Chapter 4: Federalism–Definitions & Short Answers
Directions: Answer the following questions in a well-organized paragraph.
Theories and Metaphors of Federalism (p.100-106)
- Define the following:
- sovereignty
- federalism
- states' rights
- implied powers
- elastic clause
- Explain the concept of dual federalism and its essential premises.
- Identify the key elements of cooperative federalism.
Dynamics of Federalism (p.106-118)
- Define the following:
- commerce clause
- grant-in-aid
- How have the federal courts influenced the relationship between the national government and the states?
- Discuss how the Supreme Court has interpreted the commerce clause since the 1990s.
- Explain the difference between categorical grants and block grants. In the process, distinguish between the two types of categorical grants.
- Why has the use of highway construction funds proved an effective means to induce states to accept national standards mandated by the federal government?
Ideology of American Federalism (p.118-123)
- Define the following:
- policy entrepreneur
- preemption
- mandate
- restraint
- coercive federalism
- redistricting
- Compare and contrast President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs with President Reagan’s New Federalism in relation to sovereignty between the states and the federal government.
- Discuss the goals and impact of the Unfunded Mandates Relief Act of 1995.
- What are some possible explanations for the success of those with gubernatorial experience in elections to national office?
- Discuss how states have developed and advanced their own trade agendas.
1.Federalism is a combination of which two ideas?
a. / Unitary and oligarchy structuresb. / Unitary government and a confederation
c. / A confederation and autocracy
d. / Elitism and a confederation
e. / Majoritarian democracy and a unitary government
2.The basic premise of federalism is that
a. / supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses.b. / two or more governments share power and authority over the same land and people.
c. / supreme political authority remains with the states.
d. / a national government has ultimate sovereignty over a country's land and people.
e. / state and local governments may not exercise powers of their own that are independent of the national government.
3.The following governor of Arizona signed a law in 2010 that allowed the state to regulate illegal immigration:
a. / Jeb Bush.b. / David Salgado
c. / Susan Bolton
d. / Jan Brewer
e. / none of these
4.____ require foreigners who are not citizens living in the United States to register with the government and carry their registration papers:
a. / U.S. Lawb. / Nevada Law
c. / Montana Law
d. / California Law
e. / Oregon Law
5.Federalism is able to unify diverse groups of people because it
a. / provides a strong center around which all citizens can unify.b. / requires a formal constitution.
c. / does not require citizens to be ruled by majorities from different regions and with different interests.
d. / allows for secession when a minority group feels threatened.
e. / ensures a uniform result by upholding one national standard.
6.Which of the following is not an essential premise of dual federalism?
a. / The Constitutionis the creation of the people of the United States.b. / The national government rules by enumerated powers only.
c. / The national government has a limited set of constitutional purposes.
d. / Each government unit, both nation and state, is sovereign within its sphere.
e. / The relationship between nation and state is best characterized by tension.
7.Dual federalism is the practice of
a. / allowing state governments to compete aggressively with one another for federal funds.b. / close cooperation between the states and the federal government.
c. / allowing the states and the federal government to exercise power separately in areas of legitimate concern to them.
d. / continually increasing the power of the federal government.
e. / establishing one government authority within another of equal size.
8.A proponent of states' rights would argue that
a. / cooperative federalism is preferable to dual federalism.b. / the national government is illegitimate.
c. / states' rights are always subservient to the national government's due to the need for variation in governing levels.
d. / the states should hold exclusive sovereignty over American citizens.
e. / the national government's powers should be interpreted narrowly.
9.Someone who believes that the elastic clause of the Constitutionshould be narrowly interpreted is most likely to endorse the concept of____ federalism.
a. / dualb. / cooperative
c. / creative
d. / implied
e. / restrictive
10.Critics of dual federalism argue that if the national government is really a creation of the states, as those supporting dual federalism claim, it is:.
a. / a creation of all of the states.b. / a creation of conservative states
c. / a creation of only the original thirteen states
d. / a creation of nation states
e. / a creation of global states
11.A power not specifically mentioned in the Constitutionbut necessary if another specific grant of power is to be carried out is called a(n) ____ power.
a. / assignedb. / general
c. / enumerated
d. / implied
e. / concurrent
12.The Constitutiondid not give Congress the authority to establish the Internal Revenue Service. Congress did so, however, to implement its power to “lay and collect taxes.” This is an example of the use of a(n) ____ power.
a. / impliedb. / delegated
c. / reserved
d. / expressed
e. / inherent
13.Which metaphor best describes dual federalism?
a. / A sponge cakeb. / A layer cake
c. / A fruitcake
d. / A marble cake
e. / A pineapple upside-down cake
14.The following is an incorrect description of the cooperative federalism model:
a. / National and state agencies typically undertake government functions jointly rather than exclusively.b. / The nation and states routinely share power.
c. / Power is not concentrated at any government level or in any agency.
d. / The functions and responsibilities of the national and state governments are clearly defined.
e. / An expansive view of the Constitution’s supremacy clause.
