1. background of the college
BIG PICTURE: The long-standing character of the college (with perhaps an introductory couple of sentences about the special importance of the last ten years)
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.1999 self-study / √f
Profile of Knox Coll / √f in "Grants" file
2. Institutional Goals for the Self Study, the self-study process
& the organization of this report
BIG PICTURE: To bring the mission statement forward as a document for active use; to develop a culture of assessment; to integrate assessment and reaccreditation with ongoing, long-term planning.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.List of goals / √f / Self-St. Design
3. Developments of Last ten years (incl. response to 1999 concerns of evaluation team)
BIG PICTURE: From crisis to strength and renewed confidence: finances, leadership, curriculum. Progress on some 1999 concerns; lack of progress on others
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.response to this question in self-studies / last 10 years / IP
Knox Coll in the 21st C. / " / √f
Arthur Vining Davis / " / √f (Grants)
Mellon proposal / " / √f (Grants)
Hearst report / 2002-2007 / √f (Grants)
1999 accred. report / 1999 concerns / √f
enrollment data / expansion of student body / √f / EncKnx
FTE data / expansion of faculty / √- / LBB
√ = document exists; f = PSG has on file; - = PSG needs to get; IP = document in progress
? = document does not yet exist (or PSG doesn't know about it); + = something suggested "examples of evidence" in HLC material
4. the knox college mission
Big picture: New effort to make mission statement more widely known and to use it as a guideline for assessment.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.catalog / content; dissemination / √f / 1a, 1b
bookmark / dissemination / √f / 1a
1989 self study intro / √f
Statement of Ed. Goals / pervasiveness of understanding/support? / √f / 1a, 1c
Admission / content: "Freedom to Flourish";
pervasiveness—+available to prospective students / IP / Paul / 1a, 1c
web site / pervasiveness / IP / Karrie; Sean / 1a, 1c
other PR documents? / pervasiveness / IP / Karrie / 1a, 1c
recollections '93 process / + history of creation, faculty/board approval, incl. evaluation & revision when appropriate / - / people involved / 1a, 1c
board minutes / " / - / Roger, Larry, KJW's letter / 1a, 1c
various / + how made available to public, particularly prospective and current students (Paul, Larry, Karrie, Sean, Beverly) / IP / 1a
self-study design & guides / use of mission statement in self-study process / √f / 1c (big point here)
mission statement / +who are our internal & external constituencies / √f / throughout
planning documents / "
pervasiveness of understanding/support / √f / 1a, 1c
Part Two: Carrying out the mission: (end each section with achievements and challenges)
As write on curriculum, keep in mind these major aims of the mission statement:
1. to understand and improve ourselves, our society and our world; to put learning to use to accomplish both personal and social goals
3. to challenge students with high expectations and persistent demands for rigorous thinking in the pursuit of fundamental questions in order to reach their own reflective but independent judgments
4. to foster a lifelong love of learning
5. to foster a sense of competence, confidence and proportion that will enable us to live with purpose and to contribute to the well-being of others.
BIG PICTURE: Introduction: New curriculum 2002: aims, implementation, assessment. Aims of a Knox education unchanged from mission statement, but they're being brought into sharper focus.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.Academic Knox / +clearly stated goals w/ student learning outcomes for each / √f / 3a
" / +connection to mission / √f / 1c
" / +values life of learning / √f / 4a
" / +breadth of knowledge/skills / √f / 4b
" / +intellectual inquiry / √f / 4b
catalog, 3-21 / [much of above] / √f
Statement of Educational Goals (pre NewKnox) / " / √f
"Revisiting the Knox Curriculum" LBB 1-08 / " / √f
implementation process / how all above institutionalized, e.g., Foundations, technology, speaking, internships / - / me, LB
5A. Inquiry in traditional as well as newer disciplines
Big picture: Balance of disciplinary goals with who our students are and where they're headed. Significant additions in interdisciplinary programs are related to response to student needs/interests. Enhanced role of minors with new grad reqts. Integration of key competencies into departments. Status of departmental/program assessment.
