Hoffman-Fields --- Spanish I
week 36 – May 8-12
Course materials / links / handouts / lesson plans available online at http://www.quia.com/pages/ahoffmanfields/sp1
Monday, May 8
Topic/Objectives: Unit 5, Lessons 1 and 2 in text. (pages 246-297) The objectives in these lessons include: describing a house and household items, indicating the order of things, describing people and locations, and talk about chores and responsibilities. These objectives are accomplished using the verbs ser and estar, ordinal numbers, as well as Spanish vocabulary related to the topics covered.
In-Class Activities: Music Monday - “Hey DJ” by Wisin and CNCO. Define new vocabulary. Complete vocabulary puzzle. Google Classroom - nominate videos for the final 2 Music Mondays.
Handouts/Worksheets: Vocabulary List #10 and vocabulary puzzle
Homework: finish vocabulary puzzle if not turned in today.
Tuesday, May 9
Topic/Objectives: Unit 5, Lessons 1 and 2 in text. (pages 246-297) The objectives in these lessons include: describing a house and household items, indicating the order of things, describing people and locations, and talk about chores and responsibilities. These objectives are accomplished using the verbs ser and estar, ordinal numbers, as well as Spanish vocabulary related to the topics covered.
In-Class Activities: Presentation - review house-related vocabulary. Vocabulary worksheet “Did You Get It”? “Roommate Agreement activity - complete and turn in. Online Loteria game as time allows.
Handouts/Worksheets: Roommate Agreement; Did You Get It?
Homework: none
Wednesday, May 10
Topic/Objectives: Unit 5, Lessons 1 and 2 in text. (pages 246-297) The objectives in these lessons include: describing a house and household items, indicating the order of things, describing people and locations, and talk about chores and responsibilities. These objectives are accomplished using the verbs ser and estar, ordinal numbers, as well as Spanish vocabulary related to the topics covered.
In-Class Activities: “Miaucoles” internet meme. Review of house-related vocabulary - Google Classroom activity and Quizlet online activities to review vocabulary. Loteria online as time allows. Part 1 of create a house with roommate - floorplanner.com
Handouts/Worksheets: none - all online
Homework: none
Thursday May 11
Topic/Objectives: Unit 5, Lessons 1 and 2 in text. (pages 246-297) The objectives in these lessons include: describing a house and household items, indicating the order of things, describing people and locations, and talk about chores and responsibilities. These objectives are accomplished using the verbs ser and estar, ordinal numbers, as well as Spanish vocabulary related to the topics covered.
In-Class Activities: Review of house-related vocabulary - complete online activity posted in Google Classroom. Online Loteria game as time allows. Part 2 of create a house with roommate - floorplanner.con
Handouts/Worksheets: none - all online
Homework: study for quiz over house vocabulary
Friday May 12
Topic/Objectives: Unit 4 Lesson 2 in text. (pages 216-245) The objectives in Unit 4 Lesson 2 include: Describing places and events in town, talking about various types of transportation, saying what you are going to do, and ordering from a menu. These objectives are completed with the following grammar topics: using the verb “ver”, using the phrase “ir a” and an infinitive, stem changing verbs (o-> ue) and (e->i).
In-Class Activities: Review house vocabulary - Quizlet and Kahoot online games. Complete quiz over house vocabulary.
Handouts/Worksheets: none - all online
Homework: none
Content Standards for this week:Communication: Communicate in languages other than English. Grade 9 standards: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G7, H8, H9, I10, J11, J12, K13; Cultures:Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Grade 9 standards: A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, D6, D7. Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Grade 9 standards: A1, A2, B4. Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Grade 9 Standards: A1, B2, C3, C4, C5, C6, D7. Communities: Participate in multilingual communities and cultures at home and around the world. Grade 9 Standards: A1, E8, F10, G11