15.Which metaphor best describes cooperative federalism?
a. / A layer cakeb. / A sponge cake
c. / A fruitcake
d. / A marble cake
e. / A bundt cake
16.The constitutional provision that made cooperative federalism possible is
a. / Article Von amending the Constitution.b. / the interstate commerce clause.
c. / the supremacy clause.
d. / the Tenth Amendment.
e. / the elastic clause.
17.The "necessary and proper" clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution is an example of a(n) "____ clause."
a. / confederalb. / states' rights
c. / judicial
d. / dual
e. / elastic
18.The Tenth Amendment gives what level(s) of government additional unwritten powers?
a. / Localb. / National
c. / State
d. / Both state and local
e. / Both national and state
19.The shift away from dual federalism and toward cooperative federalism was a response to the problems associated with
a. / the Civil War.b. / the Great Depression.
c. / underage drinking.
d. / the fact that the United States has no official language.
e. / conflict among states.
20.President Obama was able to convince Congress in February of 2009 to approve a $787 billion economic stimulus package titled:
a. / The Great Recession Actb. / The Bank Holiday Act
c. / The New Deal II Act
d. / The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
e. / The Bailout Act
21.Several Republican governors initially rejected the federal stimulus money Congress appropriated for their states in February, 2009 because:
a. / the strings attached to the money would mandate more state spending in the future.b. / states with Democratic governors received more money.
c. / the Republican governors wanted more money.
d. / no Senate Republicans voted for the appropriation.
e. / none of the above.
22.Which of the following best summarizes the decisions of the Supreme Court in regard to the powers of the national government?
a. / From the 1930s to the mid-1990s, the Supreme Court tended to support expansion of national authority; recently, it has been placing limits on that authority.b. / The Supreme Court has considered issues of federalism to be “political questions” beyond the scope of the Court's jurisdiction.
c. / The Supreme Court has consistently resisted the expansion of national power.
d. / The Supreme Court has wavered unpredictably on the issue of national authority.
e. / The decisions have made the division of powers in federalism difficult to ascertain.
23.The effect of national emergencies and judicial interpretations on federalism has been to
a. / solidify the original constitutional balance between state and national governments.b. / create many more local governments with supreme governing powers.
c. / increase the power of the states.
d. / decrease the authority of all levels of government.
e. / increase the power of the national government.
24.A central question in the McCulloch case was whether or not Congress had the power to
a. / institute a peacetime draft.b. / establish a national bank.
c. / regulate commerce along major waterways.
d. / investigate the executive branch.
e. / remove one of its own members.
25.According to John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the elastic clause might be interpreted to mean that Congress can take a particular action not specified in the Constitutionif that action is
a. / approved by both houses of Congress.b. / strictly related to accomplishment of a national priority.
c. / requested by a state government.
d. / generally in the public interest.
e. / plainly adapted to achieving a legitimate constitutional end.
26.The Supreme Court's interpretation of the commerce clause has historically
a. / served to preserve states' rights.b. / lessened trade powers between the states.
c. / had no consistent effect on national and state power.
d. / left the balance of power between the national and state governments unchanged.
e. / served to increase national power.
27.The general conclusion of the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez was that
a. / the Second Amendment forbids any government restriction on the right to bear arms.b. / there are limits to the national government's ability to regulate behavior based on the commerce clause.
c. / schools are exclusively a state and local responsibility.
d. / the right to bear arms extends even to those who are not legal adults.
e. / entities of the state do not have ability equal to that of the state itself to successfully challenge national law.
28.In 1995, the Supreme Court concluded that Congress had overreached the legitimate bounds of the commerce power when Congress tried to regulate the possession of ____ in or near a school.
a. / gunsb. / pornography
c. / prescription drugs
d. / beer
e. / All of these
29.The constitutionality of the so-called Brady Billwas challenged by
a. / a criminal defense organization.b. / twenty-four state governors.
c. / several sheriffs.
d. / the NAACP.
e. / the ACLU.
30.In the Printz v. United States decision, Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the five member conservative majority, argued that federally mandated background checks by local sheriffs on gun purchases in their states violated the principle of:
a. / new federalism.b. / cooperative federalism.
c. / sanctions.
d. / dual federalism.
e. / majoritarian democracy.
31.In recent years, the Supreme Court has denied states the power to execute individuals who are
a. / mentally disabled.b. / poor and uneducated.
c. / from broken homes.
d. / seventeen years old.
e. / A and D
32.In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Violence Against Women Act, a law that allowed federal court lawsuits in which victims of crimes motivated by gender could seek financial compensation from their attackers. The Supreme Court ruled the law violated the following:
a. / the commerce clauseb. / the Fourteenth Amendment
c. / the Nineteenth Amendment
d. / the elastic clause
e. / both A and B
33.What kind of grant-in-aid allows the recipient of the grant the least discretion in determining how to spend the money?
a. / Formula grantb. / Categorical grant
c. / Block grant
d. / HEW grant
e. / Focused grant
34.Money awarded for broad, general purposes is called a ____ grant.
a. / blockb. / formula
c. / carry
d. / categorical
e. / user
35.In 2010, the following accounts for nearly 50% of national government grants to the states:
a. / highway fundingb. / education funding
c. / health care funding
d. / national security funding
e. / immigration funding
36.Construction of the massive interstate highway system
a. / was accomplished by the states working cooperatively.b. / gave the national government leverage to regulate many behaviors indirectly related to highway travel.
c. / was resisted by the states as an infringement on traditional areas of state jurisdiction.
d. / had little impact on the flow of interstate commerce.
e. / created serious uniformity problems in each state's quality of construction.