(In general, see NSSE-11a)
5A. i. As seen in majors and minors
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.dept/prog self-studies of "new disciplines" / introduction of newer disciplines / IP
self-studies from new programs / American Studies (newly revised), Asian Studies, Business & Managmt, Film Studies, Financial Mathematics, Journalism, Neuroscience, Social Service / IP
ModLang selfstudy / dropped programs (German Area Studies, Russian) / IP / Bruce Davis
patterns of major/minor-fields / change over time in choice of major/minors? / ? / KH
patterns of major/minor-how many double / impact of new grad. reqt. on patterns? / ? / KH
Dean's year-end reports / SoTL participation / √- / LBB / 3b
inquiry to faculty; FSSE-25 / SoTL participation / ? / 3b
inquiry to faculty / openness to innovative practices enhance learning / ? / 3b
NITLE participation data / openness to innovative practices enhance learning / ? / VR/NITLE / 3b
[no document needed] / +qualified fac determine cur. content/pedagogy (explain dept/CC) / - / PSG / 3b
HEDS-8 / alum: gained in-depth knowledge in field / IP
5A.ii. As seen in balance between traditional liberal arts curriculum and responsiveness to student desire/need for explicit pathways
(In general, see NSSE-11b, FSSE-91; HEDS-16, 25, 42)
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.1st Mellon proposal / walking the line betw. lib. arts and explicit pathways / √- / Sandra
catalog / more pre-professional programs: 3-2 programs / √
self-studies: Business, Journalism, Soc. Service / more pre-professional programs: minors / IP
Econ / as done within ind'l courses (Econ. of Non-Profits) / IP
Psych / as done within ind'l courses (counseling) / IP
Hist / as done within ind'l courses (public history) / IP
inquiry to faculty / other examples as above / ?
pre-law & pre-med / long-standing pre-prof training in these 2 fields
3-2 programs / long-standing and expanded 3-2 programs
5B. the integrative perspective of interdisciplinary work
(In general: NSSE-1i, FSSE-57)
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.FP self-study / FP / IP
demise of AP / upper-level interdisciplinary work / PG
catalog / continuing, revised, and new ID programs (majors & minors) / IP
inquiry to faculty / interdisciplinary work within departmental courses / ?
catalog; self-study / self-standing offerings, (Green Oaks, redone AP courses, etc.) / IP
GSC self-study / off-campus study (ACM programs and others) / IP
pattern of major/minor combinations / does requirement of minor lead to interdisciplinary perspectives? / asked / KH
5c. skills of writing, reading, calculating and critical analysis
BIG PICTURE: Ways in which new grad. reqts. embedded in major fields; increased role of library and IT; additions to the list (speaking, info lit/tech, EL). All key for "a sense of competence, confidence and proportion that will enable us to live with purpose and to contribute to the well-being of others."
5C.i. As embedded in key competencies
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.new Knox / writing / √f
dept self-studies
NSSE-1c, 3c, 3d, 3e
HEDS 8; FSSE 54, 78
CIRP 30/15 (revise wr) / writing: role of writing intensive courses / IP
new Knox / QL / √f
dept self-studies
NSSE-11c, 11f
HEDS 8; FSSE 81 / QL: in dept'l offerings / IP
Teagle / QL: assessment of QL in various departments / IP / KH
new Knox / speaking / √
dept self-studies
NSSE-1b, 11d
HEDS 11; FSSE 79 / speaking / IP
new Knox / info lit/tech / √f
dept self-studies;
library self-study
IT self-study
NSSE-1l, 10g, 11g
HEDS 12, FSSE 19, 42, 82, FYILLAA
CIRP 26/10 (used internet); 30/15 (eval info) / information literacy and informed use of technology (added in from new reqts.) / IP
FSSE 40, 45, 60, 86
see also 8Ai / understanding diversity
5C.ii. As developed throughout the curriculum
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.dept self-studies / reading / IP
CLA / reading / √f / KH
dept self-studies / critical analysis / IP
NSSE-1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 11e; HEDS 7
CIRT 30/15 (logic arg; seek alter. sol.)
FSSE 55, 74-77, 80 / critical analysis / √f / KH
CLA assessment / critical analysis / √f / KH
dept/prog assessment plans (within self-studies) / assmt of studnt learning through majors/minors / IP / 3a
5d. sophisticated research and creative expression
5D. i. Independent Study
BIG PICTURE: Independent study [outside of honors] is a way for a broader range of students to experience a greater degree of initiative and independence. Scope of projects possible enhanced by Richter funds.
In general: HEDS 13, 20; FSSE-7
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.2008 Richter report, with supporting documents / financial support of ind. study 2004-08 / √f
" / extent of ind. study, 2004-08 / √f
earlier Richter report? / above data for 1999-2003 / ? / SB
# of ind. study registrations / extent of ind. study / √f (from SB, 01-07)
# of students doing ind study;
NSSE-7g / extent of ind. study / ?
√f / KH
# of faculty doing how many ind. stud. / extent of ind. study / √ / LBB—2006?
data on content of ind. study (inquiry to faculty) / what are students doing in ind. study? (research, study of subjects not taught; ind. offering of a regular course) / ?
inquiry to faculty / assmt of ind. study / ?
