National Ministry of Health Sudan


Assessment Logbook

House-Officer's Assessment Logbook

Date &University of graduation :
Starting Date:
Hospital :
Training Unit:
Consultants Name :
Education supervisor :
Duration: From To:
Address / Tel: Email:

Check list

The house officer may not commence duties until the following criteria are met:-

a)Completed administrative procedure with the hospital and given written permission to start work.

b)Presence of a formal ID

c)Receiving a formal introduction to work& pamphlets by:

  1. Administration:
  • Showing hospital Map facilities and layout.
  • Administrative structures and head of sections.
  • Standard operating procedures written.
  • Safety procedures.
  1. consultant or deputy:
  • Any protocols and guidelines.
  • Written timetable of duties and responsibilities.
  • Formal handover supervised by a senior member of medical staff.
  • Date and time to meet supervising consultant if not already done.
  • Date and time to meet educational supervisor for hospital.
  • Set training objectives with supervisor.


Have you been vaccinated against?

  1. Hepatitis B
  2. HIV
  3. TB

It's advisable to protect yourself against these diseases.

House-Officer's Logbook

Guidelines to House-Officers:


This Logbook is meant to:

  • Provide an evidence of the quality& content of the training received during the internship period.
  • To assist consultants in a fair & proper evaluation of the house officer during the shift period.
  • To document your daily work regarding activities in different departments and the related departments.

B-How to use :

This logbook should remain the house-officer and its his / her responsibility to ensure that all sections are completely filled and signed by the appropriate person and countersigned by the consultant.

C-Final Assessment Report :

The final assessment form will be filled by the consultant in charge of your training and your educational supervisor based on the competencies and skills documented in this logbook and the professional attitude & knowledge parameters.

D-House officer Feedback :

There is also a section to be filled by the trainee to voice his opinion about the quality of training received in each shiftand form should be filled immediately after finishing the rotation and submitted to the hospital administration.

Where to Submit the document :

The Assessment report form will be submitted to the consultant who will submit to the Hospital Administration.

  • The intern feedback to be submitted to the hospital administration.
  • The house officer logbook should be submitted to the National Ministry of Health.

Job Description of the House-Officers

Dear Doctor,

Welcome to the start of your professional career, and please always remember, that your professional practice must always be guided and based on the finest ethical & professional standards detailed in the Oath you took before starting emphasizing human values, ethics, equity, respect of community values, team approach, modesty and continuing professional development.

During your different rotations, you are expected to:

  1. To do a competent initial assessment of the patients including an informative history, competent clinical examination and identifying problems to be addressed.
  2. Discuss with registrar/medical officer the plan of management& arrange for follow up using the specified flow sheets.
  3. Present cases in clinical rounds.
  4. Do and document in the patients record regular follow up visits including: clinical check up review of implementation and compliance with managements'(Nursing, Nutrition&medications).
  5. Execute tasks assigned to him/her seniors.
  6. Offer initial emergency managements for emergency and critical cases and ask for help.
  7. Contribute in solving patients non-medical problems.
  8. Recognize the job description of other health team members and positively interact with& support them.
  9. Contribute to unit teaching activities& promote himself professionally.

Limitations on Authority:

The patient’s care is primarily the responsibility of your consultant. Whilethis may be delegated to you to varying degrees s/he must always be aware

of your service activity. Except in exceptional circumstances all majorclinical decisions must have the clear confirmation of the consultant. It isimperative that, when in doubt, you seek the opinion of the consultant orfrom other appropriate sources.

  • You are not allowed to issue a death certificate.
  • You are not allowed to fill in Criminal record (Form 8).

General Skills/Competencies

  • During internship the house officer must be signed as competent by an authorized supervisor or provide evidence of attending a recognized formal teaching sessions.
  • The consultant must countersign all competencies done.

Skill/Competency / Supervisor's Name / Position / Assessment Tool / Date
Professional Ethics
Bedside manners and communication skills
Taking proper history for various clinical conditions
Clinical examination
Basic clinical skills
Working in team
Confirmation of death
Basic life support
Offering emergency Management of critically ill patient
Giving oxygen
Effective suction
Using ambo bag
Fixing IV line
Introduction of N/G tube
Nebulizer use
Urethral catheterization
Subcutaneous injection
IV/ IM injection
Lumbar puncture
Blood transfusion: procedure and complications
Obtaining an informed consent

Competenciesskills in Surgery

Skill/ Competency / Assessment Tool / Signature
Understanding of indications of Surgery
Different surgical examination techniques
Management of Acute Abdomen
Offering Pre-& post-operative care
Post-operative complications management
Use of various instruments
Suturing wounds
Drainage of abscess
Chest tube (under water seal)
Haemorrhoidectomy& acute anal conditions
Introduction of Rectal tube
Hernia repair
Obtaining informed consent
Simple Fracturesstabilization& application of plasters.

