MYSORE- 570009
MYSORE- 570009
BATCH: 2009-2011
1. / name of the candidateaddress
( in block letters) / miss. sithara joseph
i st year m. sc.(n)
jss college of nursing
i st main road
2. / name of the institution / jss college of nursing
3. / course of the study
and subject / i st year m.sc nursing
(psychiatry nursing)
4. / date of admission for
the course / 6-04-2009
6. Brief Resume Of The Intended Work
“ If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of time , the insane asylums would be filled with mothers”- Edgar w.house
School experience has remarkable effect on the emotional and personal development of children. Overall development of a country depends on social and individual developments. Intended development can be obtained through qualified education. Regarding this reality, it is quite challenging fact that corporal punishment is still being discussed in the verge of the 21st century.1
Still there are those teachers and parents who see corporal punishment as a means of establishing discipline in class room management and good parenting. Unfortunately, they ignore the destructive effects of corporal punishment on child’s mental Health. Corporal punishment is harming part of a body and inflicting pain to a person or exciding him because of the offense he has committed .Most parents and teachers think they do well by punishing students. It is perceived as one part of traditional culture .some proverbs such as “It blossoms rose where the teacher hits.” “Physical punishment is endowed from heaven” etc expresses the justification of corporal punishment through out society. As being the extreme form of physical punishments, corporal punishment is the means of humiliation for the students who are exposed to it. Children who are exposed to this kind of punishment tend to exhibit the two extreme behaviors of cowardness or aggression.1
Child abuse is a global problem. Various factors have been contributed to the insufficient rate of child abuse reporting by teachers, among them the most important is lack of related training courses for teachers in both their academic and job training programs. The victims of child abuse have lower rate of self confidence, social skills and educational success as well as more disciplinary problems.2
The discipline is not taught, it is learnt. Generally negative experience and adverse conditions prevailing around will seriously influence a child and may make him similar person with similar character .But, at the same time it may result in making child a positive person or a person with character diametrically opposite to what he has seen. The time has come to re- examine the saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” Children are at receiving end both, at their own homes and schools from parents, teachers, and non – teaching school authorities.3
There are three types of corporal punishments in schools. Physical punishment, Emotional punishment and negative reinforcement. Physical punishments such as making the children stand as a wall chair, twisting the ears etc. Emotional punishments like slapping by the opposite sex, scolding abusing and humiliating, Make them to stand on the back of the class and to complete the work, suspending them for a couple of days etc . Negative reinforcement threatening to give Transfer Certificate for the child, deducting marks, Make the children pay fines, call for parents etc., however teachers and parents get mistaken by thinking of doing the right thing by punishing them. Corporal punishment causes students mental activities to reduce, playing truant from school increase in reacting against, several personality problem and loss of self confidence.3
In 1874, a badly beaten girl known only as Mary Ellen became the first legally recognized victim of child abuse in the United States .Mary Ellen was rescued from unfit parents only after the American Society for the prevention of cruelty Animals (ASPCA) stepped in on her behalf. The parent has the obligation to furnish a home for the child. A parent has the right to use corporal punishment, but it must not be so excessive as to constitute child abuse.4
Long term effects of child abuse include fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, poor self esteem, tendency toward substance abuse, and difficulty with close relationships. (Browne and Finkelhor, 1986)5
“The challenge of ending child abuse is the challenge of breaking the link between adults’ problems and children’s pain” The list of factors most commonly associated with the maltreatment of children includes : class and race, poverty, lone parenthood, unemployment, domestic violence, family break down, children not living with biological parents, social isolation, child ill health or disability , mental ill -health , drug and alcohol abuse , teenage parenthood, low educational levels , and parents having been abused in their own childhood.6
Several studies have been conducted all in different parts of the world regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding corporal punishment among teachers and parents. These studies show that corporal punishment is still followed by many teachers and parents throughout the world.
Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain. Though corporal punishment in schools is denounced in all quarters, it continues to be a major bugbear among students. The corporal punishment is a regular affair in thousands of schools every where. Children not only carry overload of text books and note books on their tender backs, but bear the brunt of canes for silly reasons like socks not matching the shoe or lace not being properly knotted.3
Generally, neither the students nor their parents complain against any teacher for beating the kids, because of their vindictive attitude. There are several instances where a child has to leave the school in the middle of the academic year, because children are subjected to severe torturing methods, hampering their education and mental peace, only because the parents brought corporal punishment to the notice of principal. The division bench of Delhi High court held that corporal punishment was not keeping with a child’s dignity. Justice said that it was cruel to subject a child to physical violence in school in the name of Article 21 of Indian constitution. “Just because child is small he or she cannot be denied of these rights. Even animals are protected against cruelty .our children are surely cannot be worse off than animals” – High court.3
From the personal experience of the researcher, the rigid rules in convent schools don’t allow the parents to enter the school gate even to offer lunch box to their kids. They ask them to stand or ‘kneel down’ under hot sun .Some times student will be asked to complete the assigned writing work in kneel down position. In almost all private , convent , English medium schools , which mushroomed with the sole purpose of making money ,impose very strict discipline which leads to stringent actions even for minor violations like not cleaning shoe, or wearing a different color socks or a shirt without ironing .Sometimes the punishment extends to parents also .It is the common sight in cities and towns that parents , mostly mothers ,waiting outside the gate of schools under the hot sun to hand over lunch box or meet the principal as instructed through the kids.