37.The effect of the Supreme Court's ruling in South Dakota v. Dole in 1987 is that Congress can "encourage" states to comply with federal standards by using the threat of reduced funds. The ruling resulted in the following:
a. / several states accepted the funding reductions in defense of states' rights.b. / half of the states set the drinking age at twenty-one.
c. / most states changed the drinking age to twenty-one.
d. / every state approved legislation setting the drinking age at twenty-one.
e. / None of these
38.The following industry opposed a 2000 federal law establishing a tough national standard of .08 percent blood-alcohol level for drunk driving:
a. / the automobile industryb. / the insurance industry
c. / the restaurant industry
d. / the sports industry
e. / none of the above
39."New Federalism" is a term associated with the ____ administration.
a. / Kennedyb. / Johnson
c. / Eisenhower
d. / Nixon
e. / Carter
40.The power of Congress to enact laws by which the national government assumes complete or partial responsibility for a state government function is known as:.
a. / new federalismb. / sanctioning
c. / policy entrepreneurship
d. / preemption
e. / popular sovereignty
41.The vast majority of recent preemptions have focused on
a. / environmental protection.b. / judicial appointments.
c. / Internet commerce.
d. / homeland security.
e. / A and D.
42.By the 1990s, a particular problem emerged regarding the number of ____ mandates.
a. / bilateralb. / overly-specific
c. / unfunded
d. / conflicting
e. / ambiguous
43.The ____ pressed for legislation requiring cost estimates and analysis of the impact of agency regulations.
a. / state governorsb. / U.S. Senate
c. / majority of Washington lobbyists
d. / Congressional Budget Office
e. / Republicans
44.The Unfunded Mandates Relief Act(1995) does not apply to legislation
a. / protecting constitutional rights.b. / protecting civil rights.
c. / regarding antidiscrimination.
d. / regarding environmental regulation
e. / A, B, and C.
45.Since 2001, the federal government has passed along more than $100 billion worth of unfunded mandates to the states, and the National Conference of State Legislatures estimates that the following federally mandated program will cost the states $11 billion through 2012:
a. / The Patriot Actb. / The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act
c. / The Relief Act
d. / The Real ID Act
e. / None of these.
46.A notable trend in the backgrounds of recent presidents is experience as a
a. / U.S. Senator.b. / member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
c. / state legislator.
d. / governor.
e. / judge.
47.Congressional redistricting occurs once every ____ years.
a. / twob. / four
c. / six
d. / ten
e. / fifty
48.The lines that define congressional districts are usually drawn by
a. / state legislatures.b. / state governors.
c. / U.S. Senators.
d. / a state's congressional delegation.
e. / the House Judiciary Committee.
49.Under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, several states are required to submit redistricting plans to the
a. / House.b. / Senate.
c. / Congressional Budget Office.
d. / Department of Justice.
e. / Supreme Court.
50.The Constitutionexplicitly recognizes
a. / the national government.b. / state governments.
c. / local governments.
d. / A, B, and C
e. / A and B.
51.Based on 2007 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the United States is home to as many as ____ local governments of different sorts.
a. / 300b. / 1,000
c. / 10,000
d. / 20,000
e. / 89,000
52.A government unit created to perform particular functions, such as fire protection and water purification and distribution is known as:
a. / a municipal government.b. / a state's taxing authority.
c. / a county government.
d. / a special district.
e. / an intergovernmental agency.
53.Home rule is
a. / the right of the federal government to protect its own shores against foreign invasion.b. / the authority of states to enact federal programs as they wish.
c. / the right of municipal governments to enact their own legislation in certain administrative areas.
d. / a person's right to defend his or her property as he or she sees fit.
e. / a local government's ability to tax those people who shop within that local government's boundaries.
54.The following are created by state governments, either in their constitutions or through legislation:
a. / local governments.b. / interstate highway agencies.
c. / immigration agencies.
d. / federal court systems.
e. / none of these.
55.How likely are voters to participate in state and local elections compared with national elections?
a. / Less likelyb. / More likely
c. / Equally likely
d. / No clear pattern
e. / More likely if the issues are known and made clear to voters in advance
56.The complexity of the American federal system encourages
a. / majoritarian democracy.b. / pluralism.
c. / a high level of popular participation.
d. / government stagnation.
e. / conservative reactions by most registered voters.
57.The lengthy recession which began in 2008 has led to high unemployment, lower property values, and fewer property sales resulting in a loss in tax revenue for state governments. Since state budgets must balance each year, states are left with the following choices:
a. / print more money.b. / cut services.
c. / borrow money.
d. / raise taxes.
e. / B, C, and D.
58.In the aftermath of the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq had attempted to develop a ____ system of government.
a. / tribalb. / militaristic
c. / confederal
d. / unitary
e. / federal