March 8. 2016
Meeting called to order: 1:00
Members present: Anne Criss, Rebecca Carabelas, Susan Britt, Carol Beasley, Anita Hayden,Ginger Turk, Sue Hoeper, Wendy R. Johnson, Diane Mongno
Treasurer’s Report:
Sue reported on expenses and the NCAMN balance.
Strategic Plan:
The board discussed the Strategic Plan, and ideas as to how the smaller chapters can be formed and become sustainable. One of the objectives of the AMN Strategic Plan is to grow. Anne shared that we need to be careful about setting up new chapters, as often demographics of areas do not support the membership of the chapters. The idea of creating a sort of “How to Set Up a MN Chapter” document, based on what NCAMN does, was explored and further consideration will go into this idea. Also considered was that AMN should not be thought of as a group of older people, but open to all, and that young people be encouraged to join.
Rebecca shared that the idea of the Strategic Plan was for the chapters to do a self-assessment to see what they are already doing, and what they need to do.
She reported to AMN at the state meeting some of the things that NCAMN is doing.
Anne’s mentor program is in the works. More people are helping with committees. Facebook as an educational tool is being utilized. Nell and her outreach and sharing of MN activities is continuing to bring in new members. Partnerships with the city and banks are continuing well, as is offering continuing assistance to the state parks. Improvements of reporting of volunteer hours has improved with the proper working of the website. The NCAMN board concluded that NCAMN is doing what the Strategic Plan asks us to do.
Upcoming board members: The nominating committee is Tina Cole, Anne Criss, and Ginger Turk. They will seek members for any open positions.
Anne made a motion to have the Publicity Team Leader be a board member.
Ginger seconded it.
A move was made and approved to change the title Membership Chair to Certification Specialist.
Also approved was that instead of a Curriculum Coordinator there will be a committee, The Curriculum Committee, to help plan the NiT program and the Advance Trainings.
There will be a Curriculum Chair, who sets up the venues and the calendar, and the Curriculum Committee will work together to get the speakers and access the experts for the NiTs. Also the Coordinator for Advanced Training will have the Curriculum Committee working with her.
Update on AMN 3/5/2016 Board Meeting: Rebecca and Anita reported on the recent state meeting at Lake Ouachita. The webmasters have completed the website. There will be another upgrade to allow more members to be online concurrently. The state officer slate has been completed and will be voted on during Bioblitz.
Ginger made a motion to adjourn and Rebecca seconded it.
Meeting adjourned 3:00