5D.ii. Undergraduate Research
Big picture: Opportunities for research are pervasive and widely available to students.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.2008 Richter report, with supporting documents
NSSE-7h / independent research / √f
√ / Bailey
report on setting up of Center for Undg. Res. / institutional support for undg. research / ? / SB
inquiry to faculty / research w/in courses / ?
off-campus programs with research and participation levels / availability of a variety of research opportunities / ? / MS/RS
5D.iii. Honors Program
BIG PICTURE: Continuing strong program that makes a special contribution to the carrying out of the college's educational goals for about 10-15% of our students.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.data for last 10 years on participants / trends over time in numbers, fields / √- / KH
comments from outside examiners / assessment of program / √- / SB
inquiry to faculty / assessment of program / survey
inquiry to alums / assessment of program / survey
5E. to understand and improve our world; to make learning matter at the level. . . of the world beyond[Added in: pulled from larger aims and last item in "Our Community"]
big picture: Re-structuring as Global Studies Center; expansion of international study/exchange
In general: HEDS 9, 20, 23, 25; FSSE 6
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.data on numbers of students studying where
NSSE-7f, 11i / trends in off-campus study / ?
√ / MS
GSC self-study / new things done to prepare/follow up with students studying off-campus / IP
" / speakers / IP
" / long-term visitors / IP
" / faculty development / IP
big picture: Relate back to community values of accessibility, egalitarianism. Challenge of measuring these key but "atmospheric" qualities.
Also keep in mind these major aims of the mission statement:
1. to understand and improve ourselves, our society and our world; to put learning to use to accomplish both personal and social goals
2. To increase access to all qualified students of varied backgrounds, races and conditions, regardless of financial means
3. to challenge students with high expectations and persistent demands for rigorous thinking in the pursuit of fundamental questions in order to reach their own reflective but independent judgments
4. to foster a lifelong love of learning
5. to foster a sense of competence, confidence and proportion that will enable us to live with purpose and to contribute to the well-being of others.
6A. critical exchange of ideas (se also 6Ci & 6Cii)
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.NSSE-1a
inquiry to faculty
inquiry to students
FSS 33 / inside the classroom / √
NSSE-1h, 1t
inquiry to faculty
inquiry to students
CIRP 28/9 (openness to own view chall), 30/15 (ask quest in cl; seek solut/xpl others) / outside the classroom (see also 8A.ii—Challenges to Community) / √
6b. high expectations and persistent demands for rigorous thinking
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.NSSE-1f, 1r, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3a, 4a, 4b, 5, 9a, 10a
CIRP 30/15 (take risk); 34/11 (hrs study)
FSSE 8, 12, 34, 35, 46-53, 72 / high expectations and persistent demands for rigorous thinking / √
6c. supportive and egalitarian environment
BIG PICTURE: The sense that Knox is a supportive and egalitarian learning environment comes from three sources: shared values (see section 8A), dedicated personnel and services, and physical resources. Many challenges, to keep up with/adjust to needs; progress in some areas (some enhancements in staffing), stasis in others. Refiguring of SMC significant development on the horizon.
(In general: NSSE-10b, 10d)
6C.i. Faculty-Student Learning Relations
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.NSSE 1a / psycholog. envt of classroom—e.g., comfort asking questions / √f
NSSE-1m, 1n, 1o, 1p, 1q, 8b, 10d
CIRP 26/10 (ask teach. advice; dinner home); 30/15 (seek feedbk); 34/11 (talk outs. cl); 39/20 (com. reg; work on proj.)
HEDS 13, 20, 23
FSSE 4, 10, 27, 28, 30, 31, 37-39 / rel'ps profs/students (link with "accessibility" in Community section) / √
NSSE-1s, 7d / fac-student collaborative work / √
description of advising / Advising (N.B. Continuation of system in place; some increase of expectation with new graduation requirements; embarking on assessment.) / √f / SB self-study / 3c
advising survey & results
NSSE-12; HEDS 13 / Advising / IP
√ / CLC / 3c, 3d
6C.ii. Student-Student Learning Relations
In general: FSSE 9, 41, 56, 58, 59, 83, 84
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.NSSE-1h, 1t, 7c, 8a, 11h / informal study groups by class; led by TAs; led by profs / √
self-studies / frat/soror academic support / IP
Athletics self-study / academic support to athletes (e.g., football study sessions) / IP / Chad
NSSE-1g, 11h
CIRP 26/10 (stud w/ stud); 39/2-0 (disc course) / collaborative learning, etc. / √
CTL self-study / CTL tutoring / IP
6C.iii. Student Initiated Learning Experiences
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.list of regularly-occurring outside-of-class learning activities / E.g., Caxton, Writers Forum, Summer Science Seminar / √- / relevant faculty
list of student conference attended / Students to conferences / √f Richter report / SB
CCPPD self-study
NSSE-7a; HEDS 20, 23
FSSE 1, 29 / internships / IP
assmt of EL / experiential learning / IP / LBB
list of independent majors
NSSE-7g / student initiated learning / ? / KH
record of tutoring programs (intra-Knox & beyond);
NSSE-1j / tutoring / ?
