Meeting Purpose: Review of nominations for the Search Committee and selection of candidates to serve in the calling of a new bishop for the Diocese of Nevada.
Members Present: The Rev. Bonnie Polley, President; Dennis Kesner; Carole Hess; Christy Marks; The Rev. Marla Asson; The Rev. Pam Radke; The Rev. Canon Rick Millsap; The Rev. Nancy Janess; Leah Negrete; Leonard Baca; Carol Moore, Secretary
Members Absent: The Rev. Rafael Pereira, Treasurer
Guests: The Rev. Shannon Leach; Steven Sims, Diocesan Administrator and Communications Officer; The Rev. Dr. Gary Butterworth, Consultant for Search and Transition
- Opening Prayer: The Rev. Shannon Leach
- Minutes of September 10, 2017: Carol Moore
Carole Hess moved that the minutes of September 10, 2017 be approved. 2nd The Rev. Nancy Janess. Motion Passed with none opposed and none abstaining.
- President Bonnie Polley led a discussion regarding the selection of candidates for the search committee. All nominees completed their paper work and all were considered. Our consultant, Gary, gave input of a general nature and others reminded us to consider diversity, gender, and mission district representation. Five lay persons and five clergy persons were selected to serve on the Search Committee as follows:
1)Robin Powers -Trinity, NW
2)Mark Koppe- St. Paul’s Elko, Frontier
3) Frank Cornett-Christ Church, SW
4) Wayne Adams - Grace in the Desert, Southern
5) JeffColman-Epiphany, Southern
Alternate: Carola Wittman- Grace in the Desert, SW
1) The Rev. Trudy Erquiaga – Holy Trinity, Central
2) The Rev. Victoria Warren – St. John in the Wilderness, NW
3)The Rev. Mike Margerum – St. Paul’s Sparks, NW
4)The Rev. Carol Walton – St. Timothy’s, Southern
5)The Rev. Michael Link – All Saint’s, Southern
Alternate: The Rev. Kim Morgan – St. Peter’s, NW
Bonnie Polley will call each person regarding their position on the Search Committee and follow up with a letter. All nominees will be thanked for their willingness to participate in the search process.
A Chairman for the Search Committee will be forthcoming.
Dennis Kesner moved to accept the slate for the Search Committee. 2nd The Rev. Pam Radke. Motion passed with none opposed and none abstaining.
We reviewed The Charge to the Search/Nominating Committee. Discussion followed.
Standing Committee directs Search on how many candidates to present to Standing Committee for consideration. Generally, it is 3 – 5 candidates. Standing Committee also gives the Search and Transition Committees a budget to work with and comes up with the compensation package for the new bishop. Note: The Episcopal Diocese of Nevada has budgeted $100,000 for the calling of a new bishop.
- Date and Place for Retreat:
The dates chosen are November 3rd and 4th in Las Vegas.
Christ Church has offered meeting space.
Friday evening would be a social time where we gather for fellowship and time to get to know one another. Place to be determined. Saturday 8 AM to 4 PM the business of a search. After a brief charge of duties with our consultant there is a liturgy and lunch. Standing Committee leavesand Gary spends the afternoon with the Search Committee.
In the afternoon the Standing Committee will meet to come up with budgets and a compensation package for the new bishop. Gary recommends that we model it after the package presented to Bishop Dan taking into consideration best practices in a 2016 report on Bishop Compensation.
- Closing Prayer:
The Rev. Canon Rick Millsap
The next meeting of the Standing Committee will be a working lunch at the Diocesan Convention on October 6, 2017 at Circus Circus in Reno, Nevada.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol C. Moore, Secretar