NAWBO PA Chapters
Business Plan Competition 2014
NAWBO PA Business Plan Competition
2014 Application Form
Application Deadline: Wednesday, August 27th
(5 p.m. Eastern Time)
NAWBO PA Chapters invites women entrepreneurs to apply for the 2014 Business Plan Competition.
We’re looking for women that need capital and in-kind professional services to expand an existing business in any industry. The business plans should be well thought out. Strong business plans will demonstrate a clear market need and show operational and financial viability. Business plans will only be accepted from businesses with majority women ownership (i.e., at least 51% women-owned).
Finalists and winners will be chosen by an independent panel of judges.
Please complete this entire Application form (Parts I, II and III, including financial spreadsheets), and submit online.
The application is divided into three parts:
Part I: Executive Summary (where we ask you to briefly outline your business idea);
Part II: Detailed elaboration on the business idea at greater length; and
Part III: Financial information (5 required financial spreadsheets: Cash Flow; Balance Sheet; Income Statement; Sales Forecast; and Break Even Analysis). NAWBO PA financial spreadsheet templates must be used to ensure consistency for all applicants.
Part IV: Certification Form (signature sheet attesting to information included in the application).
Some questions on the application form have a limit on number of characters; this restriction will be strictly enforced.
Although you may enclose or attach collateral materials (ads, brochures, etc.) to enhance your presentation, Applicants must still fill out the application in its entirety, with no changes to the format. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in an invalid application and forfeiture of the ability to compete.
To submit your application:
· Complete entire application (including financial worksheets)
· Complete and sign certification form
o Upload via website under Business Plan Competition section with application.
Emailed, mailed or hand delivered applications will NOT be accepted.
For questions about the Business Plan Competition, please visit where you can view FAQ’s and / or submit a question under the Business Plan Competition section of the website. Please do not email or call NAWBO with a question.
PART I: Executive Summary
When a word limit is specified, ensure that you check that you have not exceeded limit before submitting.
What, briefly, is your business? (Limit your response to 800 characters or less)
What problem is your business seeking to solve? (Limit your response to 800 characters or less)
How does your business solve this problem? (Limit your response to 800 characters or less)
How will your business benefit your customers? (Limit your response to 800 characters or less)
What is your mission statement (we realize this is subject to change)?
PART II: Sales, Marketing, and OperationsWrite as much as you want in this section, however, please remember to be concise.
Sales and Marketing
Describe your product or service. (avoid technical terms and abbreviations unfamiliar to the general public).
Describe and quantify (size, growth rate) the addressable market segment that you intend to target. This must clearly identify your market niche.
Who are your major competitors? Describe and quantify their market penetration.
What are the unique aspects of your product or service that provide you with a sustainable competitive advantage?
Who is going to sell your product and how will they reach the end customer? Include key relationships, strategic alliances, marketing partners and channels to your addressable market.
What positions will you need to fill and how will you hire?
How will you manage back-office operations e.g. payroll, purchasing, receivables, payables, IT, etc.?
Describe your top management team and their qualifications, background and experience.
Who are your key Advisory Board members and what are their qualifications, background and experience?
PART III: Finance
What additional property, plant or equipment will you need for the business and why?
How much capital will you need to launch or grow the business?
What are your sources of funding?
How much revenue will your business generate in its first 12 months? 24 months? Justify your sales forecast.
If you win the contest, how do you plan to spend the award money?
This Application requires that the following Financial Spreadsheets be attached (applications that do not attach the required Financial Spreadsheets will be deemed void). Established businesses should include the past year’s financials. Businesses should include forecasts through the end of 2014.
1. Break Even Analysis
2. Income Statement;
3. Balance Sheet;
4. Sales Forecast;
5. Cash Flow Analysis
Other spreadsheets such as Conversion Rate, Operational Analysis, and FTE Analysis are optional and may be included by the Applicant at her discretion.
NAWBO PA Chapters Business Plan Competition 2014: Application © 2014 NAWBO PA. All Rights Reserved.