NSSE-3b, 11j; CIRP 30/15 (explore topics) / reading on own; learning effectively on own / √
6C.iv. Learning Resources
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.library self-study
HEDS 14 / Libraries / IP / Jeff / 3c, 3d
science self-studies / Labs / IP / science chairs / 3c, 3d
SMC planning doc / Labs / ? / Andy Mehl, LBB
Theatre/Music self-study / Performance spaces / IP / Neil, Laura / 3c, 3d
Art self-study? / Studios / IP / Greg / 3c, 3d
IT self-study / Instructional technology / IP / Vicky / 3c, 3d
library self-study / Instructional technology / IP / Jeff
Computer Center self-st / Software available / IP / Steve J.
Biology self-study? / Green Oaks / IP
6C.v. Programs in Support of Learning
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.CTL self-study / support for all students / IP / John / 3c, 3d, 4d
TRIO self-study / support for Trio-eligible students / IP / Risa Lopez / 3c, 3d, 4d?
McNair self-study / support for McNair-eligible/selected students / √f / Sarah Moschenross / 3c, 3d, 4d?
CCPPD self-study
HEDS 14 / support for all students, incl. Fall Institute / IP / Heather Poppy / 3c, 3d, 4d?
data from Counseling Center / individual counseling/intervention / ? / Dan Larson
data from SB & XR
FSSE-11 / individual counseling/intervention / ? / SB, XR
6C.vi. Recognition of student achievements
big picture: Recognition given publicly is in accord with institutional values (yes?)
list of ways in which student achievmnt is recognized / honors banquet—prizes; convocation; Deans list; athletics banquet; honors (Latin/college); academic honor societies / forget6d. informality and openness that mirrors our midwestern surroundings
big picture:The physical environment of the classroom fosters informal exchange (e.g., few lecture halls). Learning is also fostered in a wide variety of settings outside of class, carrying forward curricular goals in extra-curricular venues—no boundaries in the learning environment. These activities make a special contribution to fostering a lifelong love of learning. (Cross-reference to 8c for learning that relates to the Galesburg community.)
inquiry to faculty / (see section 8A on Community) / surveysclassroom inventory / physical environment of the classroom (e.g. few lecture halls) / √-
7. residential campus culture
Big picture: How all these elements add up to "encouraging personal, cultural, and intellectual growth" (or is "intellectual" growth elsewhere?)
Also keep in mind these major aims of the mission statement:
1. to understand and improve ourselves, our society and our world; to put learning to use to accomplish both personal and social goals
2. To increase access to all qualified students of varied backgrounds, races and conditions, regardless of financial means
3. to challenge students with high expectations and persistent demands for rigorous thinking in the pursuit of fundamental questions in order to reach their own reflective but independent judgments
4. to foster a lifelong love of learning
5. to foster a sense of competence, confidence and proportion that will enable us to live with purpose and to contribute to the well-being of others.
7A. encouraging personal, cultural and intellectual growth
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.(FSSE 16; See 7D, E, F)
7B. A reflective, tolerant and engaged campus community
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.(See Chapter 8 on Community)
NSSE-6c / (NSSE data on participation in activities that enhanced spirituality) / √
7C. Supportive residential opportunities
big picture: A variety of housing options, supportive of diverse preferences/needs, while also shaping a common experience of a residential campus.
Evidence sought / Relevant to what topics / Status of doc. / contact / Core Comp.OSD self-study / Dormitories / IP / Craig
" / Theme houses / IP / Craig
" / Off-campus housing / IP
" / Cultural centers / IP / ?
VP-FAS self-study / Cafeteria/Gizmo / IP / Tom
OSD self-study
NSSE-9e; HEDS 14, 15
CIRP 34/11 (social frds; parties / all-campus student activities, e.g.: parties, I-Fair, Flunk Day
(NSSE data on relaxing, socializing) / IP
7D. Numerous student organizations