National 5 Course Planning
Activity: ______Basketball______
Main Focus (Fitness, Skills or Tactics): ______Tactics______
Outcome 1:Suggest 2 methods you could use to identify factors impacting on performance (methods of gathering information) / Video – Initial data
Observation schedule with focus on Fast Break
Suggest 2 approaches to develop performance (methods of training/
practice) / National 5
Decision marking in fast break/ role specific
3 v 0
3 v 1 (passive)
3 v 2 tandem defence (passive and active)
5 v 0 walk through then run through
5 v 2
5 v 5 defenders chase from baseline after the rebound
Conditioned games
National 4
Focus on layup progressions (see skills sheet)
Outcome 2:
Suggest a method which could be used to record and monitor training. / Observation schedule on fast break
Statistics on how many times fast break is run during a game. How many baskets scored during fast break and how many lay-ups scored in game.
Outcome 3:
Suggest a method which could be used to review performance. / Video analysis
National 5 Course Planning
Activity: ______Basketball______
Main Focus (Fitness, Skills or Tactics): ______Fitness______
Outcome 1:Suggest 2 methods you could use to identify factors impacting on performance (methods of gathering information) / Initial Data: Collect evidence on ONE player during a competitive Basketball match using observation schedule on pace:- walk/jog/half pace/sprint.
Results should show speed to be the weakness.
Focussed Data: Use standardised fitness test focussing on Speed i.e. 35m Sprint Speed Test (
Create our own Sprint Test (20m?) and compare results as there is no S.F.T.
Suggest 2 approaches to develop performance (methods of training/
practice) / Interval Training:
1) 20m max. sprint x 8 – 30 seconds rest in-between each rep.
2) Running the Lines – Free throw – half way line – free throw line – base line (lots of rest).
3) Reaction Speed Drills
- lying down/facing other way
- Change direction during sprint
- Rats and Rabbits
4) Resistance – parachutes/tyres/harness
Outcome 2:
Suggest a method which could be used to record and monitor training. / - Repeat of Focussed Data (mid-test and final test)
- Training Diary (monitoring sessions)
Outcome 3:
Suggest a method which could be used to review performance. / - Initial Data Repeated.
National 5 Course Planning
Activity: ______Basketball______
Main Focus (Fitness, Skills or Tactics): ______Skills______
Outcome 1:Suggest 2 methods you could use to identify factors impacting on performance (methods of gathering information) / Data Collection:
- (Initial Data) Match Analysis
- (Focussed) Observation Schedule (movement analysis – weak handed lay up)
(Use of ICT – video analysis, Ipad/tablet device etc)
Suggest 2 approaches to develop performance (methods of training/ practice) / Using Stages of Learning Model –
- (Planning Stage – Shadow practice/Gradual build up)
- (Practice Stage – Pressure practices)
- (Automatic Stage- Use of conditioned games)
Outcome 2:
Suggest a method which could be used to record and monitor training. / Training Diary – (Video Diary) – links to portfolio for assessment..
Factors to be considered/included
- Success rate
- Motivation
- Feelings
- Goal Setting
Outcome 3:
Suggest a method which could be used to review performance. / Data collection:
1) Match analysis – confirm development points. Video (ICT)