In 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children were reported to child protective services (CPS) agencies as alleged victims of child maltreatment. Since 1985, the rate of child abuse fatalities has increased by 39% .Based on these numbers, more than three children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect.(NCPCA’s 1996 Annual fifty state survey)5
“If you hit your child you’re telling the child that hitting is reasonable behavior. Children who are treated aggressively by their parents are more likely to be aggressive themselves and to take out their angry feelings on others who are smaller and weaker than they are.”6
Although the term ‘school caning’ inevitably brings to mind the formulized ritual of the school boy obediently bending over to accept a beating across his buttocks , pupils in the state schools were often disciplined by the application of the cane to the palm of the hand.
A boy who witnessed hand canings in the 1930s recalled in particular
“the way the cane whistled as it came down and the speed with which each recipient slid the caned hand under the opposite armpit ,pulling the injured hand tightly against the vice formed by his arm and body. To my surprise very few of those punished cried, although they often grimaced and bit their lips” 7
The supreme court of India banned this type of brutality in schools in 2000, and 17 out of 28 states claim to apply the ban ,though enforcement is lax . In 2009 incidents of brutality still took place. A Number of social and cultural organizations, including shukrachakra are campaigning against corporal punishment in India. Though corporal punishment in schools is not legally banned, government has clearly outlined in its school sector reform plan 2009-2015 that teachers should not apply any form of corporal punishment in schools. Corporal punishment is also highly discouraged by the Ministry of education which announced nation wide formal launching of “Learn without fear” campaign in order to end the practice and to promote learning with dignity. 8
Corporal punishment deteriotes the learning environment and stifles the learning zeal in students ,Apart from serving as starting points for psychological disorders .From January to June this year , 72 school children were meted out such punishment . Among them were 9 girls, 28 boys, while 25 are unidentified, according to the helpline of child workers in Nepal concerned centre. Only 13 of these cases were reported to CWIN helpline for help.3 corporal punishment is a common educational method throughout the world and has serious repercussions on child mental health.8
Child maltreatment is a substantial public health problem, with an estimated 905,000 cases substantiated in the U.S in 2006. Each year, an estimated 6 million children in the US are reported to CPS agencies for suspected maltreatment. From October 2005 through September 2006, 91,278 unique victims <12 months of age were identified. 9
In 2008 there were 330 reported cases of punishment by teachers (36 girls,59 boys, 253 unidentified), the corporal punishment of minors in the home is lawful in all 50 of the United States and according to a 2000 survey ,it is widely approved by parents . It has been officially outlawed in 24 countries around the world. Corporal punishment in school is still legal in some parts of the world, including 20 states of USA, but has been outlawed in other places, including Canada, Japan, South Africa, News land. In Nepal a study found that 14 % of school drop outs can be attributed to fear of teachers. In the year 2006- 2007 school year 223,190 school children in the US were subjected to physical punishment. This is a significant drop of almost 18%, continuing a steady trend from the early 1980’s8
A cross sectional study was conducted in 40 schools in karkala taluk, Karnataka to evaluate whether they met the ten criteria of child friendly school initiative as recommended by Indian academy of pediatrics. Data were collected using a pre-designed Performa by talking to the headmaster and school teachers and inspection of the premises for various facilities .Result of the study shows that 90% of the schools did not have adequate toilet facilities, 90% did not have safe transportation for the students. Children in 82% schools had excess baggage, 72% did not access to safe drinking water and physical punishment was being administered in 45% of schools. 72% of schools did have periodic health check up. 60% of schools had clean kitchen, dining room, 60% had adequate facilities for games and 57% had facilities for first aid facility at school.10
In Mohali Education department ordered dismissal of the teacher who allegedly beat 16 students studying in Class VIII in Government Senior Secondary School Mubarikpur, near Dera Bassi, Confirming the development, district education officer (DEO) said the teacher has been terminated for giving corporal punishment to students. The teacher has been put under termination as corporal punishments are against the law .Eight students aged between 13 and 15 years were reportedly beaten by the teacher whose parents had later lodged a complaint with the police. Taking serious note of the incident, a detailed inquiry was conducted by the district education officer, report of which was submitted to higher officials after which a show-cause notice was issued to the accused teacher, asking for explanation within 21 days. 11
Twelve-year-old Nitin Rai has permanently lost 20 per cent vision in his right eye, thanks to a teacher who flung a duster at another boy but shattered his spectacles instead. (Vandana Manjumdar Hindustan times New Delhi, 1999) 12