NC VOAD Quarterly Meeting

October 18, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 11:01 am. President Ann Huffman asked attendees to fill out the organizational report form including services, organizational needs, and community needs. She stated that she was glad attendees were present, that we need to work together, and that we need attendees here doing what they do best.

President’s Message

Ann Huffman discussed Crisis Cleanup, a way for residents to request cleanup, muckout, tarping, and mold treatment, and for agencies to respond. She encouraged every organization to sign up. It’s easiest if one person signs up the organization and enrolls the others as site managers. Once enrolled, organizations can sign up residents and claim jobs. Using the statistical records available (number of jobs, volunteers, and damage types) makes it easier to get grants.

Ann Huffman asked JereSnyder for additional information. Jere responded that there were 100 volunteers being trained for the Virtual Call Center. The phone number for clients is 800-451-1954. There are currently 188 open jobs.

United Way-211 is gathering information in order to be more effective.


The minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report

During the past quarter $300 in dues income was received and $240 in expenses (insurance) was disbursed. All organizations were encouraged to join NC VOAD. Write for information. Annual dues are $100.

Old Business


New Business

NC Emergency Management Report

Emmett Wainwright, new IA manager for North Carolina Emergency Management was introduced. He is currently working a TSA issue.

Office of the Governor Report

Kyle Van Dusen, Governor’s Commission on Donations and Volunteers, stated that the NC Disaster Relief Fund was activated by the governor. All monies in this fund can be distributed to LTRGs to repair of rebuild homes if no other funds are available. Kyle will keep Larry up to date on the amount of available funds and how to apply for them. The governor appreciates the actions of responding groups and wants to recognize all groups next week. The state will not open a multi-agency warehouse. Donations may be made to the Disaster Relief Fund, by texting to 30306, or via donations directly to the responding organizations.

Cliff Harvell asked whether the governor is doing everything possible to promote the NC Disaster Fund. It is vital for small organizations. Kyle stated that they plan to push this as often as possible.

The question “Why is there no multi-agency warehouse?” was asked. Kyle responded that factors included the time and expense to operate the warehouse, negative publicity resulting from goods, some donations are not useful including water (too much), clothes (no US use, must ship overseas), and food. Business EOC corporate partners can provide warehouse space if needed. Kyle will let us know if this decision is reversed.

Jere Snyder asked whether the governor would push the Crisis Cleanup message. Kyle agreed to discuss this with Ann.

FEMA Report

Larry Buckner reported for FEMA. A map of declared counties was available. Last night Martin, Washington, Tyrrell, and Craven were added to the IA-declared counties bringing the total to 21. He had just received a flash bulletin indicating that up to 15 more counties could possibly be declared. Six DRCs have been opened, in Nash, Harnett, Wilson, Edgecombe, Johnston, and Wayne counties. An SBA center has been opened in Cumberland County and a second will be opened at an undetermined location.

Larry spoke to the multi-agency warehouse question based on his 1994 experience. Kyle hadn’t mentioned that we are not getting a lot of calls for a warehouse; none will be opened until a need is shown. South Carolina has also decided not to open a multi-agency warehouse. Three warehouses were opened for Floyd. Six 53-foot trailers of clothes had to be sent overseas—and that was only a fraction of the clothing donations. The rest might still be in storage. A problem arises of people see goods in the warehouse and ask for items beyond their original grant. Several other people agreed with these comments.

Heather Black pointed out that corporate donations are coordinated through Logistics directly to the point of need.

Several questions were asked of Larry Buckner:

The Greene Lamp representative stated that Greene Lamp wished to become a DRC. Larry Bucker responded “Find a building, get it inspected.” Emmett Wainwright added that one new DRC location is being inspected today.

Jon Wallace stated that a Preliminary Damage Assessment was needed to site DRC locations. Larry Buckner stated that a Routine Use Agreement was needed to get a Preliminary Damage Assessment. Larry Buckner also noted that little PDA information is available because the PDAs were performed by air.

Larry Buckner stated that the most-damaged ten counties were the first ten declared. He is assembling a team of Voluntary Agency Liaisons to go into the field when allowed for safety reasons, expected to be next week. A list of VALs will be distributed.

United Way 2-1-1 Report

Heather Black reported for NC-211. The service is always available but most popular during a 12-hour period. 211 provides referrals for housing, services, and other needs. In 2015, 211 received 120,000 calls, serving 146,000 needs. There were 173,000 website hits for housing and shelter, utilities, healthcare, food, and mental health. 211 leadership is onsite at the state EOC and has made valuable use of WebEOC for shelters and feeding referrals and other contacts. The NC-211 call center has been staffed to full capacity and spills calls to New Jersey, Portland, Houston, and Austin. They are working with the governor’s office to get AmeriCorps assistance. Communications take place between the sites. In the interval October 3-17, 6182 disaster-related calls were received, 12,813 total calls. Most calls were on disaster food stamps; a branch was added on the Voice Response Unit just for this issue.

In five counties, 911 was down due to flooding. Callers to 911 in these counties were referred to 211 and then transferred to Emergency Services. NC-211 statistics are available to the general public at You can see counts for each caller need and see repeated needs for selected areas, major categories, disaster needs, etc.

A form is online for agencies providing services: Agencies providing services should fill out and submit this form so they are listed in the Resource Guide. Heather is seeking feedback on the form design.

NC-211 will continue to work with the state EOC and FEMA for recovery. They will analyze disaster call data. Heather recognized NC VOAD member Hope Animal-Assisted Crisis Response which provided dogs in the call center for stress relief. Heather reminded the group that NC-211 cannot direct or earmark donations; they are handled by a branch on the VRU tree.

Organizational Reports

Ann Huffman reminded attendees to speak to the written reports they will submit, as those will be retained as minutes. [These reports are stored at .]


Carlotta Dixon, NC Dept. of Health and Human Services, said that confusion had arisen over replacement of lost food stamps. Food stamps may be received by simply signing a declaration. No letters are needed. She will help organizations contact county DSS and will intervene if necessary. She thanked responding organizations.

Larry Buckner asked that any agencies doing muckouts/tearouts email him as he is making a list. He is also trying to find housing for survivors—let him know of available housing at . Lori is supporting Larry Buckner.

Jon Wallace stated that his agency needs information on the damage to select areas to work in.

Bylaws change

The portion of the bylaws change permitting one signature on payments $500 or less passed with one dissenting vote. The portion of the bylaws change defining what non-profit organization classes are eligible for membership was withdrawn.

Meeting Schedule

The Annual Meeting will be held January 17, 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.


The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Marks