Competencies and Skills in Obs&Gynae

Skill/Competency / Assessment Tool / Signature
taking proper obstetrics and gynecological history
perform obstetrical examination
per form gynecological examination
conduct antenatal visit including booking
Diagnose and manage normal labour
Suture episiotomy
understand mechanism of labour
Diagnose abnormal labour
Understand danger signs to mother and baby
Attend delivery of Multiple pregnancies
Caesarean section :-
  • Attend.
  • Assist
  • Perform under observation.

Attend Forecps& ventouse and breech delivery.
Manage obstetric emergencies: to EMOC standards:
APH, PPH, Pre-eclampsia& Eclampsia
Understand differential diagnosis and management
Of common conditions.
Evacuation of retained products
Management of Pregnancy with diabetes
Management of Pregnancy with heart disease
Management ofPregnancy with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
Management of normal puerpirium
Management of preoperative & postoperative patients
Drainage of vulvae abscess
Attend and assist in gynaecological surgery.
Advise and counsel on family planning
Obtaining of an informed consent

Competencies and Skills in Paediatrics

Skill/Competency / Assessment Tool / Signature
Considerate and sympathetic approach to child& family and use of good communication skills.
Taking a Paediatric History
Clinical examination including basic developmental assessment
Performing a competent neonatal examination
Assess growth using appropriate anthropometric tools and charts
Assess puberty in girls and boys
Ability to recognize sick children and life threatening presentation
Competently assess and intiate managmenet of newborns with birth asphyxia, RDS & other life threatening situations.
ability to initiate appropriate management plan for emergency and common problems
ability to formulate appropriate differential diagnosis
Ability to interpret routine blood tests and CXRs
Basic paediatric life support, (face mask ventilation and cardiaccompression & Neonatal resuscitation
basic airway management maneuvers
Intial management of convulsions.
Insertion of NG and Orogastric tubes
Urinary catheters
Use of photo therapy
Umblical catheterization ( observe, done under observation)
Intra – osseous line
Abdominal paracentesis& pleural tap (assist& done)
To attend:
-Bone marrow aspiration
-Liver& L.Node needle aspiration biopsy

Competencies and Skills in Medicine

Skill/Competency / Assessment Tool / Signature
History taking : with emphasis on relevant points, provisional diagnosis and management frame
Clinical examination:ability of conduction of systematic examination and identifying clinical abnormalities
Management of clinical emergencies: commonly presenting to the medical emergency unit.
Data Interpretation:
  • FBC, Biochemistry, etc
  • X-rays
  • ECG
  • Mantoux Test

Safe Prescriptions: knowing indications, contraindications, interactions, correct dosage and root of administration
NG tube placement.
Arterial stabs ( for ABGs if possible).
Perform ECG (whenever available)
Medical Record Keeping
Confirmation of Death
Urinary catheters
Peritoneal tap& pleural aspiration
Attend :
-Bone marrow aspiration
-Liver biopsy
-Lymph node biopsy

Other procedures and competencies:

(To be filled by the House-Officer and counter-signed)

Skill / Assessment Tool / Signature
A-Done by the house-Officer:
B-Assisted in doing:

TRAINEES Evaluation of the shift

Views expressed here are confidential and will not be revealed to your trainers. You may choose not to write your name.

Trainer Name: - ………………………………………………….

Hospital: -……………………………………………………

Specialty: -…………………………………………………….

Date of commencement of training: - …………………………...

  • Unit Composition:
  • Number of consultants……………………….
  • Number of registrars……………………….
  • Number of House officers………………………
  • Training site:
  • Inpatient:
  • Number of beds (Unit)………………………
  • Number of beds under your care………………………
  • Emmergency Unit:
  • Frequency:

OnceTwice More

  • Number of patients/ day…………………….
  • Number of beds:……………………
  • Unit activities:
  • Emergency admission:Yes No
  • Supervision:
  • Regular registrar supervision Yes No No
  • Consultant evening round YesNo No
  • Consultant on call back up Yes No No
  • Average number of patients/day:
  • Number adequate:YesNo
  • vacancy adequate:YesNo
  • Emergency Support&Equipments:
  • Equipments:

AvailableNot Available

  • Drugs& support:

AvailableNot Available

  • Back up units:
  • Blood bank
  • Laboratories
  • Radiology
  • Referred clinic:
  • Regular Not regular
  • Is it :UsefulNot useful
  • Number of patients per session……………………………….
  • Is the consultant available: YesNo
  • Inpatient care:
  • Consultant round/ week :


  • Registrar round/ week:


  • Discharge and Death sessions:


  • Teaching sessions:


  • Seminars/ discussion group:

DoneNot done