Additional Research Funding Opportunities
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center of Excellence (ADACE):
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center of Excellence (ADACE) stimulates interdisciplinary collaborative efforts for research and teaching and encourages the dissemination of pertinent information in the area of alcohol and drug abuse.Part of this effort is achieved through the ADACE Pilot Project Funding Program.The purpose of the ADACE Pilot Project Program is to expand interest in the alcohol and drug abuse research field within the LSUHSC. The goal of the program is to foster collaborations that have the potential to develop into projects that are competitive for external funding. Applications for pilot projects should align with the mission of the NIAAA and/or NIDA and preferably synergize with existing funded areas of research within LSUHSC including butnot limitedto the impact of alcohol and drugs of abuse on HIV/AIDS, injury, stress, and behavior.Pilot projects to establish new collaborations are strongly encouraged.The program generally has two competitions per year, and RFAs for these two cycles typically go out in March and October with due dates in April and November.
Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center (LA CaTS): The LA CaTS Center is seeking research applications to support advanced projects (“shovel ready”) aimed at preparing major publications and grant applications to compete for extramural funding (e.g. NIH, DOD, or Foundations). Announcements of the next round of competition will be communicated via email, or can be found on the LA CaTS link.
The UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS):
To speed the translation of research into improved human health, the UAB CCTS and its Partner Network, which includes LSUHSC-NO, are committed to increasing research capacity, accelerating research processes, developing and supporting excellence in the research workforce and providing creative, innovative approaches to major health and health care delivery challenges. The CCTS offers access to a number of resources and capacities through the Research Commons and the Training Academy. This includes access to core capacities such as clinical services; sample processing; informatics; UAB biorepositories; biostatistics, epidemiology and research design; comparative effectiveness research; exercise medicine; and human to model systems. It also includes a significant training and career development component. The latter includes opportunities for KL2 funding and other training/career development opportunities for meritorious candidates from the CCTS Partners network. These opportunities will be announced through the CCTS digest, and through periodic emails that will include contacts for further information.
Updated 6/3/15