, 2010

Department Editor, Behavior Modification, National Society of

Performance and Instruction Journal, 1976-1978

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1974-1975

Reviewer, Fifth Annual Conference on Behavior Analysis in

Education, 1974


Holllowell, B., McLaughlin, T. F., & Hatch, K. (2017). Theeffectiveness of model, lead, and test technique with real money coins to teach differentiation and counting to a 16-year-old high school student with multiple disabilities. International Journal of English and Education, 6(1), 316-325. Retrieved from:

Rich, E., Neyman, J., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2017). An in home comparison of di flashcards and a reading racetrack procedure on mastery of selected sight words with a typically developing six-year-old child. International Journal of English and Education, 6(1), 339-353. Retrieved from:

Anderson, E., Barretto, A., McLaughlin, T. F., & McQuaid, T. (2017). Effects of functional communication training with and without delays to decrease aberrant behavior in a child with autism spectrum disorder. Journal on Developmental Disabilities22(1), 101-110.

Morgan, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Bolich, B. (2016). Increasing reading fluency using read naturally® with two third grade students with specific learning disabilities: A replication of Erickson et al., 2015.Educational Research Quarterly, 40(1), 37-50.

Wingeard-Ptolemy, W., McLaughlin, T. F., & Heath, W. (2016). Using direct instruction flashcards on the development and maintenance of word recognition skills for two elementary students with severe behavioral/emotional disorders. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(6), 7-16. Retrieved from:

Troup, D., Chung, P., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Schuler, H. (2016). The use of behavior specific praise and a token economy system to improve on-task behavior for a male with Asperger’s Syndrome (as) and ADHD. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development2(6), 17-25. Retrieved from:

Rich, E., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Love, D. (2016). The effects of direct instruction flashcards to increase sight-word reading ability and cover, copy, and compare for spelling for a fifth grade student with specified learning disabilities. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 1(2), 1-6. Retrieved from:

Beaudet-Dommer, K., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., McLaughlin, T. F., & Barretto, A. (2016). effects of systematic desensitization with a phobic 15-year-old male with autism: A case study with measures of generalization. International Journal Academic Research and Development, 1(4), 30-35. Retrieved from:

Aasen, K., McLaughlin, T. F., & Mortensen, S. (2016). The use of consequences and self-monitoring to increase time in seat and the number of correct responses to name for a preschooler with developmental delays. . International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities Research, 2(4), 1-24.Retrieved from:

McCall, J., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). The effects of matching sensory profile results to functional analysis and preference assessment for the in home treatment of aberrant behaviors in two children with autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 368-390.Retrieved from:

Ahrens, W., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Robison, M. (2016). Teaching a non-vocal student with autism to use picture exchange communication systems (PECS): Effects of various prompting and item placement strategies. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 57-61. Retrieved from:

Wakeman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Neyman, J., Weber, K. P., & Hoenike, R. (2016). The effects of DI flashcards with a cover and compare, a passage reading procedure, and rewards to increase sight word skills 12-year-old middle school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 12-20. Retrieved from

Babin, H., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Cartmell, H. (2016). An examination of a break card intervention with and without a token economy for a child with autism. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 1-5. Retrieved from

Helling, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., Dolliver, M., & Slotvig, P. (2016). The effects of direct instruction procedures with a place value chart and model-lead-test error correction procedure to teach regrouping with three-digit subtraction accuracy: A case study. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 391-402.Retrieved from:

O’Flaherty, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Weber, D. (2016). The effects of direct instruction flashcards and copy, cover, compare on sight word skills of two elementary students in a parochial school setting: A replication. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 403-416. Retrieved from:

Breach, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & K. Mark Derby, (2015/2016). An evaluation of copy cover and compare spelling intervention for an elementary student with learning disabilities: A replication. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(3), 1-10. Retrieved from:

Aoyama, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., Donica, D., & Knokey, M. (2016). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” with consequences on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a five year-old student with a developmental delay. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4),1-8. Retrieved from:

Schnagl, L., McLaughlin, T. T., Derby, K. M., & Chadduck, S. (2016). Ananalysis of DI flashcards and reading racetracks with and without a lotto game to teach letter names: A failure to replicate reading racetracks with preschoolers World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(3), 53-63. Retrieved from:

Beiers, K., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). Increasing social interactions using prompts and rewards for adolescents with ASD in an ice hockey practice context. Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3), 40-

Poff, B., Villar, K., Barretto, A., Muniz, A., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). The assessment of communication modalities during functional communication training: A replication. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.2(3), 9-12. Retrieved from:

Wilson, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Bennett, A. (2016). Using DI flashcards with a count-by series procedure with a fourth grade student with adhd and learning issues in a resource room setting math facts with an evaluation of generalization to new math facts. Asian Education Studies, 1(1), 23-31. Retrieved from:

Craig, B., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2016). The effects of using a modified direct instruction flashcard system and errorless learning to teach sorting by shape and shape identification: A case study, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,2(2),17-22. Retrieved from:

Bagdon, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Blecher, J. (2016). Effects of a modified di flashcards for number recognition 1 through 10 for a preschool child with developmental delays. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 59-65.Retrieved from:

Thompson, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M. & Antcliff, C. (2016). The delayed and differential effects of direct instruction flashcards and the reading mastery program to teach letter sounds to a six-year-old girl with PDD-NOS. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,2(1), 53-58. Retrieved from:

Seines, A., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Madden, R. (2016). The effects of copy cover compare on handwriting skills for a second grade student with severe behavioral issues. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 48-52. Retrieved from:

Brinegar, K., McLaughlin, T. F., & Love, D. (2016). A replication of the use of direct instruction flashcards to teach a fourth grade student with learning disabilities math facts: A case report. International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 4(3), 9-17. Retrieved from:

Volwiler, S. M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2016). The effects of repeated reading and SAFMED cards with a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. . International Journal of English and Education 5(1), 260-267. Retrieved from:

Conner-Boyle, S., Harvey, M., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Hoenike, R. (2016). The differential effects of the di flashcard procedure on multiplication facts with a 13-year-old middle school student with learning disabilities. International Journal of English and Education, 5(1), 268-277. Retrieved from:

Brushwein, L., Barretto, A., Poff, B., McLaughlin, T. F., Pierce, K., & Pierce, C. (2016). A multi- function communication analysis with a child with autism using Skype® to assess treatment and generalization. International Journal of English and Education, 5(1), 321-338. Retrieved from:

Babin, H., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Cartmell, H. (2016). An examination of a break card intervention with and without a token economy for a child with autism. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 1-5. Retrieved from:

Heric, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Everson, M. (2016). The delayed effects of repeated reading and direct instruction flashcards for a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 6-11. Retrieved from:

Edwards, A., Finn, T., Neyman, J., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2015). The gradual effects of implementing model-lead-test and child selected rewards in the home to assist a preschool student with basic rote counting. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(10), 458-461. Retrieved from:

Steele, E., Aoyoma, M., Neyman, J. McLaughlin, T. F., & Hatch, K. (2014).The differential effects of model-lead-test and a break card with hand-over-hand tracing on the handwriting for a high school student with autism.OnlineUndergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences, 13. Retrieved from:

Harris, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2015). Using di flashcards with and without a prompt to increase social questions for a preschool student with autism with measures of generalization across school personnel. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(11), 59-65. Retrieved from:

Lapke, M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2015). The effects of direct instruction flashcards to increase number recognition for a five-year-old general education ell student. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 1(6), 6-11. Retrieved from:

Corn, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & McKenzie, M. (2015). The effects of Handwriting without Tears® and fading prompts on the handwriting of a preschooler with developmental delays International Journal of Applied Research, 1(3), 59-65. Retrieved from:

Thomas, R., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015). Employing direct instruction flashcards to teach academic skills to students with high incidence disabilities: a review. International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 404-421.Retrieved from:

Meyers, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Robison, M. (2015). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a four year-old boy with a developmental delay. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 4(2), 1-12. Retrieved from:

Erickson, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Fuehrer, K. (2015). An evaluation of Read Naturally® on increasing reading fluency for three primary students with learning disabilities. Educational Research Quarterly, 39(1), 3-21.

Striton, G., McLaughlin, T. F., & Jack, M. (2015).The effects of cover, copy, compare with timing for teaching spelling to a fourth grade student with learning disabilities: A case report and replication. International

Fox-Lopp, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Hatch, K. (2015). The effects of direct instruction flashcards with model, lead, and test error correction on counting money with a high school student with autism and intellectual delay. Advances in Applied Psychology, 1(1), 15-22. Retrieved from:

Klee, I., Brasch, S., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Stookey, S. (2015). The effect using the rewards® reading program on vowel sounds, word part, and prefix and suffix identification in multi-syllabic words: a case report. Educational Research Quarterly, 38(4), 31-50.

Barbeau, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Neyman, J. (2015). The delayed effects of implementing a modified copy, cover, compare procedure with hand over hand prompting and dot to dot tracing to teach basic shapes to a three-year-old child with level one autism.International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(5), 456-462. Retrieved from:

DiJulio, L., Hallett, R., Neyman, J.,McLaughlin, T. F., & Cole, M. (2015). The effects of a direct instruction model, lead, test reading procedure with reading mastery plus contingent rewards on sight word recognition by a middle school student with Intellectual disabilities. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 111-115. Retrieved from:

Seines, A., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. M., & Gortsema, K. (2015). The effects of direct instruction flashcards on sight word skills of an elementary student with a specific learning disability. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research, 1(3), 167-172. Retrieved from:

Manfred, A., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2015). The effects of a modified cover, copy, compare on spelling and writing skills for students with specific learning disabilities. Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3), 3-31.